Boycott the American Economic Association
Elites have failed the economics profession. Don't reward their incompetence by giving them any money.
I have never been a blogger who blogs about Covid, it just isn’t really my schtick.
I sat silently on the sidelines during the entire pandemic, happy to watch other bloggers fight each other over masks and vaccines. This week, however, was my breaking point, I guess, when I made the editorial decision to report on booster mandates at Western University:
Just like booster-mandate-drama at Western boiled over into a lawsuit, booster-mandate-drama in the economics profession is reaching its own apogee.
The American Economic Association (AEA) just announced mandatory booster shots and N-95 masks for those who wish to attend their annual meeting in New Orleans on January 6-8, 2023.
ASSA 2023 isn’t just some random conference!
The reason ASSA is such a big deal is that economics professors have built themselves a centralized clearinghouse where the demand side and supply side of the Econ PhD labor market meets once per year, and every employer is supposed to play by standardized rules.
Candidates for tenure track jobs are interviewed at the ASSA meeting in January, after which successful candidates are invited to the “fly-out” stage of the interview.
Because of this system, which revolves around the annual ASSA meeting, the Econ PhD job market has historically worked better than essentially any other academic market in terms of match quality, speed, low cost, etc.
In January 2023, only woke economists will be allowed to attend ASSA.
“Woke” is a crude word, sure, but I think it is accurate since these are indeed woke political activists; Covid hasn’t been about “public health” for a long time now. Wake up.
The point of this booster mandate is to filter out non-woke economists from the economics profession. They aren’t doing this by accident. AEA leadership are slick, woke, conniving political operatives with extremally high-IQs — it seems like half of them eventually go on to win the econ Nobel prize. Don’t put it past these snakes to attempt to shape the future of the profession to their political liking… they probably even call their manipulation something autistic like “nudging.”
These neurotic freaks are sick in the head. Your medical autonomy is a joke to them — something to be gamified; a lever to pull; a knob to be twisted; a vice to be turned to inflict maximum control. Don’t let President-Elect of the AEA Susan Athey make your medical decisions for you, for she is no better qualified to dictate “Covid science” than any randomly chosen cashier at McDonalds.
Even a McDonald’s cashier can see what the AEA cannot: that the the mRNA injection doesn’t work. The booster shot does not stop transmission.
It’s really as simple as that, and everything else is noise.
The whole point of vaccine mandates is to stop transmission, but the vaccine doesn’t stop transmission.
Anyone who is still pushing booster mandates at this point is 100% brainwashed, their minds have been broken by cognitive dissonance because they can’t handle the failure. It’s amazing how hard it is for some people to accept failure. It’s like it just doesn’t compute. The vaccine has failed, and you are seeing its failure in real time. How many other vaccines do you know that require 5 doses to “function properly” and then don’t even function properly? When has that ever happened before?
How many boosters will it take? When will enough be enough?

Worse than being useless, the booster may or may not make your heart explode.

EJMR was the first place to grumble about AEA’s new booster mandates.
Following this EJMR grumbling, economists took to Twitter en masse.

Finally, I will single out Toni Whited, arguably the most powerful person in the finance academy, because her “eugenics” take is the most histrionic of all.

Her tweet got its own EJMR thread:
Toni Whited is the editor-in-chief for the Journal of Financial Economics (JFE), so I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to plug my article about JFE’s corruption.
My advice to TW is to look at JF as an example for how to behave ethically.
Joshua Gans, a professor at the University of Toronto, wrote his own Substack article about mandates at ASSA:.
His Substack article caused a whole twitter dustup of it’s own; and he seemed just a little *too* happy with himself for being featured on Marginal Revolution.

There is a reason Dr. Gans uses that cute little cartoon avatar to represent himself on Twitter.
I imagine this is what his soul looks like, too. A man's face is his autobiography.
It is worth speculating as to whether or not he wants to force everybody else to wear a mask because his own face is so off-putting — if he forces everyone else to wear a mask, he will be equal to them. It’s like a Harrison Bergeron*** thing, I think.
*** "Harrison Bergeron" is a satirical dystopian science-fiction short story by American writer Kurt Vonnegut, first published in October 1961. In the year 2081, the 211th, 212th, and 213th amendments to the Constitution dictate that all Americans are fully equal and not allowed to be smarter, better-looking, or more physically able than anyone else. The Handicapper General's agents enforce the equality laws, forcing citizens to wear "handicaps": masks for those who are too beautiful.
All I am saying is that physiognomy matters. If Josh Gans were 6’3’’ with 11% bodyfat and a full head of hair, he would be vehemently against mask mandates.
Lost in all this is the idea of natural immunity. Most economists have already been infected with Covid once, if not multiple times.
An economist with the first 2 doses + natural immunity has stronger protection than an economist with 3 doses + no natural immunity. Yet the former is banned from the ASSA conference, while the latter is not, proving once again that these booster mandates are not about “health” or “science”; they are a purely political game.
Unboosted economists are not even offered the opportunity to obtain a booster waiver upon showing a positive antibody test, which is a policy that would at least make sense if you are going to implement booster mandates for health reasons. This lack of accommodation for natural immunity shows once again that this is all Kabuki theatre.
Finally, I would highlight An Open Letter to the Directors of the American Economic Association, which is copy-pasted blow in its entirety. “It makes me weep for my profession,” the letter starts:
The letter ends by signing off as the “Chair for the Study of Free Market Capitalism.”
“Free market capitalism”? Sounds like a right-wing extremist dog whistle to me. Better institute a 4th and 5th booster mandate at next year’s 2024 ASSA meeting to keep more chuds like this out of the profession, just to be safe. What will the chumps say — ‘yeah I took 3 boosters, but booster 4 is where I draw the line.’ Hah! Of course not. We’ve got them by the balls.
For the greater good, of course.

Don’t you get it yet? Woke economists are literally godless communists. First they will seize what remains of the economics profession (like they seized sociology and political science), then after seizing economics they will seize the rest of academy. Then they will seize control of the means of production.
You can’t give these commies an inch, or they will take a mile. You must fight them tooth and nail on every little mask mandate, every little mandatory pronoun, every little censorship, and every little mandatory DEI training session. The long march through the institutions*** is very real, and they are winning.
*** The long march through the institutions (German: der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen) is a slogan coined by Communist student activist Rudi Dutschke around 1967 to describe his strategy for establishing the conditions for revolution: subverting society by infiltrating institutions such as the professions.
Boycott the AEA 2: Electric Boogaloo
Believe it or not, the booster scandal isn’t even the first big scandal to explode over the ASSA 2023 meeting. In June 2022, after Roe V. Wade was overturned, thousands of academic economists took to twitter with their hot takes.

Following the initial outcry, a petition was circulated demanding that the American Economics Association (AEA) ban Republican states from hosting AEA conferences.
Here is the petition:

I have many issues with this petition, but my first thought is omg lol why they would boycott New Orleans over abortion? The city is like all democrat and all black, lmao. It doesn’t make any sense.
The elites at the AEA are so out of touch. First they punish the city of New Orleans over abortion, then they make a stand in NOLA over vaccines despite the fact NOLA is probably the state that cares the least about Covid — only 23% of locals are boosted.
The abortion petition failed, thankfully, and the AEA refused to move the meeting from New Orleans. At least the economics association isn’t as captured as the political scientist association is… yet. The association of political scientists took their own brave stand against abortion in June 2022, displaying this on their website masthead:
Registration for ASSA 2023 will open in 2 days from now, on September 6th.
There are thousands of economists reading this right now.
Don’t register for ASSA 2023, and don’t renew your AEA membership.
Make this their worst attended and shittiest conference ever.
Spend your research/travel budget elsewhere.
The future of the job market for Econ PhDs is increasingly decentralized.
The AEA is slowly dying.
Stop paying them patronage, and they will die quicker.
If you are a PhD student who just spent 6 years in grad school and needs to attend ASSA 2023 to get a job, I have sympathy for you. You shouldn’t boycott this conference. My serious advice is to go out and buy a fake vaxx card. If you are a grad student at the AEA, you are smart enough that you can figure out how to get a fake booster card. They aren’t that hard to find.
I am so glad not to be involved in the academic job market now. Not only wouldn't I be allowed to attend interviews at AEA, but trying to find a school that didn't demand jabs and DEI loyalty oaths is just about impossible.