Following huge interest in these two articles…
… I am thrilled to announce an interactive Twitter Space session scheduled today at 4:30pm EST. Everyone is cordially invited to join in the discussion at:
Florian's presentation will be livestreamstreamed on the NBER YouTube channel, where we can all watch it together with our popcorn and comment together in real time:
Please share the link to the Twitter Space with anyone who might be interested:
Reminder, Karlstack is split up into 5 sections: Academia, Politics, Crypto, Economics, and Personal. To opt-out of “Academia” (e.g. if you only care about crypto) you can click the “Settings” button (at the top right corner of your screen) and then click “Manage Subscriptions.”
And so the Fourth Reich starts. And not a single shot was fired.
Cute idea. I've never been to a seminar by Ederer, and this is more interesting than his common ownership stuff, I think, so I hope to make part of it, but I'll have to see if I get home in time.