EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Document Proves Dean of Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences Swept Fabricated Data Under the Rug
Covering up research misconduct is itself research misconduct, as per Harvard's policy on research integrity
For full context, here is a previous story I published showing a fabricated data investigation that Gay swept under the rug:
Not only is Claudine Gay the the Dean of Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard, more importantly, she may be the presumptive next President of Harvard, set to replace outgoing President Larry Bacow.
Just last week, the Crimson ran a story setting the stage for a Claudine Gay presidency… this headline was perhaps her “soft launch”:

I can’t stress enough how much of a tragedy a Claudine Gay presidency would be — this musn’t be allowed to come to pass. She will ruin Harvard. She’s an intellectual lightweight (her entire body of critical race theory “research” is flawed and/or fake), a far-far-far-left DEI activist, and corrupt as hell.
If you're unfamiliar with her intellectual dishonesty, incompetence, and abuses, a good starting place is here:
Claudine Gay personally led the witchhunt against Roland Fryer, for no other reason than that his research agenda directly contradicted her research agenda.
Purely out of spite.
Here is a screenshot of the document leaked to me today by an anonymous source.

The first thing you will notice about this document is that Claudine Gay’s name does not appear anywhere on it… but she saw it, and she was the one who signed off on it it. As per Harvard’s Procedures for Responding to Allegations of Misconduct in Research, “The Dean shall be fully informed of the steps to be taken, and the information on which the steps are based.”
That, plus, a Harvard spokesperson acknowledged to Karlstack that Gay had seen the report and decided it should be "readily dismissed." At the time they refused to elaborate on why it was dismissed. "No comment," the Harvard spokesperson told me.
But now I finally have proof of what their justification for dismissing it was: it “does not fall within the purview of the Standing Committee for Professional Conduct.”
Hmmm… really? It doesn’t fall within the purview? Let’s compare the Committee on Professional Conduct’s statement with Harvard’s policies on research integrity.
Harvard policies: "The Standing Committee on Professional Conduct (CPC) handles allegations of research misconduct involving FAS investigators."
Harvard CPC: "Allegations of research misconduct by FAS faculty members do not fall within the purview of the CPC."
It sure looks like it falls within the CPC’s purview.
So why did the CPC dismiss it as “not within our purview”?
To sweep it under the rug…?
Almost as if they know Ryan Enos is guilty of fabricating his data, and they knew that if they investigated him they would have no choice but to find him guilty.
The dagger is that, upon dismissing it as “not within our purview”, the CPC never referred it to the appropriate body to investigate. The matter of Ryan Enos’ fabricated data was simply dropped.
This is a procedurally illiterate justification; in jurisprudence and legal practice, false exculpatory statements such as this are often treated as potential evidence of guilt. Pretty damning that they went with a boldfaced lie to avoid triggering an investigation.
A matter of “the cover-up is worse than the crime.”
Now we have irrefutable proof of the cover-up.
What next?
We were promised an actual FAS dean search in 2018, and instead Bacow let himself be manipulated by another corrupt administrator (Michael Smith) into breaking his commitment to Harvard, and appointing Gay. Because of that several members of the Harvard community have suffered injustices and abuses, and all were affected by the reputational damages from all these corruption and research fraud scandals.
Bacow needs to urgently fix his mistake, place Gay on administrative leave (pending a full investigation into her fraud and abuses), and appoint an interim FAS dean with no ties to the Gov, Soc, AffAm Studies, or CS departments (or Smith and Gay). A proper FAS dean search should be conducted in parallel with the presidential search.
If Bacow remains weak, passive, ineffectual (or worse, if he turns out to be complicit and corrupt) and fails to take action and investigate Gay (and Enos of course), the Board of Overseers should remove him before July, with no financial, pension, or other benefits accrued from his presidency, and no possibility to seek emeritus status.
Here are some email addresses you can contact if you are a disgruntled Harvard alumni or faculty:
It might also be worthwhile also to email president@thecrimson.com or news@thecrimson.com or managingeditor@thecrimson.com, and the Harvard Graduate Students Union (UAW) at hgsu.general@gmail.com so they can organize action to pressure Bacow and Garber to act on the Enos/Gay misconduct.
Please share this article with Harvard alumni.
Finally, since I quit my job at the Daily Caller to break this story, Substack is my full-time job now. If you want to support my investigative journalism, please consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. The more subscribers I get, the more corruption in academia I can expose.
Outstanding work. If Gay became Harvard's president, however, it wouldn't actually ruin the place - it would be the final nail in the coffin.
As I was reading this I kept thinking “so what if Harvard goes away? Zuckerberg and Gates did OK without completing Harvard.”
Maybe it’s time for a new golden standard?