Lisa Cook’s nomination to the Fed Board is being voted on by the United States Senate this week, or sometime soon. I am not sure when exactly the vote will take place. I have covered her fecklessness extensively — my article Biden’s Fed Nominee Lisa Cook Criticized For Being Unqualified, Embellishing Resume was even featured on Tucker Carlson Tonight, the most-viewed cable news show in America. Watch this 3-minute clip:

Following my article, Cook’s only respectable publication (which was already thoroughly debunked and shown not to replicate by economist Michael Wiebe) was further found to have more glaring fatal flaws by some internet sleuths:

These flaws were subsequently covered by the Daily Caller:
And further covered by the inimitable Steve Sailer. Whatever you may think of him, he is extremely high-IQ, and nobody has been able to substantively refute any of his points. He absolutely eviscerates her fraudulent paper in a series of detailed articles:

It is also worthwhile reading this EJMR thread :
And especially this thread from her anonymous colleague:
The dagger in the heart of this paper was then University of Chicago macroeconomist Harald Uhlig who buries it beyond any shadow of a doubt in a blog post. Thank you Harald for having coverage. The econ profession needed someone credentialed and credible with a backbone to stand up. Every other tenured macroeconomist who stayed silent should be ashamed of themselves.

Uhlig then published an op-ed in the WSJ explaining why Cook is a partisan hack:
Why is her debunked paper so important? Because her boosters pretend that her qualifications are better than they are. This includes her fields of expertise, the quality of her research, the nature of her policy experience, and her employment trajectory as a professor (such as describing her visiting position at Harvard as having been an Assistant Professor at Harvard).
She is portrayed by Democrats as some sort of macroeconomic genius. But the reality she is a midwit with a penchant for lying and scheming. Oh, and she isn’t even a macroeconomist.
The Tenure Packet
So, what is in her tenure packet? Honestly, the biggest surprise was that it wasn’t just BLACK LIVES MATTER repeated hundreds of times:

Okay, no, seriously. What it does show? Well, it is heavily redacted but you can still glean some important things. Here are my main takeaways:
She got tenure despite her research record, not because of it. The tenure packet emphasises her teaching ability and downplays her research.
She would not have gotten tenure without her now-debunked paper which I mentioned above. It played a key role.
Her tenure packet lists her AER P&P as an AER, with an asterisk indicating it is peer-reviewed.
A rather interesting observation from the packet is that every letter writer recognized her as an econ historian, not a macroeconomist or an international economist, which she self-proclaimed to be in a confirmation hearing. Even her own research statement ("Why and how do institutions matter for economic growth? My research agenda examines this
question that has witnessed a revival of interest among economists in the last two decades.") is a lot different from what she said in the hearing ("I specialize in managing financial crises.")Her own econ department likely voted against tenuring her — why else would they redact this column below:
So…. she is not good enough for the Michigan State economics department — a mediocre department in terms of ranking — but she is somehow good enough for the Fed Board? Talk about a blackpill. There are plenty of accomplished black women economists who are humble and truthful and would serve on behalf of working Americans with integrity. Lisa Cook is not one of them. She is not a good scholar, heck, she is not even a scholar. She is a partisan activist.
Why am I leaking this document? I love economics, and her nomination destroys the reputation of the field. Lisa Cook is underqualified, she faked her only good paper, and history shows she is very much at ease with falsehoods. Integrity matters. There was a time when a lack of honour disqualified a man for office. Hence, I morally object.
You're not an investigative reporter. You're a shitty partisan hack with an agenda to back right-wing, misogynistic extremism. Are you going to get some big reward for the shit you peddle?