Yesterday, Substack released their new Twitter competitor, Notes.
I have been using it, and would love for you to join me.
How to join
Head to or find the “Notes” tab in the Substack app.
As a subscriber to Karlstack, you’ll automatically see my notes. Feel free to like, reply, or share them around. If you encounter any issues, you can always refer to the Notes FAQ for assistance.
While getting my feet wet with the Notes beta, I figured I may as well turn on Chat while I am at it. Join my subscriber Chat, and we will see how that goes.
I am still trying to wrap my head around these new features, Notes and Chat, so I have no hot takes yet, I will reserve my judgement.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
There are too damn many information input pathways in the modern world. Just sorting the wheat from the chaff (there is so much of both) is a job of work, and much of the wheat will be missed.
So far, notes has ruined Substack for me. If I wanted a conveyer belt of stuff, I would have tried the twit. If I could figure out a way to turn Notes off, I would.