I wrote this article 11 months ago:
At the time, I thought the Canadian Green Party had hit rock bottom: they were bankrupt, bleeding members, bleeding donors, leaderless, besieged by lawsuits, and coming off their worst electoral defeat in decades.
Here is how that article concluded:
I regret to inform you that the opposite of a “strong, charismatic leader” has now emerged.
Enter Amita Kuttner
In 2021 the Green Party elected Amita Kuttner as their interim leader.

Kuttner is a a 32-year old pansexual nonbinary with a PhD in astrophysics from UC Santa Cruz. Kuttner currently goes by they/them pronouns, but it depends on how Kuttner feels on any given day.

I hate to make pronouns such a central part of the story, but the Green Party is currently melting down over pronouns, so it’s kind of unavoidable. That is the essence of the Canadian Green Party; quintessentially small people with small minds, obsessing over small issues. They don’t even seem to care about the environment anymore, which was always their only redeeming feature… they only seem to care about transgenders, Israel, and diversity. It’s more of a SJW social club than political party, a place for queers to hang out and virtue signal to one another.
Here is where I run into moral dilemma. You will notice that up until this point I haven’t used any pronouns… I have only referred to Kuttner as “Kuttner.”
On one hand, Kuttner has two X chromosomes. That should be the end of discussion, since individuals with two X chromosomes are female.
On the other hand, I have have a hard time looking trans people in the eye and calling them she/her when I know that they prefer to be called they/them. It feels like smothering a puppy to death. It’s cruel. I am a pretty confrontational dude, but even I have my limits.. I don’t have the heart for it. Trans people people are clearly suffering; 82% of them have considered killing themselves. These are tortured souls. What point is there for me to twist the knife in an already wounded soul? I don’t want to be a part of that suffering, nor can I help them. Being around them is such a buzzkill. It’s depressing.
So, I just avoid trans people. Honestly it’s a pretty 180 strategy. Any time in my life that I see a trans person at work, or on campus, or as my cashier (this is where I see them most commonly), or on the street or whatever, I just ignore them and walk the opposite direction. This strategy has worked flawlessly my entire life so far, and I don’t expect it to stop working any time soon.
What’s the alternative to avoiding them?
Looking them in the eye and twisting a dagger into their soul
Looking them in the eye and playing along with their delusion
I don’t have the stomach for either option.
If I were forced to pick the “less cruel” option, I would pick 1). It is much crueler, in the long run, to indulge the pronoun crowd in their delusions than it is to firmly tell them the objective truth: that there are only 2 genders and that you can’t switch genders. False empathy is no empathy at all. Playing along with their gender-bender delusions will only result in more generations of tortured souls, more generations of “gender-affirming double mastectomies”, more generations of child drag queens.
VOTE: Which pronouns should I use in this article for Amita Kuttner?
Reminder: Amita Kuttner’s preferred pronouns are they/them.
My guess is that Karlstack readers will vote ~80% she/her and ~20% they/them… but maybe I am way off base? Idk. Karlstack readership leans conservative/anti-woke, but there are also hundreds/thousands of progressive readers.
So, whichever pronoun I pick, I am alienating hundreds/thousands of people.
A real “Sophie’s choice.”
Some journalists are too cowardly to make this choice.
Take, for example, this National Post article from a few days ago by a guy named “Tristin Hopper.”
I notice in this article that Hopper refuses to use any pronouns for Kuttner. He simply refers to Kuttner as “Kuttner.”

By refusing to use Kuttner’s pronouns, Hopper says he is a “non-activist journalist.”

Thank god for objective journalists who have decided to abandon the use of pronouns!
Canadian conservative media is a joke — totally inept and toothless. This is literally an article from a conservative outlet in which the whoke point is to mock how silly pronouns are, while once again keeping the underlying premise -- that pronouns and gender are subjective -- at arm's length.
I suspect that Hopper refuses to "misgender” Kuttner because “misgendering” is considered a hate crime in Canada. If you “misgender” your child, for example, the Canadian government will 100% take your child away. The National Post could probably get sued or something for misgendering Kuttner; maybe Hopper could even lose his “journalism license.”

Thankfully, Substack is freer than the Canadian mainstream media. According to Substack’s guidlines they will only censor Karlstack if I “incite violence,” which I am obviously not going to do. I am free to use any pronouns I wish. Pronouns are not violence.
This is why SJWs hate Substack. They can’t censor or control it. They can’t force Substack writers to play along with their delusions.

I settle on using “she/her” pronouns for Amita Kuttner in this article, but I do so with a heavy heart. I have mixed feeling about it, but I have no other choice. I simply refuse to play along with they/them pronouns. I refuse to bend the knee.
This bug-eyed screenshot where Kuttner sees herself being referred to as she/her is now famous in Canada.
A certain segment of conspiracy theorists were sent into a frenzy by Kuttner’s lapel pin:

If you want to read more about this lapel pin conspiracy, here is a tinfoil-hat Substack explaining it:
After being misgendered by the Zoom caption, Kuttner immediately put out a press release complaining about the grave danger she was in.
“In moments like these I wonder — how can I ensure other people’s safety if I can’t even ensure my own?” read the release, before droning on about “systemic issue disproportionately affecting Black, Indigenous, and racialized people and 2SLGBTQIA+ people.”
This press release was then mocked by Jon Kay, a conservative Canadian pundit.

In an effort to “own” Kay, Kuttner then launched a fundraiser with the aim of raising “$1 for each of [Kay’s] 69,321 followers.”

Some thoughts on this:
10 days later, and this fundraiser has raised $250 out of the $68,321 goal… less than 1%.
The money is for.... what exactly?
Kuttner makes it sound like it will go towards protecting trans people (“Let’s platform anti-oppression”), but from what I can tell, this money is going straight to the “Burnaby North-Seymour Federal Green Party Association”
The scariest part of this tweet is where Kuttner writes “Apparently misgendering isn't oppression, someone should tell the Supreme Court of Canada. 😜”
This is a vicious legal threat.
She is saying that If you misgender her, she will send the full weight of the federal government after you as aggressively as she can. She WILL weaponize the government to compell you to use her preferred pronouns, or you WILL go to the gulag and have your children taken away from you.
The funniest part of this tweet is that after it failed so horribly, a few days later she tried to play it off like a joke… It was all a joke to “get free rent in the brains of the haters!” It was all a joke, guys! It was just a goof!

Following this failed fundraiser, the President of the party, an indigenous woman, resigned.
As did the the Ontario Representative seat on the Federal Council, another indigenous woman.

As did the Manitoba and Saskatchewan reps.

After these resignations, the party’s only two members of parliament, Elizabeth May and Mike Morrice, put out a statement calling for a “restorative process” to root out “harassment.”
Then they promptly threatened to leave the party and sit as Independents.
Then they promptly denied ever making this threat, despite the existence of leaked emails proving they did. All politicans are liars, even the green ones.
The Future
We have one final twist to this story.
Lost in all this shitstorm is the fact that the misgendering took place at the kickoff to the permanent leadership race — they were meeting on Zoom to replace Kuttner as interim leader.
Here are the six candidates: Sarah Gabrielle Baron, Simon Gnocchini-Messier, Chad Walcott, Anna Keenan, Jonathan Pedneault and Elizabeth May:
Here comes the twist. I love this part. It’s just too perfect.
Although there are 6 candidates running… when Green Party members vote for the next leader…. they won’t have 6 option… they will have 4 options on the ballot.
How is that possible? Glad you asked.
There are 2 dual-candidate running as co-leadership teams.
Imagine if Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump ran together to be co-POTUS; if Justin Trudeau ran with Chrystia Freeland to be co-leader of the Liberals; if Lizz Truss teamed up with Rishi Sunak to be co-leaders of the United Kindom.
This is fascinating to me because it is legitimately an innovative and groundbreaking approach to governing a political party — some political scientist somewhere should be studying the “Emerging Phenomenon of Co-leadership as it Applies to a First-Past-The-Post Electoral System.” Has this been done before? There is a free PhD thesis for someone on a golden platter. You’re welcome.
While it is innovative, it is also deeply, deeply retarded. This is why the party is failing. Everything they do, at every step of the way, is always stupid, flawed, pretentious hippy bullshit. This co-leadership structure is a disaster waiting to happen and is 100% guaranteed to blow up in their faces. They are sowing the oats of their future destruction and are too stupid and short-sighted to realize it. Their party is doomed before the next leaders are even elected.
Subscribe to Karlstack, I guess, to get an update on how exactly this co-leadership idea blows up in their face. I am betting it takes less than one year. My article will probably be called something like “The Corpse of the Canadian Green Party Continues to Decompose.”
Well, I was just gravely irritated by a guest post on Colin Wright's Stack referring to Dawn Ennis as "she."
Crushing puppies, aside, no one is helping Amita Kuttner by letting her continue to avoid the extremely necessary therapy people who love her would urge her to get. The circumstances of her mother's death and father's serious injury, when she was, I think, 15, are clearly part of the destabilization of personhood she's dealing with. I'm dead serious. My mother died at 87, after some awful medical mistakes and unspeakable suffering, and though I had a shall we say not entirely amiable relationship with my ma, the grief and pain took a long time to walk through. A teenager who was far from home at the time? A girl of mixed ethnicity who may have struggled with that as an adolescent and then any possible resolution of that superseded by something like this loss?
But indulging this lunacy is kind to no one. Remember everyone's favorite pet schizophrenic at Yale? https://www.nytimes.com/1998/06/19/nyregion/from-mental-illness-to-yale-to-murder-charge.html
This is what happens when everyone pretends that serious mental illnesses can be overcome by social acceptance and a loving relationship. I'd suspect that a lot of the trans crowd is just performative narcissistic jerking around of everyone else for power and thrills, but some people are desperately ill and demanding mutilations and medicalizations that will fuck up their lives forever. It's not just a matter of telling Billy that he carries off that dress better than anyone else could. Billy's being pushed and beguiled to destroy himself.
And with Canada, especially, but the US on the spectrum, of taking children from parents who refuse to go along with the scam, this is too urgent a situation to just say "let's be kind."
Let's be compassionate in the ways that actually mean something valuable to a person's need for help, and not coddling in their illness.
As an Old Green, it's a crying shame what the party has become. They've taken our most powerful tool - the full lifecycle environmental impact analysis - and tossed it in the trash in favor of carbon cultism. A crying fucking shame