The Slime Machine Targeting Libs of Tik Tok
The tale of how Taylor Lorenz was used like a puppet by German intelligence
I woke up last week to find that I had been namedropped in a New Yorker article called The Slime Machine Targeting Dozens of Biden Nominees.
Lisa Cook’s reputation was sullied enough that the Senate Banking Committee vote on her nomination resulted in a tie, with no Republicans supporting her. Cook’s nomination can still proceed to the Senate floor, but her confirmation remains in limbo, as one conservative news outlet after another repeats the A.A.F.’s talking points. A writer for the Daily Caller, Chris Brunet, said in a Substack column that Cook is a “random economist at Michigan State University who has shamelessly leveraged her skin color and genitalia into gaining the backing of several key White House officials.” Brunet tweeted proudly that his critique had been promoted on Fox News by Tucker Carlson.
— Jane Mayer, staff writer at The New Yorker

Jane from the New Yorker is calling me slime. Here is my official rebuttal to Jane from the New Yorker, in the form of a motivational quote:
I had actually been flirting with the idea of writing a long-form rebuttal since I was selfishly incentivized to grow my Substack subscriber base by glomming on to any New Yorker clout that I could. Plus, it would be easy to write, the New Yorker brand is literally synonymous with “snooty elitist douchebags” so I had infinite material to work with. So, I was already flirting with the idea of writing that rebuttal, but never actually got around to it. Then something even scummier crawled into my crosshairs… Taylor Lorenz.
If you already know who Taylor Lorenz is: you spend too much time online. Touch grass.
If you don’t already know who Taylor Lorenz is, bless your soul, here is a quick primer.
She is a spoiled 51-year-old WASPy white chick from Connecticut who grew up attending Swiss boarding schools and then spent the next several decades malignantly grinding away at The Daily Beast, The Atlantic, Business Insider, The Hill, Daily Mail, and the New York Times. She is currently a gossip columnist at the Washington Post where she reports on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, etc. The way she rose to the top of her field was by being the best in the world at what she does: manufacturing gossip and drama — she gins up outrage mobs and doxxes her enemies better than anyone else. The media machine promoted the fuck out of her all the way up to becoming Jeff Bezos’ personal attack dog knowing full well she's completely retarded. She's aspie as fuck, highly neurotic, completely amoral and unscrupulous. She's a moron stooge doing gossipy political shit everyone else in the WaPo newsroom wants someone else to do but not themselves.
Taylor made her bones as Global Head of Social Media at the Daily Mail, the #1 gossip rag in the UK, where she was reportedly responsible for a “huge stream of anti-Muslim/anti refugees alarmism.”

In addition to her reputation for hating Muslims, Lorenz has garnered a reputation for hating Jews.

Here is a true story: as I was getting ready to write this article, I texted a source in media, “hey got any dirt on Taylor Lorenz?” and they responded “Yeah the Charlottesville thing. Also, she hates Jews.”
I find this reputation hilarious because, in my eyes, she clearly doesn’t hate either group, she simply spews so much hate… every day… for decades… that every ethnic group under the sun inevitably gets its own allotted dosage of bile. She isn’t a bigot, she is just a psychotic careerist.
To that end, I guarantee you that Lorenz doesn’t care about LGBTQ+ issues either, her obsession du jour. She is simply a cold and calculating psychopath who has correctly identified that LGBT is the biggest stick that she can wield. All Taylor cares about is power, and there is no doubt that if she were German 80 years ago — as luck would have it, “Lorenz” is a German name — she would be strutting around, calling herself a journalist, and proudly doxxing Jews hiding in basements.
There are rumours floating around on Twitter that Taylor Lorenz is the granddaughter of Konrad Lorenz, a Nazi scientist who won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1973. I haven’t been able to verify this familial connection, and Taylor Lorenz has never publicly commented on it. I reached out to Taylor Lorenz to confirm if she was related to Konrad Lorenz but did not receive a response.
Lorenz has a tendency to exploit, groom, and doxx teenagers for clicks.
She has bragged that parents of these teenagers typically aren’t aware she is in touch with their kids, and that “I think it’s much easier for me to slide into these people’s DMs in a non-threatening way than from a male journalist in his thirties kind of DMing random teen girls. So I definitely use that to my advantage."
A huge stepping stone in Lorenz’s career was when in 2018 she tattled on a then-teenaged Mr Beast, the universally beloved YouTube star (he has 94 million subscribers) in a hit piece for The Atlantic designed to brand him as homophobic.

Lorenz’s article focused on a tweet he had made as a teenager:
Less than a year after she scored this bombshell “printer fag” scoop, Lorenz was promoted from The Atlantic to the New York Times.
Lorenz then famously groomed and mentored 15-year-old Claudia Conway (whose mother, Kellyanne Conway, was a Trump staffer) for Tik Tok fame even after Claudia’s father, George Conway, told her to desist contact. Lorenz claimed that she had done nothing wrong because she and Claudia were “mutuals” and that Claudia “literally talked to her about getting more followers.”
Claudia’s mental health was so badly damaged by being exposed to Taylor Lorenz that her high-powered political operative parents both quit their jobs to take care of their daughter. I guarantee you that Lorenz considers getting Kellyanne Conway to leave the Trump White House to be one of her greatest achievements. All it cost was the mental health of one lost teenage soul.

In 2017 an ISIS supporter from Boston, David Wright, was sentenced to 28 years in prison for plotting to behead a blogger named Pamela Geller. A Geller event was also the site of an attempted mass shooting. Why? ISIS had declared a fatwah on Geller because she was Jewish and had organized a Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest.
During the fatwah, Taylor Lorenz hunted down Geller’s four daughters on Instagram — who were not involved in any political activism — and doxxed them to the world in a scoop called The Instagram Stars Hiding Their Famous, Muslim-Hating Mom, Pamela Geller. There was no defensible reason for doxxing those Jewish teenagers to ISIS. Unless, of course, you hate Jews.
Speaking of fatwahs, Salman Rushdie is writing on Substack:
Another prominent example of Lorenz being a scumbag was when she accused billionaire Marc Andreesen (Substack’s biggest investor! And a subscriber to Karlstack! Hi!) of saying the word “retard.”

This was immediately proven to be wrong, and Lorenz deleted her tweet, but refused to correct it because "many in the room" heard Andreesen say the word. No other person heard it. This is Taylor manufacturing drama because she held a personal grudge against Andreessen, who had been blocking her.
So Lorez made a burner account specifically to circumvent his blocking, she hunted him down, and she maliciously made up a totally fake rumour about him. Upon being caught, rather than take any accountability, Lorenz scolded others to think more carefully about what they were saying and compiled a list of “harassment, abuse, extremism, disinformation” which she deemed “Clubhouse Moderation Issues and Incidents.”
Lorenz later published a piece about Clubhouse in the NYT, complaining that they are enabling “unfettered conversations.” Lorenz strongly believes that it is the role of journalists — philosopher-kings all! — to “fetter” any public discourse that may be a threat to the regime.

In 2018, Taylor Lorenz wrote an article proclaiming men's and women’s brains are biologically the same:
Apparently, she did not “trust the science” from the National Institute of Health.
Lorenz wrote this article first and foremost because she is low IQ, but also, to push the progressive talking point that there is no biological difference between men and women. Sexual dimorphism is fake! Taylor Lorenz routinely pushes such transexual propaganda to millions of people. She has 512,000 followers on Tik Tok alone, and many of her subscribers are children. Taylor Lorenz is grooming your child on behalf of legacy media.
At this point you might be saying to yourself: gosh, Taylor sure seems like she would be a terrible and toxic colleague that everyone hates. You would be correct. Ross Douthat, her old NYT colleague, threw shade at her as recently as four days ago, calling her most recent story “mostly Media Matters talking points” and “agenda-driven writing that no makes no effort at evenhandedness. [It is so bad it] could be assigned in J-schools!” It seems Lorenz burned some bridges at the New York Times.

Lorenz is currently facing a multi-million dollar defamation lawsuit from a Mexican-American entrepreneur named Ariadna Jacob.

From what I can glean, Lorenz went after Jacob because Lorenz had a financial partnership with “United Talent Agency,” (UTA) who were business rivals and direct competition with Jacob, and poached many of Jacob’s clients. Taylor wrote a glowing article about the UTA in NYT without disclosing that they represented her, then tore down Jacob in NYT hit piece, leaving her blacklisted and penniless. UTA rewarded Lorenz with a book deal. Actually, I don’t know if UTA necessarily rewarded Lorenz with a book deal or not. It seems that way, but we will have to find out in court.

It is also worth reading this long & detailed thread about another time Lorenz engaged in journalistic malpractice, in which she tries to defame a Jewish guy as an anti-Semite while also strongly insinuating that he is not Jewish. That to me is the most twisted and Lorenzian part of it. She does the things normal liars and manipulators do and then there is often a Lorenzian twist - some gratuitous and evil flourish.

This brings us to the infamous Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally of 2017 — you remember the tiki torches, right? In the future, just a few blurbs of the Trump era will be put into the history textbook, and this “attack” will probably be one.
I am certainly not going to defend the actual hateful retarded Nazis who were at this rally. I will however point out that the entire thing was obviously a psyop honeypot organized by the FBI/CIA, and that the pro-Antifa Charlottesville mayor set it up to promote maximum violence between the right and Antifa.
Here is the mayor of Charlottesville proudly tweeting out her shitty Antifa poetry:
Taylor Lorenz was at this “Unite the Right” rally and documented it first-hand when a car ploughed into a crowd of people and killed Heather Heyer. The driver of that car, James Fields, was eventually convicted of first-degree murder.

There are a few misconceptions about this convicted murderer. One of the main ones, which the media aggressively pushes, is that this car crushed Heather Heyer and left her as roadkill. This is not true. No blood, no contusions, no signs of physical trauma. Heather Heyer was simply standing near the car and suffered a heart attack. She would be alive today if she were reasonably disciplined/human-shape.
Don’t find this heart attack theory plausible?
Here is the last known picture of Heyer, holding a pack of Newport cigarettes. Her autopsy confirmed she was 4’11’’ and 330 pounds. Oh, and her mom says she died of a heart attack in an NBC interview. Yet if you dare bring up the fact she died from a heart attack rather than being crushed by a car, you are labelled a bigot.
Of course, her fatness doesn’t absolve the driver of the car. If she had a heart attack because she was in legit fear for her safety, then, it's also a criminal consequence (manslaughter?) but it goes to show how dishonest the media was about every single aspect of this case — they would have you believe Heather Heyer was a fit young girl who was crushed by a car when in reality the guy they charged with 1st degree murder didn't even hit her and her heart simply gave out.
This legal case eventually boiled down to whether or not the driver of the car was scared for his life and fleeing attackers, or was he intentionally trying to kill people. It is not immediately clear to me that he was trying to kill the crowd. For example, he braked right before hitting the crowd, which would stand in contrast to the case of, say, the Waukesha killer who accelerated and swerved through the crowd to maximize fatalities.
Fields maintains that he was fleeing Antifa who were attacking him and pointed a rifle at him, which induced a panic response. I think it’s pretty well documented that his car was surrounded by aggressive protestors and he was trying to get away from them, and it seems he was legitimately fleeing a crazy mob. Yes, he shouldn’t have gunned his car because that was reckless and he should have known that someone could get hurt, but I don’t think he was trying to kill anyone. So it’s manslaughter.
This is where Taylor Lorenz comes in. As this tragedy was unfolding, she was live-tweeting that “the car was covered in dents prior and apparently hit by a bat”, that Antifa was “chasing after a Lexus and throwing rocks and bottles” at it, and “several police officers at the station think the guy running people down wasn’t malicious. They said the driver was scared.” and that "the driver's car was being swarmed with violent protesters".
She even doubled down on the narrative that the driver was afraid for his life and simply trying to flee:
Her tweets didn’t agree with the narrative that the mainstream media wanted to push for the Charlottesville Rally, however, and Taylor is nothing if not a team player, so she covered it up. Lorenz deleted these exculpatory tweets, pretended she never tweeted them, and declined to ever speak about it. James Fields lost his court case and will die in prison.
Perhaps the worst of Taylor’s sins, however, is sloth. As exhibited by her disgustingly sedentary lifestyle:
I haven't ever seen anything quite like this. To put this in context, the average American (not exactly the pinnacle of health) walks 3,000 steps per day, while 10,000 steps are recommended. And you KNOW she has her phone glued to her hand 24/7 so it is not like it is forgetting to count steps.
In 2020, Taylor Forbes made Forbe's’ prestigious “40 Under 40” list.
The problem is that, again, Taylor is 51 years old. So Forbes called her up, asked if she was interested in being listed on their top 40 under 40, and she lied and said yes. There is something uniquely perverse about a journalist who makes her living violating the privacy of normal people trying to keep her own birthday private. Note how she lies down on her back in this video in order to minimize wrinkles (gravity helps stretch her face back) and uses several filters to make her look younger:

Also, she complains that air conditioning is sexist.
Sorry for the long preamble on Taylor Lorenz, but I felt it was necessary to flesh out her villain origin story so that you had the appropriate context for when I describe her next doxxing stunt.
The Doxxing of Libs of Tik Tok
The internet first became aware that a new Lorenz drama was brewing when Christina Pushaw, the Press Secretary for Ron DeSantis, tweeted out this email on April 18th. Pushaw’s crime was that she had interacted with the Libs of TikTok account over 130 times — mostly liking and retweeting.
Note that Lorenz gives Christina one hour to respond. This is a classics sleazy journalist tactic so that Taylor can technically write in her article that an attempt was made to contact Pushaw. It is wild that she is even dragging Pushaw into this — a naked attempt to gin up hype for her article because she knew that picking a fight with Ron DeSantis would maximize retweets. Pushaw fell for the bait hard, tweeting about the Libs of Tik Tok story for days on end and giving Lorenz tons of priceless national exposure.
Lorenz then proceeded to doxx Libs of TikTok in the Washington Post. “Meet the woman behind Libs of TikTok, secretly fueling the right’s outrage machine. A popular Twitter account has morphed into a social media phenomenon, spreading anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment and shaping public discourse,” she writes.

Lorenz justified the newsworthiness of revealing the name behind Libs of TikTok (who turned out to be an orthodox Jewish lady… so, right off the bat, Taylor Lorenz has put herself into a tight spot because she can’t call this person a Nazi) by saying "for all we knew, this could have been a foreign actor.” Foreign actor? Is Taylor Lorenz pushing the anti-semitic trope that Jewish people have dual loyalties?
A mere sixteen minutes after Lorenz’s WaPo article was published, Rolling Stone published their own contrived “reaction piece” where they drone on about how"Conservatives won't shut up about it.”
This coordination is an example of the progressive slime machine coalescing around Lorenz. In the 3 weeks leading up to this article, Media Matters published 4 articles on Libs of Tik Tok. As luck would have it, Lorenz then quotes the "LGBTQ director" at Media Matters in her article in an attempt to further justify the doxxing.
“Libs of TikTok is basically acting as a wire service for the broader right-wing media ecosystem,” said Ari Drennen to the Washington Post. “It’s been shaping public policy in a real way, and affecting teachers’ ability to feel safe in their classrooms.”

In addition to quoting Drennen in her article, Lorenz only spoke to two others: the ACLU (lol) and Tyler Wrynn, a former English teacher in Oklahoma. Here is Tyler Wrynn telling his students “fuck your parents, I’m your parents now.”

This is what Libs of Tik Tok does. It is a Twitter account that — as the name suggests — does nothing but repost videos that liberals have already proudly uploaded themselves to Tik Tok. It holds a mirror up to the woke, and, apparently, they don’t like their own reflection, because it makes them furious.
Libs of Tik Tok had 600k followers before being doxxed, and close to 1 million followers after being doxxed. Classic Streisand effect.

A weird twist to this doxxing is that WaPo denies that it ever took place. They released a statement defending Lorenz, asserting, "We do not publish or link to any details about her personal life" — despite publishing her full name, real estate license, address, occupation, and religion.
And then Lorenz went on CNN and said "We absolutely did not reveal any personal information about this woman at all, remotely."

But how did the doxxing happen, exactly? How did they find out the real name behind this anonymous account? Taylor Lorenz is a tech reporter with zero tech skills, obviously, so she wasn’t the one doing the leg work.
Buried in the article is a clue: software developer Travis Brown (who is working on a project with support from Prototype Fund, an organization that backs open-source projects) unearthed the account’s Twitter history and posted a thread detailing information about its profile changes. Oh, okay that makes sense. Travis Brown — a former software developer for Twitter — is the brains behind the operation, and he is simply using Taylor to take the heat. This explains a lot.
Who is Travis Brown?
When does a doxx become a doxx? What exactly constitutes a "doxx" other than sharing of personal information? When is information public, and when is it private? If you dig really, really, really hard to find any little crumb of information on a private citizen then eventually weaponize that crumb, at what point are stretching the definition of "publicly available?" At what point do you become a black-hat hacker?
These are evolving and murky legal questions and Travis Brown is an American Antifa operative, and former Twitter employee, who lives and thrives in this grey area. He doesn’t want to get in legal trouble, so he manipulates stooges like Taylor Lorenz to do his dirty work for him as a shield from scrutiny and liability. But make no mistake about it, Travis was the brains behind doing Libs of Tik Tok.
Here he is justifying his actions:
Let’s take a look at Travis Brown’s resume for the period 2011- 2020.
He hasn’t updated his LinkedIn in 2 years, and from as far as I can tell, this is because he is a full-time Antifa hacker dude now. He calls himself an “archivist” and in practice what this means is that he creates bots, scripts and automated code to compile databases and lists of anyone he deems an enemy of Antifa. That is his full-time focus. Creating lists, upon lists, upon lists. Brown then weaponizes these lists to attack anyone he possibly can. One of Brown’s many lists is the “Hate Speech Tracker,” a program whose explicit purpose is to aid Antifa extremists in tracking and archiving statements by its enemies and find “connections” between them to aid in doxxing.
“The Hate Speech Tracker is a set of composable software tools that enable people affected by harassment and hate speech on social media to record and share information about their experiences. Blacklists for Twitter and other social media platforms can be commented on and shared privately, connections between extremist-run accounts can be identified and cases of hate speech can be archived.”
— Travis Brown
This “hate speech” project violates Twitter’s Developer Policy, Developer Agreement, and Privacy Policy, but Twitter doesn’t care because Travis Brown *is* Twitter — or at least, he has connections there.
I reached out to many Twitter accounts listed in his “hate speech” database. Their responses are listed below, which in totality present a much more compelling argument than I could ever hope to write.

"By funding extremists who seek to undermine free expression through targeting whistleblowers and journalists, the German state is undermining its constitutional mandate of protecting liberal democracy. Unfortunately, I am not surprised that far-left extremism is tolerated, endorsed and even financially supported by taxpayers."
— Andy Ngo
“So I'm on the list? LOL. I don't even know this person, but he sounds unhinged. Cuban Jew on the official Nazi list. News at 11.”
— Antonio García Martínez (on Substack: The Pull Request)
"Many of the people on this list aren't even antagonistic. They simply don't follow a typical left-wing message and mode of thought. I'm not surprised I'm on this list, but that doesn't make it any more sensible. Also, it should be noted that many people on this list have a following. That is remarkably terrifying to people in control. Furthermore, many of our followings are not simply on Twitter. Simply by minding our business and NOT repeating the party line, a target ends up on our back."
— Ed Latimore (website:
“What Liberal-minded, decent people must understand is that Democracy is a political sham in the same way a 'water powered combustion engine' would be an engineering sham. Its rulers justify themselves based on the consent of the governed, but wish to forbid people from learning anything which could change their minds, thus endangering their power. Lorenz and her ilk in Journalism function more like a secret-police - their job is to suppress thought which threatens the regime, else propagandize for it. The German govt, which cooperates with US intelligence, funding the political intimidation of Americans is par for the course. It's not an aberration, it's how this machine works.”
— Indian Bronson (on Substack: Indian Bronson)
“The point of the hate speech list in my mind is to identify a collection of sub anonymous or fully anonymous people that don’t see the progressive world order as beneficial but also care about their livelihoods, friends, family etc. The point of doxxing is intimidation.“
“It would be the story of a lifetime if a direct link between US intel agencies existed between these sycophants. It would prove that anyone they don’t like who’s unable to be silenced by contemporary means is subjected to taxpayer-funded outsourced harassment in hopes they’ll deactivate.“
“I don't mind being on the list.”
— Lomez
“While this news is disappointing, it's unsurprising. Germany has long sought to silence those who could reveal their secret moon base and subterranean Antarctic space fleet. Free-thinking people must cast off the yoke of the rapacious Hun.”
“The consequences of the push for international communism are apparent to anyone with a pulse: rapid inflation, skyrocketing crime rates, low-T men, unfulfilled women, state-funded castration, a poisonous food supply and an embarrassing infrastructure. The accounts in this chart observe these effects and mock those responsible for it. Exposing these incompetent and vicious fools for what they are is now called “Hate Speech"; it makes complete sense that they want to shut us down. Also, I guess Travis Brown found out I rejected his mother’s aggressive advances in late 2012. If she’s cleaned up her act since then, my DMs are open.”
"It’s one thing for someone to be a creepy obsessive stalker - this has long been a problem on the internet - but it’s utterly bizarre to me that the German government would fund this sort of behavior instead of committing him to an institution where he could get the mental healthcare he so desperately needs.“
— Benjamin Braddock (on Substack: Ben Braddock)
“The moral authority of the liberal order has collapsed. The "hate graph" charts people who are trying to figure out how to create a moral order with defenses against being eaten by wokeness and communism - naturally, those who believe in the current ascending moral order see this as "hate"“
“Once again we see an avowed communist in loyal service to the technological liberal security state. Revolutionaries in name only, these cretinous dogs have and always will be the oligarchy’s most fervent and loyal servants. I can’t say I blame the Germany government, considering I don’t think they’re a truly independent state. Merely a loyal vassal of the American lead Anglo-sphere, their servile bleating doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. The best indoctrinated slaves fight hardest against their freedom, what is called Germany today is testament to that.”
“These people are losers. This sort of tracking would be scary if they weren’t so incompetent. The Democratic Party cannot survive without suppressing speech and cancelling people.“
“These lists and graphs serve to legitimize the securitization of anyone who vaguely disagrees with regime approved opinions. The hate speech map is made to transform ideas which may be stuck in the minds of left wing propagandists into observable (but made up) data which can be shared. The referent object, now considered an extraordinary problem, must be dealt with through extraordinary means. The end goal is government policy which punishes dissent and dissenters. This is why states fund this work—it sets the discoursive premise upon which the state acts. The list is pathetic and deranged.”
—Nim (on Substack: The Nimstack)
“It’s funny to find myself on this list with so many people who really have absolutely nothing to do with each other, other than the fact that they don’t 100% support whatever the modern progressive ideology requires at all times. The people making these lists claim to be such champions of “democracy”, but it’s clear there’s no way any majority supports them. What you have here is a foreign funded insurgency gathering a bunch of losers with some promise of meaning and power, playing off the fears of your everyday person who doesn’t want to be seen a bigot. They fancy themselves the underdog while they’re supported by every major institution in the world. It’s a Maoist struggle session aimed at shaming anyone and everyone who doesn’t submit. Except for in this case it isn’t a worker’s revolt, it’s lead by journalists and the PMC whose mental illness requires them to fight to see who can be the biggest loser so that they may be awarded status. They could never actually beat anyone on merit so they must resort to the strategy of middle school girls.”
“The list is a joke. It would mean something if there were names that actually spewed ‘hate’. Instead its of a collection of free thinkers who like to use Twitter.”
— Goldmund
“The funny thing about me being depicted near the center of the Spider Web of Hate, along with such nefarious characters as Spotted Toad, is that I'm close to being the least hate-driven pundit in American public life. By personality, I'm basically a mild staff guy who enjoys providing the decisionmakers (the American public in this case) with the data they need to choose wise, public-spirited policies. My priorities are posting things that are, in declining order of importance, true, interesting, new, and funny.”
“It is a privilege to be on a list with esteemed company such as Steve Sailer. The list may be useful as a way of finding new accounts to follow.”
“Berlin is under US GloboHomo occupation. It is only natural for them to parrot the paranoias of the Potomac regime. I, Utsav Sanduja, nom de plume “Darth Apu”, will always stand up for Nationalists whether they be in America, Europe, Russia, India, the Republic of China in Taipei, or anywhere else.”
“Travis Brown is a notorious creep with a long history of cyber stalking and doxxing people he doesn’t like on the internet. It’s too bad, but typical of clueless and hopelessly woke German government grant projects like Prototype, that they can be duped into funding the private obsessions and animosities of losers like this.”
— eugyppius (on Substack: eugyppius: a plague chronicle)
“I have about 10,000+ followers so it’ll be put on a list because one of my followers said some thing untoward‘s, and some thing that someone else got offended over seems quite honestly pretty fucking dumb to me.
It doesn’t bother me so much being put on a list based off of my personal opinion or political leanings specifically because I have no problem explaining them. However being put on a list because somebody follows with me implies association that doesn’t exist and is inherently dangerous to somebody’s personal security.”
— RedDevil (on Substack: RedDevil’s Newsletter)
"It almost seems a caricature of absurdity that a nationstate which has spent the last eight decades or so trying to recover from its tyrannical and murderous past is now involved in paying amateur political extremists to engage in sociopolitical profiling and blacklist making based solely upon the kind of rigorous research you'd expect from a talented 8-year-old, namely guilt-by-association sans any depth of analysis or investigation, but here we are.
While I can't speak to the hatefulness or lack thereof for most of the other members of this list (though, those I know personally are anything but hateful, except perhaps one who is now dead and is likely the cause of this list in the first place() I can certainly speak for myself, and what I can tell you is that my message and my agenda are the opposite of hateful. I LOVE my fellow man with all my heart.
However, I can definitely see why a nationstate might view me as a threat or even an enemy. I AM A THREAT AND ENEMY. You see, my message is one of personal sovereignty, of personal sacred practice and of personal responsibility.
My message says, ‘If you're looking for the answer to your problems, then go look in the mirror.’
Nations as a rule, an unbroken rule stretching back to the birth of the state, chart a course towards the destruction of personal agency. The centralization of power is as sure a rule as the corruption which comes with that convergence of power.
I stand in defiance of this trend.
If a man who seeks to build himself into excellence, to build his family and home into excellence and to create a surplus of resilience, good will and opportunity in his community is a hateful man, then it is only hateful TO the entities seeking to keep that man, his family and his community from reaching their potential. He is only hateful TO those who would cripple the agency that man was gifted with and born to emply. He would only be hateful the the enemies of mankind.
So, if I am on a state-funded list of those accused of "hate speech," and I am, then I would suggest that any and all scrutiny brought to bear should be pointed at those who made, funded and encouraged the making of the list in the first place.
It is they, the list makers, who have announced themselves as enemies of agency, of love and of mankind by including me on their list.
It's a choice they'll regret, because it only serves to amplify and legitimize my message to a much wider audience than ever before.
Every man should be so lucky as to have such foolish enemies.”
“There is an idea of a Surfbort Cowboy. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours, and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.”
“I think it's very revealing as to who the dissenting voices are in the modern world—leftists claim to be the underdogs every single day, yet here they are getting grant money from NGOs, corporations, and governments. And for what? To harass people who criticize the status quo and the beliefs of so-called "democratic" institutions. Leftists are nothing but useful idiots for the system they claim to oppose, and they work on its behalf to suppress the actual critics of the system.”
— Remnant (on Substack: Remnantposting)
”Oh this definitely seems like a thing the German government would fund, they really love to throw grants at anything if you sell it as vaguely anti-right wing.”
— Chairman of Spring Xi Jinping
“I find it funny that those who claim to be anti-fascist turn out to be fascists themselves towards those who hold opinions different to theirs. Former Bolivian VP Álvaro García said it best, "In Moments of Crisis, Behind Every Moderate Liberal, There’s a Fascist."
I follow many others who have showed up on this list, and I can easily say they dont fit the accusation of using "hate speech", a term used so commonly but loosely that it's lost its meaning. It's just another phrase used for stagecraft theatrical performance rather than to convey clear meaning. With minimal substantive meaning and clear definition, it's often used as a tool of Orwellian misdirection and lies. They are widely used as tools of propaganda and are particularly insidious when passed into law.
The German linguist Uwe Pörksen in his 1988 Plastikwörter: Die Sprache einer internationalen Diktatur (literal translation into English: Plastic words: The language of an international dictatorship) describes the emergence and steady expansion during the latter half of the 20th century of selected words that are incredibly malleable yet empty when it comes to their actual meaning. Plastic words have surreptitiously seeped into our everyday language and dictate how we think.
Sometimes specific phrases are launched by a particular event. Most seem contrived and programmed. In the current widespread and weaponized form it is used to demonize people deemed to be threatening to mainstream narratives and to close down rational debate. A more accurate description of those it is applied to would be “people who the NPC don’t like.”
It is my opinion in following the severely over-used employment of this and similar terms, that a forbidden fruit Streisand curiosity effect has set in, particularly with younger people. This works as free advertising and exposure for the targets of this plastic phrase. Accordingly the purveyors have had to up the ante and resort to shut er down censorship.
This in turn is facilitating burgeoning demand toward work around counter-platforms.”
“It is not surprising to find myself, or many of these individuals, on such a list. The authoritarian impulse to compile rosters of dissident voices and target them for punitive harassment or online pogroms is neither new nor shocking. And as with any such effort, there will (by design) be individuals who indeed meet certain rational criteria for spreading hatred, fomenting violence, or engaging in malign antisocial behaviors.
But that is only the first step. The second step is to cast the net as broadly as possible and so capture as many voices as meet the hidden criteria of needing to be muzzled for thoughtcrimes against the system. "Guilt by association" is the goal, however tangential or flimsy the connections may be.
Social media is the new public space, and an effort to target and silence the many by associating them to the sins of the very few is no different than a brutal regime dispatching police in riot gear to clear out peaceful protestors because one individual committed a pretextual crime.That a Western government might look at supporting such a project as being beneficial to the maintenance of power should be expected at this point in our history. That the United States government might be in alignment with that project is no less disappointing, or unexpected.
This is how regimes attempt to maintain power, but just as often, it's how regimes fall. In the end, we will burn the fields of our civilization because that is what humans inevitably do. But just as certainly, a remnant will rise who remembers the lessons of the past and begins the hard work of rebuilding the foundations of human liberty.
The darkness must always give way to the dawn.”— HUNTSMAN (on Substack: Human Terrain)
“The fact that a government, much more so a foreign one, is interested in profiling my tiny account based on tenuous connections to other personae non gratae and not on any actions of my own, only reinforces my belief in the illegitimacy of said governments.”
“A brief survey of US intelligence abuses warrants a serious look at these accusations. A connection between foreign targeting of American political dissidents on behalf of the USG would just not surprise me. If this is true, we demand another four years of comprehensive investigations to bring those responsible for this collusion to justice.”
“I think it's silly and it underscores how governments in the West increasingly work against their own people. The Biden admin and any future administration proactively seek to eliminate US grants that might be funding this sort of nonsense, because undoubtedly we are.
Whether this is government-wide through the Office of Management and Budget or through the State Department or USAID, or all of the above, it's clear we need to cut the funding--it might even be unlawful under our domestic law given the political targeting, as well.
I don't lose any sleep over it because thankfully I'm uncancellable, and have set up my affairs to be largely uncancellable, but I respect anonymous accounts as serving an important role in the ecosystem.”
— Andrew Kloster (on substack: Right From the Ground Up)
“All I really have to say is that the majority of the accounts on the "hate list" are promoting things like God, health/fitness/nutrition, strong families, beautiful/classic architecture and art, self-improvement, and being independent from the monolithic systems that control our society. It's very telling that the German Government, and whoever they're working with, considers those things to be hate speech.”
What I notice right away is that half these people are active on Substack. This is because they could be banned on Twitter at any moment, so they need a backup method to stay in touch with their network should that occur. Email inboxes are the original decentralized social media!

Publishing this many quotes in their entirety is something that is only possible on Substack. You can’t publish these 27 quotes from 27 separate people in legacy media; you would need to boil them down into two or three snippets to fit into your constrained little article. Substack is a much richer and more creative medium than legacy media which is why it is thriving and legacy media is dying. Please subscribe to Karlstack to receive my future articles directly in your inbox:
Let’s turn our attention back to Travis Brown. He is definitely Antifa, and constantly provides tools and lists for Antifa accounts involved in extensive doxing, harassment, cyberstalking, and career sabotage, including Salish Coast Antifa, White Rose Antifa, and ExposeDezNat (Utah Antifa is particularly bigoted towards Mormons).
Travis REALLY hates cryptocurrency and has slandered any crypto-themed twitter accounts he comes across with the pejorative "far-right".
His vector attack in this instance came from the fact that the @libsoftiktok Twitter account wasn’t created as a fresh account, but was a recycled account. The old account name was archived in Travis’ database and had a clue leading to the person’s real identity, so Travis followed this clue and eventually full-blown doxxed her. Let this be a lesson to all aspiring anonymous Twitter influencers: start a fresh account if you want to remain anonymous. Don’t recycle your old account, because if you recycle your old account, Travis Brown’s mass surveillance data project is watching you.
This surveillance project eerily reminds me of Chad Topaz’s mass surveillance project in which he built a database of non-woke mathematicians. I wrote about Chad Topaz a month ago:
As of 12 days ago, Topaz was fired from the William College math department.
Brown’s doxxing of Lorenz is backed by the Prototype Fund, a project of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany, an “independent not-for-profit organization.” If you look into the history of Prototype Fund grants, we’re talking about grants for software programs that help transsexuals train their voices, grants for menstruation tracking apps, etc. Basically, it’s a German government initiative to fund woke tech, and the grants are for like 50k EUR/ year: a massive leftoid make-work project. Here is the Prototype fund celebrating this successful doxx:

If you go up the chain, you will eventually find that the Prototype fund receives funding directly from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Meaning that Travis Brown is a man paid by the German government to target, dox, intimidate and harass the international left’s ideological enemies.
You have to wonder if the German government apparatus was prodded — or working in lock-step with? — US intelligence agencies. Was the US government shitting into the German government's mouth in this human centipede analogy? Probably. Maybe. Who knows.
When you see such “hacker groups” operate, they are not operating independently. They exist within an ecosystem where regime stakeholders can use cut-outs to do their dirty work. During the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the merc–, ahem, private military contractor Blackwater served a similar function for combat zones: Flexibility and plausible deniability. Now, the same goes for civil society. Nominally, the U.S. Constitution and the constitutions of its allies protect freedom of speech, and the government explicitly doxing its own citizens for dissent is unlikely to be popular. Rather than have government employees directly target dissidents (which does happen on occasion), it is much easier to quietly enable cutout “civil society organizations,” NGOs, and more — all funded by government yet insulated from any kind of accountability — to do the dirty work.
The Lorenz dox job exposes how this ecology operates. This is not simply the story of a deranged attention whore who went too far. This is a story of how the new Stasi operates: Energy flows from governments, to non-profits, to hackers, and finally to aged out journalists publishing hit pieces on dissidents in Jeff Bezos’s paper of record.
Let’s circle back to Brown’s LinkedIn page: one common trend is that all of his jobs involve a programming language called Scala. This includes his job at Twitter, where he worked for 2 years on “Scala open source projects.” This gets to his villain origin story — Travis Brown is a Scala developer gone mad.

It all started when Travis orchestrated this open letter:
Which in turn led to multiple allegations of abuse, bullying, career-sabotage and harassment by Travis. He is a well-known pariah in the Scala community. See:

The Takeaway
You might be tempted to think that Taylor Lorenz is the story here, and you are partly right. She represents unhappy childless women in their 40s and 50s everywhere — they don’t have kids of their own, so they feel the need take care of society. Society is their kid. Taylor Lorenz would dox the whole world if it would simply bring her the inner peace and intrinsic fulfilment that a family could.
But what happened to the woman who runs Libs of TikTok account was not the work of Taylor Lorenz... it was a foreign intelligence operation in support of a left-wing slime machine designed to silence and intimidate an American citizen. The bigger picture is that the entire media machine is captured.
Take for instance in 2017 when CNN tracked down the identity of a Redditor named “HanAssholeSolo.”
HanAssholeSolo’s crime was that he had made a popular meme about Trump. So CNN found his name, and published an article containing this blurb:
This Redditor bent the knee to the regime and apologized for making his meme, and CNN nonetheless “reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change." That is blackmail. The mainstream media is evil, and they will keep doing this until they face consequences. It is only a matter of time until they doxx the next person who dares create a meme that they don’t like.
This is quite a remarkable job, Chris.
I have only two questions, and perhaps they're trivial in the great sea of horrifying information you've assembled here, but:
How have you confirmed Lorenz's age? You've given the oldest number yet, and considering how many people loathe her, I'd think this would have been widely spread, if verifiable.
How did you verify that photo of Heather Heyer? That of course comports with many other MSM "this is what we want you to see but that is what this person really looks like," Where is the autopsy report available?
The strength of your work is its meticulousness. And of course for all the reasons well-displayed in this post, protecting sources is essential. But if you can speak a little further on how you confirmed these two details I'd be very glad to read it.
I think that you have written a roadmap for any attorney considering representing the doxxed owner of Libs of Tik Tok and possible defendants.