Western University Hit With Lawsuit!
a quick update on "Western University Goes Full Retard"
I ended my last article:
by saying:
I don’t know how this story will end. There is a chance the mandates could be lifted, and there is a chance Western doubles down and expels thousands of students.
One thing is certain — this story is not over! Classes start next week, and bigger protests are planned. Nobody is happy. Drama is brewing.
Here is the next update… breaking news!
Just a couple of hours ago, The Democracy Fund (TDF), a Canadian charity dedicated to upholding constitutional rights, announced a lawsuit against Western on behalf of 3 Western students.
This legal challenge argues that, “given the resumption of normality across the province, the lack of a vaccine directive from the provincial government, the lack of any other legal enactment or authorization to collect vaccination status, and the fact that other Ontario universities are proceeding without requiring disclosure of such information, Western's collection of private health information such as COVID-19 vaccination status is "unnecessary to the proper administration of a lawfully authorized activity" under FIPPA. The application will seek a declaration from the Court that Western's collection of private health information is unlawful and an injunction prohibiting it from doing so.”
The Ontario Superior Court of Justice will hear the case on September 9th — in 7 short days from now — so, if you are a student/faculty who is unsure whether you need to get boosted, wait until September 9th at the very least. The deadline to get boosted or be expelled is October 1st.
Lisa Bilby, who graduated from Western Law School in 1993, will be the lawyer arguing against Western’s booster mandates. Godspeed. To help in the fight against unconstitutional mandates, laws and government overreach, you can make a donation to support TDF.
Two days ago, Western’s own student government voted 53% in favor of keeping the booster/mask mandates, without even consulting the student body.

It is important to note that the Western student government is not a democracy, it is a republic! As per their website, there are 41 students councilors in the legislative body who represent 30,000+ students. Think about what type of person self-selects into running for student government: woke social climbers.

Of these 41 councilors, I found 30 of them on LinkedIn, and 8 had pronouns in their bio. These pronoun Judases sold out the medical autonomy of their fellow students for woke brownie points.
These are the future leaders of Canada.
If you want a picture of the future of Canada, imagine these chicks stamping on your face — forever.
A new poll says that 84.9% of Canadians do not add gender pronouns to emails or share at meetings, and 15.1% say they do. Of these 15.1%, 58.8% think it should be compulsory. Tyranny of the minority.
I can vividly picture any one of these shrews standing behind a podium, scolding me and calling me an extremist... you could swap any of them out with neofascist lesbian girlboss Karine Jean Pierre and nobody would even notice.

Even if this student government *did* represent the students’ views (they don’t) it would still be morally wrong to adhere to the student government’s vote to impose booster mandates on everyone else because this is tyranny of the majority.
When the woke are in the majority, they engage in tyranny of the majority, and when they are in the minority, they engage in tyranny of the minority.
Maybe they are just tyrants 🤯.
The fate of thousands of unboosted kids at Western University now depends on the outcome of TDC’s lawsuit. Western faculty won’t save them; administrators won’t save them; student government won’t save them; politicians won’t save them.
Only the law can save them.
To be concluded, in court, next week.