Great job covering the corruption in academia! The Erwin Cherminsky comments about secretly practicing anti-white racial discrimination is crazy, but not surprising. That scumbag is supposedly a premier constitutional law scholar -- he wrote one of the most famous hornbooks on the subject that first year law students use -- so he of all people should know how unconstitutional his discriminatory practices are (Berkley is a State school). That’s a communist for you, though. No morals aside from promoting his garbage ideology by any means necessary; no compunction about breaking laws, lying, cheating, causing harm and suffering to others, whatever will advance his demonic Marxcissist religion.
Your poll is missing "diploma or technical certificate." I've got two diplomas in ceramic and textiles design from a craft & design college. I don't fit in any of your education categories
You should take out hte "Shameful" on Peltzman. He just wants them to follow procedure. Here's what I wrote at Retraction Watch:
I know Editor Peltzman, and he’s a good scholar. Here, he’s just responding as economics editors commonly do, asking the critic to first contact the author and then write up the critique as a Comment or a new paper. An editor is like a judge; he doesn’t do the research or investigation; he gets other people to do it and decides who is right. So, the next step is to write the critique up into a paper. It looks like the hard part is done already. If the authors really need help, I can oblige, or somebody younger who needs the publication on their vitae may wish to volunteer. A JLE publication is a big personal reward for finding problems with a paper. Of course, it might get rejected, but that’s always a risk. I found a fatal flaw in the main proof in the famous Rothschild-Stiglitz paper on increasing risk, though their big proposition is correct and I found another way to prove it. But the Journal of Economic Theory was unwilling to publish my correction. Stiglitz didn’t even answer my email, and Rothschild just sent me a nice email thanking me for writing a game theory book even someone who’d moved into Administration could follow easily.
Brilliant work as always. How do academic frauds get discovered? Might have a few tips for you in the climate “science” grift..
Great job covering the corruption in academia! The Erwin Cherminsky comments about secretly practicing anti-white racial discrimination is crazy, but not surprising. That scumbag is supposedly a premier constitutional law scholar -- he wrote one of the most famous hornbooks on the subject that first year law students use -- so he of all people should know how unconstitutional his discriminatory practices are (Berkley is a State school). That’s a communist for you, though. No morals aside from promoting his garbage ideology by any means necessary; no compunction about breaking laws, lying, cheating, causing harm and suffering to others, whatever will advance his demonic Marxcissist religion.
Your poll is missing "diploma or technical certificate." I've got two diplomas in ceramic and textiles design from a craft & design college. I don't fit in any of your education categories
"What's in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." ~ some bard
The schaudenfreude is real here
Glorious work.
Good post, as usually but it was the last line that got me. Rest in Peace Theodore Kaczynski. You will not be forgotten.
Your poll is missing "mentally ill or sub-60 lQ", which would capture 99% of your fanbase.
You should take out hte "Shameful" on Peltzman. He just wants them to follow procedure. Here's what I wrote at Retraction Watch:
I know Editor Peltzman, and he’s a good scholar. Here, he’s just responding as economics editors commonly do, asking the critic to first contact the author and then write up the critique as a Comment or a new paper. An editor is like a judge; he doesn’t do the research or investigation; he gets other people to do it and decides who is right. So, the next step is to write the critique up into a paper. It looks like the hard part is done already. If the authors really need help, I can oblige, or somebody younger who needs the publication on their vitae may wish to volunteer. A JLE publication is a big personal reward for finding problems with a paper. Of course, it might get rejected, but that’s always a risk. I found a fatal flaw in the main proof in the famous Rothschild-Stiglitz paper on increasing risk, though their big proposition is correct and I found another way to prove it. But the Journal of Economic Theory was unwilling to publish my correction. Stiglitz didn’t even answer my email, and Rothschild just sent me a nice email thanking me for writing a game theory book even someone who’d moved into Administration could follow easily.