Feb 22·edited Feb 22

Even though studies show that most studies are total bullshit, I'd still like to propose one, in the spirit of intellectual inquiry:

If Americans could design, create and install an academic culture adamantly opposed to free speech, thought and inquiry, that always chose cowardlly careerist conformity over excellence or integrity, that spitefully attacked any dissenters, that was made by and for a caste of clueless bumbling hypocrites who imagine themselves brilliant radical truth-tellers but are completely blind to how the rest of the country sees them and how much they embody all the things they claim to hate (such as bigotry, intolerance, ignorance etc)—could we come up with a system any different than the one we have now? What would be different?

Great job, Karl!

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I'm a retired - but now I say "recovering" - college professor. Will celebrate 10 happy years of retirement in May.

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Recovering. I believe it. Im 10yrs in academia. Enjoy your 10th year of retirement!

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It doesn't stop and feels like some kind of disease which is spreading. Seems like social media just broadcasted something which was already festering.

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A pox on all their houses…

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It’s a shame polls don’t give you more than 5 fields. I don’t have a PhD, nor do I work in academia. However, I work for an association that is heavily academic, especially those with their PhDs. Scandals like these eventually reach academic associations, especially if they publish a journal. Curated lists are helpful for my field.

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