As a borderline boomer myself, their defining characteristic seems to be an utter inability to challenge their own pre-conceived notions. They formed an opinion thirty years ago, which may have been exactly right at the time (though often not) yet they cannot even fathom that the opinion is no longer valid. The idea that the world changed, their previous heroes became corrupt, or that their ideology was deliberately perverted to advance a self-serving agenda never even enters their mind.
They are like spoiled children in their smug arrogance, selfishness, and unwillingness to consider just maybe they are wrong. Just maybe something that was true in 1985 isn't true in 2024. Just maybe they are the most selfish, narcistic generation in history and the world doesn't revolve around them. Just maybe having a net worth of millions stashed away when your kids are scraping by, and your grandkids are stuck in shithole public schools doesn't show your wisdom but your utter disregard for your own kin and a shameful level of selfishness.
Then after clicking on every obvious malware link and getting swindled by phony Microsoft tech support, this brilliant generation demands that their inferior generations come bail them out. The notion that they actually exercise good judgment, and take responsibility of their own actions, is completely foreign to them. How dare you even suggest it! You need to drop everything and come over and fix my screw up (for the half-dozenth time) immediately! They cannot spend the time to figure out how to fix it themselves as they need to go get their tenth covid shot. And make sure the grandkids get theirs too and also wear masks if they come over. These are their golden years, and they aren't going to let some disease-spreading runt ruin that Mediterranean cruise they have booked.
Good riddance to Boomer Truth on every level. Seriously, let's reopen every single can of worms and let the chips fall where they may.
Two: While HR 6090 is certainly a bad bill, it definitely DOES NOT make it illegal to criticize Israel or its government. First of all, the IHRA definition explicitly says that criticism of Israel like that of any other country is not antisemitic. Yehuda Bauer who just died was behind drafting it, and is a big leftist and strong critic of the settlements. It says that calling for the elimination of Israel is antisemitic. All the bill does is extend the same civil rights law bullshit to other groups to Jews. It certainly would not make criticism of Israel illegal. In fact, it wouldn't make calling for the elimination of Israel illegal, at least not any more current civil rights law makes it illegal to talk about race and IQ. Something that can be used as evidence in a civil rights hostile environment case is not the same as banned speech.
"No other historical event is shielded" ... yeah, why don't you go to China and start talking about June 4 1989? Such a bullshit claim. Or go to Poland and say the Poles collaborated with the Nazis. Didn't they try to criminalize that? It's not like June 4 1989 killed 5.7 million Chinese people or anything. Yeah, why don't you try to imagine how long a Chinese David Irving would last? "Nor is it illegal to criticize another ethnic group"... dude there are people in Western Europe who get arrested for posting videos about race and IQ on the Internet. Look at France, where Jew Eric Zemmour got fined for talking about black and Muslim crime, whereas far-leftist Melenchon openly supports Hamas and calls for the destruction of Israel, and no one has gone after him. Pro-Hamas Muslims, antisemitic Muslims, Holocaust denying Muslims never get persecuted by European states. The Holocaust denial laws are only ever enforced against white people. Look I definitely support free speech, think Skokie was decided correctly, strongly oppose laws against Holocaust denial and so on. But you totally misrepresent the situation. You cannot be serious.
"America's top protected class for victimhood is the Jewish population"... please, tell that to Harvard and the New York Times. Tell that to pro-Hamas BLM protesters. Tell that to the civil rights bureaucracies which consider Jews white. Tell that to the Jews who were "white" and couldn't get monoclonal antibodies in our anti-white apartheid state. Tell that to the paternal Jew Joshua Katz. Tell that to the Jew Ilya Shapiro. What fraction of civil rights lawsuits involve Jews? Do you want to guess the number? Griggs lawsuits involved Jews? Why don't you tell that to the Jewish taxpayers? The Jews, who with the possible exception of Indians are probably America's highest IQ, richest, most successful group, who have the highest human capital and produce the most economic value and money robbed from them at gunpoint by the federal government (which we call "taxation") and given to low IQ whites in West Virginia and to low IQ blacks everywhere.
"People are only pretending to care about ... deaths of innocent children". Yeah well, of course the deaths of innocent children is bad. Who is to blame? Hamas, which puts children at risk and shoots them in the head and neck, not Israel who tries to avoid civilian casualties. I'm sure Israel makes mistakes, but they are clearly the good guys and as a rule try not to kill civilians when they can help it. Unlike Hamas. Do you really think that these people so critical of Jewish influence are just motivated by humanitarian concerns toward the Palestinians? If that were the case, why are they so silent on Sudan? Low decoupling. You can say all you want about Jewish influence in the US without strongly criticizing Israel.
Jewish people are going to have to openly admit and fight their Jewish mafia with us or they can all be expelled. We are done with the pilpul and gaslighting.
Thankfully we have guys like Brother Augustine who are Ashkenazi converts to Christianity, who has been exposing Babylonian Talmudic occultism larping as the Biblical Hebrews for years:
Chris Langan (highest IQ on the planet) is another who has tried for years to provide a middle ground for low-level Jews who are often used as human shields by their cartel most have been trained to protect.
We tried for so long to help these people and just be at peace, rescuing them in a major war, and this is how they repay us. It appears we have made the same mistake as the Romanov's did being too lenient and can never make the same mistake again.
Last change for "the good ones" to show themselves, because next time we will have no mercy based on the love and protection of our own people.
Oh're really in it now, eh? You have questioned the unquestionable axiom. This issue really sent me off the deep end and made me question so, so many logic is clear, and I trust it (I am a mathematician). But implies an enormous conspiracy of lies that is very hard to swallow. There is probably no group more viciously attacked than those who question the axiom.
We (and anyone else they want to lump in under our label out of malice even if they don't belong there) are literally the last group of people on earth it is acceptable to persecute.
And no, "christian" is NOT that label, for the record.
The idea that anyone is an a position to "persecute" the most powerful cultural group on earth is hilarious. A group that by use of enormous financial incentives alone can immediately change the tune and policy of every major university in the country. It's the only thing I've seen overpower the modern political left movement in the academic world...and it did it so quickly and so decisively.
Make the case for choosing Palestine as an ally over Israel. That’s something I never hear from the pro-Palestine/anti-Israel side. Tell us how aligning ourselves with a bunch of backwards theocrats is to our national benefit. Betcha can’t.
That’s a false dichotomy, we should take our own side against both.
Palestine doesn’t have extractive control over the United States like Zionist Jews do. Therefore, we celebrate when Palestine undermines and weakens Israel.
Only Zionist Jews would present a binary option to either support Jews that hate Americans or Muslims that hate Americans.
Israel killed JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, knew about the Beirut truck bombing that killed over 240 US marines but gave no warning, were behind 9.11 and uses the US as it's vasal empire to fight its fake wars while looting its treasury of trillions. Only a retard or someone severely brainwashed would call such a nation an ally.
Agreed. I don't think we can post memes in comments but there's a "two button" meme, one with Israel flag, one with Pally flag, that says "choose one" and at the bottom there's a button with a "verboten" flag and a hand hitting that button furiously. ^_^
They are not a better ally. That doesn't mean their extermination doesn't matter. I find it hard to believe you're actually that cold in your day to day life. We all react to the screams of a woman in the same way, it's built into us.
Actions have consequences. If you elect a government that tries to carry out genocide on your powerful neighbor, then uses you as a shield to avoid the consequences of their own actions, that’s your own fault.
You are more than welcome to put on an IDF uniform and go fight for your country in the desert.
For native born Americans, we will continue to withdraw all support for Israel. Then we’ll see if your country can survive even a single day without American money and weapons.
I think that's the point. Why so invested in us funding Israel? Israel defending itself is one thing, but that is absolutely not what is happening. It is our power that is being applied here on our dime. Why?
As a person with two Palestinian collaborators at my research job, your definition of "elected" needs to be examined. They don't want Hamas. They don't have a choice. My palestinian friends like to sit at home watching reality TV, not sit around electing terrorists. You greatly over-estimate their ability to do something about this. Can you do something about the broken 2 party system in the US?
Hamas very much was elected by the citizens of Gaza. It’s not Israel’s fault that Hamas put an end to elections in Gaza after they won their first.
And the Gazan people are not as innocent as the anti-Israeli side makes them out to be. Survey after survey shows that the Gazan public supports Hamas, even after Oct. 7.
You are so fucking clueless it's astonishing. Israel created and funded hamas to undermine the plo and any two state solution. It knew about 10.7 at least 9 months prior and killed 90% of Israelis that day with its Hannibal directive. This is one continued land grab for the greater Israel project. Turn off Mark Levin and get your head out of your ass. It's never to soon to try.
Sometimes I wonder if people like Mr. Rufo are players for the other side masquerading as allies because despite his purported intentions of curbing anti-semitism he seems to be inciting the exact opposite by suggesting American citizens should engage in mass censorship for any critiques of a foreign ally.
Nailed it! Christopher Rufo employs elaborate convolusions in order to disguise a hostile agenda. More writers should counter his articles of distortions to expose his intent.
In what other conflict is the low-information position also the high status position? It's considered a mark of intellectual seriousness to say "I don't really know what's going on, it seems complicated, but I support Israel". You can say objectively retarded things, like "the pager bombing was the most targeted, most careful attack in world history" and be the most upvoted person in the NY Times comment section. What the hell is wrong with these people?
How many German children died in the closing months of WWII? How is this any different?
Israel is undertaking ethnic cleansing because it is the only solution that in the long run leaves a homeland for Jews. Wtf do you think humans are anyway ? Wtf is a moral being ? Sounds like a luxury belief.
I started listening to a recent BARpod episode and the host (Jesse Singal) and guest (a British guy, I can't remember his name) very quickly got into agreeing with one another that people hold opinions because they give them a certain kind of social status / mark them as loyal members of one or another in-group. The idea that anyone holds an opinion because... they've thought about it, or they feel something strongly, was treated as a very very unsophisticated view of human nature. And there was this creepy "compassion" in the discussion, along the lines of: oh well you have to understand people. They want to feel connected the poor dears. I don't know where they went from there because I got so irritated stopped listening.
I have not read this Rufo article but it sounds like it takes a similar angle: a very very condescending attitude that people who disagree with his preferred position couldn't possibly actually mean it, they are swept up in some sort of primordial "can't be left out of the cave at mammoth eating time" solidarity-impulse that simply needs redirecting.
It seems like an argument attractive to people who don't have facts on their side. If everyone who disagrees with you is a dumb sheep and you just need to collie-dog them to get them to change sides, the facts on the ground don't matter.
At first I thought this was a serious comment. Then I read: "deeply disturbed by blatant acts of genocide" and immediately recognized that a fool was writing. I recommend reading no further after seeing "deeply disturbed by blatant acts of genocide".
There is no accurate surveying of a third world encampment...especially when so many people have existential interests involved. Obviously, every survey endorsed by the arab world is going to show that Palestianians don't support terrorism, and every survey endorsed by the western world is going to show that they do. Surely you know this is how this can't just look at a survey and decide arbitrarily "this must closely represent the truth". The only way you can draw a conclusion is by picking only the surveys that re-enforce what your internal sense already says.
I'll say it again: have you ever met a Palestinian? I think it's ridiculous to act like you know how they think and feel if you don't talk to these people. I have never, ever met a Palestinian that felt Hamas was a "freedom fighting resistance force". People tell me Palestinians believe this...but I have never met one. I don't know a huge number of Palestinians, but my closest friend went to high school in Palestine, then college in the US. One of my fellow math grad students under my same advisor is also Palestinian; born there, then his parents got him out because he had a health condition that couldn't be adequately treated there. These two people are as far as one could possibly imagine from "supporting terrorism". They are normal, intelligent, well-reasoned people. Their families are still there, running for their lives at this point. They're just waiting for the next phone call...
You're acting like groups of people think as a single entity. People think as individuals. The US elected Trump, and yet millions of Americans strongly disagree with nearly everything he does. Are you going to tie their lives and well-being to Trump's decisions as if they endorsed him themselves? Should they die for Trump's views? And that's in a state with more or less fair elections! Elections in the third world are not elections. Of course "it's not Israels fault" the elections were garbage, or that Hamas is authoritarian. It's Israel's fault that they are dropping massive bombs on the entire country, turning it complete to dust! Do you seriously think the Palestinian people could just "not elect Hamas", and then Hamas would just say "Oh, I guess we aren't wanted here", pack up their weapons and call it a day? Surely you can't be that naive.
Since it is on my clipboard from replying elsewhere here, I will post this at the root. Former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky made some revealing comments 30 years ago (my goodness) in 1995.
Welcome to club Christopher. It took me a year to filter out the Mark Levin Boomers and clownswho stroke themselves to Glenn Beck repeating mantras like "israel is our greatest ally." The general Con Inc. NPCs don't care about facts, history, or truth. By the comments here you'll probably spend the next year doing the same. I wish you well on this journey. It's a rewarding one. You've kept your integrity while refusing their shekels to stay silent about what no man of conscience can stay silent about. For that you will be rewarded. God speed.
As Boomer Truth draws to a close, the can of worms re-opens.
As a borderline boomer myself, their defining characteristic seems to be an utter inability to challenge their own pre-conceived notions. They formed an opinion thirty years ago, which may have been exactly right at the time (though often not) yet they cannot even fathom that the opinion is no longer valid. The idea that the world changed, their previous heroes became corrupt, or that their ideology was deliberately perverted to advance a self-serving agenda never even enters their mind.
They are like spoiled children in their smug arrogance, selfishness, and unwillingness to consider just maybe they are wrong. Just maybe something that was true in 1985 isn't true in 2024. Just maybe they are the most selfish, narcistic generation in history and the world doesn't revolve around them. Just maybe having a net worth of millions stashed away when your kids are scraping by, and your grandkids are stuck in shithole public schools doesn't show your wisdom but your utter disregard for your own kin and a shameful level of selfishness.
Then after clicking on every obvious malware link and getting swindled by phony Microsoft tech support, this brilliant generation demands that their inferior generations come bail them out. The notion that they actually exercise good judgment, and take responsibility of their own actions, is completely foreign to them. How dare you even suggest it! You need to drop everything and come over and fix my screw up (for the half-dozenth time) immediately! They cannot spend the time to figure out how to fix it themselves as they need to go get their tenth covid shot. And make sure the grandkids get theirs too and also wear masks if they come over. These are their golden years, and they aren't going to let some disease-spreading runt ruin that Mediterranean cruise they have booked.
Good riddance to Boomer Truth on every level. Seriously, let's reopen every single can of worms and let the chips fall where they may.
I love your term Borderline Boomer; it sounds like some kind of psychiatric phrase.
Great description; nothing to add except hello from a fellow cusper/borderlliner/Gen-X preemie.
HR 6090 is a bad bill but
One: Rufo literally wrote an article about how it's bad and should not be passed in Bari Weiss' The Free Press: . The Free Press also published and . I recommend reading them. The Free Press is as close to an embodiment of the Jewish EHC view as you will get, and they definitely support free speech for antisemites. They have ACLU people and free speech lawyers writing about it, come on.
Two: While HR 6090 is certainly a bad bill, it definitely DOES NOT make it illegal to criticize Israel or its government. First of all, the IHRA definition explicitly says that criticism of Israel like that of any other country is not antisemitic. Yehuda Bauer who just died was behind drafting it, and is a big leftist and strong critic of the settlements. It says that calling for the elimination of Israel is antisemitic. All the bill does is extend the same civil rights law bullshit to other groups to Jews. It certainly would not make criticism of Israel illegal. In fact, it wouldn't make calling for the elimination of Israel illegal, at least not any more current civil rights law makes it illegal to talk about race and IQ. Something that can be used as evidence in a civil rights hostile environment case is not the same as banned speech.
"No other historical event is shielded" ... yeah, why don't you go to China and start talking about June 4 1989? Such a bullshit claim. Or go to Poland and say the Poles collaborated with the Nazis. Didn't they try to criminalize that? It's not like June 4 1989 killed 5.7 million Chinese people or anything. Yeah, why don't you try to imagine how long a Chinese David Irving would last? "Nor is it illegal to criticize another ethnic group"... dude there are people in Western Europe who get arrested for posting videos about race and IQ on the Internet. Look at France, where Jew Eric Zemmour got fined for talking about black and Muslim crime, whereas far-leftist Melenchon openly supports Hamas and calls for the destruction of Israel, and no one has gone after him. Pro-Hamas Muslims, antisemitic Muslims, Holocaust denying Muslims never get persecuted by European states. The Holocaust denial laws are only ever enforced against white people. Look I definitely support free speech, think Skokie was decided correctly, strongly oppose laws against Holocaust denial and so on. But you totally misrepresent the situation. You cannot be serious.
"America's top protected class for victimhood is the Jewish population"... please, tell that to Harvard and the New York Times. Tell that to pro-Hamas BLM protesters. Tell that to the civil rights bureaucracies which consider Jews white. Tell that to the Jews who were "white" and couldn't get monoclonal antibodies in our anti-white apartheid state. Tell that to the paternal Jew Joshua Katz. Tell that to the Jew Ilya Shapiro. What fraction of civil rights lawsuits involve Jews? Do you want to guess the number? Griggs lawsuits involved Jews? Why don't you tell that to the Jewish taxpayers? The Jews, who with the possible exception of Indians are probably America's highest IQ, richest, most successful group, who have the highest human capital and produce the most economic value and money robbed from them at gunpoint by the federal government (which we call "taxation") and given to low IQ whites in West Virginia and to low IQ blacks everywhere.
"People are only pretending to care about ... deaths of innocent children". Yeah well, of course the deaths of innocent children is bad. Who is to blame? Hamas, which puts children at risk and shoots them in the head and neck, not Israel who tries to avoid civilian casualties. I'm sure Israel makes mistakes, but they are clearly the good guys and as a rule try not to kill civilians when they can help it. Unlike Hamas. Do you really think that these people so critical of Jewish influence are just motivated by humanitarian concerns toward the Palestinians? If that were the case, why are they so silent on Sudan? Low decoupling. You can say all you want about Jewish influence in the US without strongly criticizing Israel.
Jewish people are going to have to openly admit and fight their Jewish mafia with us or they can all be expelled. We are done with the pilpul and gaslighting.
Thankfully we have guys like Brother Augustine who are Ashkenazi converts to Christianity, who has been exposing Babylonian Talmudic occultism larping as the Biblical Hebrews for years:
Chris Langan (highest IQ on the planet) is another who has tried for years to provide a middle ground for low-level Jews who are often used as human shields by their cartel most have been trained to protect.
Then every so often, guys like Mark Schultz let the cat out of the bag, and his people all tell him to shut up.
Jewish Gratitude:
Jewish Terrorism:
We tried for so long to help these people and just be at peace, rescuing them in a major war, and this is how they repay us. It appears we have made the same mistake as the Romanov's did being too lenient and can never make the same mistake again.
Last change for "the good ones" to show themselves, because next time we will have no mercy based on the love and protection of our own people.
Thank you for all this. I knew of Brother Nathanael but not Augustine. I remember running across Victor Ostrovsky's speech, which you can still find on C-SPAN.
There is Norm Finkelstein, who I'm not sure how solid he is but he does seem to make the Zio-loons upset, so he can't be too bad.
Oh're really in it now, eh? You have questioned the unquestionable axiom. This issue really sent me off the deep end and made me question so, so many logic is clear, and I trust it (I am a mathematician). But implies an enormous conspiracy of lies that is very hard to swallow. There is probably no group more viciously attacked than those who question the axiom.
We (and anyone else they want to lump in under our label out of malice even if they don't belong there) are literally the last group of people on earth it is acceptable to persecute.
And no, "christian" is NOT that label, for the record.
The idea that anyone is an a position to "persecute" the most powerful cultural group on earth is hilarious. A group that by use of enormous financial incentives alone can immediately change the tune and policy of every major university in the country. It's the only thing I've seen overpower the modern political left movement in the academic world...and it did it so quickly and so decisively.
I think you may have misunderstood my comment. I'm not talking about THEM.
I'm talking about US.
Ironically, Rufo’s next article will probably be titled something along the lines of “Why Chinese interference is a threat to America”.
*I’d change out China for Iran, but I don’t think Rufo’s bosses are that dumb.
Btw, if you keep this up, I’m going to have to switch to a paid subscription.
Cue Alex Jones with MUH CHI-COMS!!!
I'd like to think Rufo is still smart enough to NOT go there, but he's really pulling out the dumb trying to hold coats & carry water for the jews.
Make the case for choosing Palestine as an ally over Israel. That’s something I never hear from the pro-Palestine/anti-Israel side. Tell us how aligning ourselves with a bunch of backwards theocrats is to our national benefit. Betcha can’t.
That’s a false dichotomy, we should take our own side against both.
Palestine doesn’t have extractive control over the United States like Zionist Jews do. Therefore, we celebrate when Palestine undermines and weakens Israel.
Only Zionist Jews would present a binary option to either support Jews that hate Americans or Muslims that hate Americans.
There is nothing “extractive” about asking for help from an ally. Israel is our ally — a better ally than Palestine.
Must be rough being your friend if you think asking a favor of you is “extractive.”
Israel is purposefully dragging the United States into a war. They are doing this despite the US explicitly requesting deescalation.
Israel is not a friend or ally, they are more like a leech/parasite that should be removed than allowed to wither away and die.
Israel killed JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, knew about the Beirut truck bombing that killed over 240 US marines but gave no warning, were behind 9.11 and uses the US as it's vasal empire to fight its fake wars while looting its treasury of trillions. Only a retard or someone severely brainwashed would call such a nation an ally.
“Dragging the United States into a war”?
You mean asking the United States to stay out of their way as they fight their own war?
Your telling of events is wildly inaccurate.
Agreed. I don't think we can post memes in comments but there's a "two button" meme, one with Israel flag, one with Pally flag, that says "choose one" and at the bottom there's a button with a "verboten" flag and a hand hitting that button furiously. ^_^
They are not a better ally. That doesn't mean their extermination doesn't matter. I find it hard to believe you're actually that cold in your day to day life. We all react to the screams of a woman in the same way, it's built into us.
I’m not cold, just realistic.
Actions have consequences. If you elect a government that tries to carry out genocide on your powerful neighbor, then uses you as a shield to avoid the consequences of their own actions, that’s your own fault.
As the kids say — fuck around and find out.
You are more than welcome to put on an IDF uniform and go fight for your country in the desert.
For native born Americans, we will continue to withdraw all support for Israel. Then we’ll see if your country can survive even a single day without American money and weapons.
I was born in Missouri, moron.
I think that's the point. Why so invested in us funding Israel? Israel defending itself is one thing, but that is absolutely not what is happening. It is our power that is being applied here on our dime. Why?
That’s actually not his point.
His point was that I lack credibility in this debate because I’m not a U.S. citizen — but I am.
He has to resort to these cheap arguments because he doesn’t have anything better.
As a person with two Palestinian collaborators at my research job, your definition of "elected" needs to be examined. They don't want Hamas. They don't have a choice. My palestinian friends like to sit at home watching reality TV, not sit around electing terrorists. You greatly over-estimate their ability to do something about this. Can you do something about the broken 2 party system in the US?
Hamas very much was elected by the citizens of Gaza. It’s not Israel’s fault that Hamas put an end to elections in Gaza after they won their first.
And the Gazan people are not as innocent as the anti-Israeli side makes them out to be. Survey after survey shows that the Gazan public supports Hamas, even after Oct. 7.
So again I say, fuck around and find out.
You are so fucking clueless it's astonishing. Israel created and funded hamas to undermine the plo and any two state solution. It knew about 10.7 at least 9 months prior and killed 90% of Israelis that day with its Hannibal directive. This is one continued land grab for the greater Israel project. Turn off Mark Levin and get your head out of your ass. It's never to soon to try.
“[Israel] knew about 10.7 at least 9 months prior and killed 90% of Israelis that day with its Hannibal directive..”
There we go. There’s the modern-day 9/11 Truther peeking out from behind the thin veil of concern for Gazan children.
Sometimes I wonder if people like Mr. Rufo are players for the other side masquerading as allies because despite his purported intentions of curbing anti-semitism he seems to be inciting the exact opposite by suggesting American citizens should engage in mass censorship for any critiques of a foreign ally.
Nailed it! Christopher Rufo employs elaborate convolusions in order to disguise a hostile agenda. More writers should counter his articles of distortions to expose his intent.
In what other conflict is the low-information position also the high status position? It's considered a mark of intellectual seriousness to say "I don't really know what's going on, it seems complicated, but I support Israel". You can say objectively retarded things, like "the pager bombing was the most targeted, most careful attack in world history" and be the most upvoted person in the NY Times comment section. What the hell is wrong with these people?
How many German children died in the closing months of WWII? How is this any different?
Israel is undertaking ethnic cleansing because it is the only solution that in the long run leaves a homeland for Jews. Wtf do you think humans are anyway ? Wtf is a moral being ? Sounds like a luxury belief.
I started listening to a recent BARpod episode and the host (Jesse Singal) and guest (a British guy, I can't remember his name) very quickly got into agreeing with one another that people hold opinions because they give them a certain kind of social status / mark them as loyal members of one or another in-group. The idea that anyone holds an opinion because... they've thought about it, or they feel something strongly, was treated as a very very unsophisticated view of human nature. And there was this creepy "compassion" in the discussion, along the lines of: oh well you have to understand people. They want to feel connected the poor dears. I don't know where they went from there because I got so irritated stopped listening.
I have not read this Rufo article but it sounds like it takes a similar angle: a very very condescending attitude that people who disagree with his preferred position couldn't possibly actually mean it, they are swept up in some sort of primordial "can't be left out of the cave at mammoth eating time" solidarity-impulse that simply needs redirecting.
It seems like an argument attractive to people who don't have facts on their side. If everyone who disagrees with you is a dumb sheep and you just need to collie-dog them to get them to change sides, the facts on the ground don't matter.
At first I thought this was a serious comment. Then I read: "deeply disturbed by blatant acts of genocide" and immediately recognized that a fool was writing. I recommend reading no further after seeing "deeply disturbed by blatant acts of genocide".
There is no accurate surveying of a third world encampment...especially when so many people have existential interests involved. Obviously, every survey endorsed by the arab world is going to show that Palestianians don't support terrorism, and every survey endorsed by the western world is going to show that they do. Surely you know this is how this can't just look at a survey and decide arbitrarily "this must closely represent the truth". The only way you can draw a conclusion is by picking only the surveys that re-enforce what your internal sense already says.
I'll say it again: have you ever met a Palestinian? I think it's ridiculous to act like you know how they think and feel if you don't talk to these people. I have never, ever met a Palestinian that felt Hamas was a "freedom fighting resistance force". People tell me Palestinians believe this...but I have never met one. I don't know a huge number of Palestinians, but my closest friend went to high school in Palestine, then college in the US. One of my fellow math grad students under my same advisor is also Palestinian; born there, then his parents got him out because he had a health condition that couldn't be adequately treated there. These two people are as far as one could possibly imagine from "supporting terrorism". They are normal, intelligent, well-reasoned people. Their families are still there, running for their lives at this point. They're just waiting for the next phone call...
You're acting like groups of people think as a single entity. People think as individuals. The US elected Trump, and yet millions of Americans strongly disagree with nearly everything he does. Are you going to tie their lives and well-being to Trump's decisions as if they endorsed him themselves? Should they die for Trump's views? And that's in a state with more or less fair elections! Elections in the third world are not elections. Of course "it's not Israels fault" the elections were garbage, or that Hamas is authoritarian. It's Israel's fault that they are dropping massive bombs on the entire country, turning it complete to dust! Do you seriously think the Palestinian people could just "not elect Hamas", and then Hamas would just say "Oh, I guess we aren't wanted here", pack up their weapons and call it a day? Surely you can't be that naive.
Dude you are an absolute unit! I love the fire and passion
If not for the special treatment of this one group, Israel would be seen, objectively, as an organized crime state.
Since it is on my clipboard from replying elsewhere here, I will post this at the root. Former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky made some revealing comments 30 years ago (my goodness) in 1995.
A one minute clip....
Welcome to club Christopher. It took me a year to filter out the Mark Levin Boomers and clownswho stroke themselves to Glenn Beck repeating mantras like "israel is our greatest ally." The general Con Inc. NPCs don't care about facts, history, or truth. By the comments here you'll probably spend the next year doing the same. I wish you well on this journey. It's a rewarding one. You've kept your integrity while refusing their shekels to stay silent about what no man of conscience can stay silent about. For that you will be rewarded. God speed.
Heh, Glenn is the embodiment of a super-cuck.
I think there are truths on both sides but it seems like you protest way too much. This seem personal.