Non-Canadian here. We don't see or hear of a Canadian version of wholesale billionaire-funded Election Fraud & Voter Fraud as is endemic to the US these days. So one assumes the Canadians actually re-elected Trudeau (even AFTER his fraudulent Declaration of Emergency to crush the peaceful, legal trucker protests) and generally choose to be supine as their collectivist, socialist, woke government behaves in ways that should surprise no one who is literate in the 20th century history of collectivist, socialist, woke governments. People who want concentrated power are not typically self-limiting. Their gradual incremental (and more recently quickly consolidating) moves in that direction are not historical novelties but SOP.
I donated to the Canadian truckers and was deeply saddened to have the funds ultimately returned because of the totalitarian measures inflicted by Trudeau. But ultimately, if a people will not fight for THEMSELVES, an outsider must resign oneself to the fact that they are getting what they've chosen, what they vote for and what they support. (This is similar to the tragic need to resign oneself to friends and family members who refused to examine any evidence and insisted on taking the Jabs.) But Canadian behavior it is truly perplexing.
Can anyone please explain WHY the majority of Canadians appear to be supine in the face of increasing totalitarianism? G_d bless the Canadian truckers and Jordan Peterson. But the majority of the population seems so invested in being "nice" that they offer themselves (and their children and grandchildren) willingly into the hands of messianic control freaks & ideological totalitarians. For what? Socialized medicine & taxpayer-funded State Propaganda media? I truly do not understand.
It's worth keeping in mind that MORE Canadians voted for the Conservative Party of Canada then the Liberal Party of Canada in the last two federal elections (although it also must be noted that our "third party"--the New Democratic Party is also so-called progressive, and are currently propping up the Liberals with their Minority government). ps. you're right about the "nice" thing.
So beautifully stated! As a former Canuck I am heartbroken at how ridiculous the Canadians are with their woke nicey bullshit! That and $5 will get you a cup of coffee!!!
I'm from US been living in Canada as a seasonal resident for 7 yrs as my family is here. I've been trying to figure out the same thing. However I think it is the crazy parliamentary system up here. Best I can figure. Because Most people I know don't agree with any of this. BUT to undo it. Trudeau was actually not exactly voted in the last time. He had a minority govt. so he made a deal with a financially failing party NDP and they agreed to bolster him up for several years if they got a couple of demands - dental care... BC is nutty bunnies. I'm shocked actually. Have been.
I'm a Canadian and I cannot understand what the heck is going on here. The NDP agree to keep Trudeau in power and all they can manage to get in return is $650 payment to low income families for basic dental care. It's insane and you can bet that money will not be going to kids' teeth since these very same families cannot afford to feed them with the inflation, high food prices and an out of control rental market. I guess the NDP leader is hoping that the economy will completely crash and the govt will bring in Universal Basic Income to enslave everyone. Oh that and he happens to be a World Economic Global Leader of Klaus Schwab. Pray for Canadians to wake up soon.
It's terrifying how quickly Canada has gone totalitarian under the Castro sock-puppet. I know there are Canadians who know what needs to be done. Unfortunately things are going to have to get much worse before it's worth it for them to cross the Rubicon.
Canada is indistinguishable from China. Makes sense since Trudeau admires the CCP. Is there any hope of reversing course or will America see a flood of Canadian refugees?
It looks like the numerous laws increasing government control of information are the most horrifying. I have become convinced that in the US it is the Left's control of the mainstream media that has enabled them to move the whole society leftward.
From my vantage point about 90 miles south of the border, it looks like Canadian freedom is doomed to become totally extinct. Who would have thought that genuine totalitarianism could come upon our neighbors so fast?
That's a fact that most people don't really understand. They think media bias is a recent turn left. But leftists have controlled media since the early 1900s when "mass media" was invented by first big daily newspapers, and leftists were Wilsonian "Progressives", before they were "liberals".
Bill 36 the British Columbia legislation is a lot worse than just making it impossible for all types of health care workers to make a living here without the covid vaxxes and boosters. It gives the govt ultimate power to dictate any number of vaccines and booster for anything they say you need to have. This applies to health care workers in the public and even those in the private sector as it is a condition of your professional license and not specific employment. There are also other concerning items eg. huge fines, imprisonment, seizure of private property for spreading misinformation or recommending any treatment that does not align with the public health narrative. The Bill is huge and a huge chunk, the government has admitted, will not even be exposed until AFTER the bill becomes law ( and some may stay secret). From my understanding this could become law in less than 90 days. It was only introduced in the legislature for first reading in October and has already passed three (incomplete) readings with minimal debate. Most of the public has never heard of it and if they have they will only have heard that this is going to keep citizens "safe" from unscrupulous health care providers and will "streamline " the process to bring in foreign trained healthcare workers. It makes no mention of the chaos and further carnage our already stretched healthcare system will face as even more skilled workers retire or move out of the province to add to all those they already fired in the public system for not accepting coerced injections to keep their jobs. Heaven help you, if you are sick in BC because the healthcare system is broken and is going to completely fall apart if this bill actually does become law. (And there are a LOT of sick people here now).
Where did Canadians think their creeping socialism of the past decades would lead??? As a former Canadian I am disgusted at what has happened to my motherland!
'YouTube itself warns that if Bill C-11 is “put into practice, this means that when viewers come to the YouTube homepage, they’re served content that a Canadian Government regulator has prioritized, rather than content they are interested in.” ' Your home page, viewers are ALREADY not served content they are interested in. Big Susan has explained in interviews before how she decided that she wants YouTube to set the conversation and control what you've shown.
Other than that, the Journalism Loicense is especially nefarious. The government gets to choose who is allowed to write about and criticize the government. I'm sure that won't be exploited.
The government can request that your internet and mobile phone connectivity can be shut off for whatever reason they believe you and your "unacceptable" opinions (or maybe refusal to be jab/raped to infinity) require to be shut off. The law is vague and broad. It is truly Orwellian what is happening here. USA citizens please take note!
Regarding the (Federal) C-36 it does appear it's reintroduced in the 44th Parliament, 1st session under Bill C-261 ( If you take a few minutes to check C-36 is a "House Government Bill", where C-261 is a "Private Member's Bill".
I suspect this is because Private member bill must continue from session to session within a Parliament. This way they wont have to reinstate the bill if it doesn't get Royal Ascent by Prorogation. Pretty sneaky, Sis.
Anyway I'm taking this as an indication that they're going to try and pass it this year.
You need to have a look at the anti-democratic laws being enacted by the provincial legislatures in Ontario, Alberta and New Brunswick. But you probably won’t be interested inthose since they’re right wing
One of the saddest parts of Canada's self-immolation is that so many people consider a moderate and sensible fellow like Dr. Peterson to be some sort of radical prophet for pointing out the pernicious effects of bill C-16.
That it opened the door for thoughtcrime was glaringly obvious, and the requisite totalitarianism has dutifully appeared, right on time and according to schedule.
Unfortunately even as a perceived radical I won't be motivated to do anything because I'm well aware at how much people are cucks here, hell bent on destroying their neighbors even on their own street much less someone from across the ccountry. It's a pointless endeavor so my immediate choice is to choose to be left alone. A truly unfortunate circumstance but no one will do anything here and that's a proven fact atleast for the last 30 years.
Non-Canadian here. We don't see or hear of a Canadian version of wholesale billionaire-funded Election Fraud & Voter Fraud as is endemic to the US these days. So one assumes the Canadians actually re-elected Trudeau (even AFTER his fraudulent Declaration of Emergency to crush the peaceful, legal trucker protests) and generally choose to be supine as their collectivist, socialist, woke government behaves in ways that should surprise no one who is literate in the 20th century history of collectivist, socialist, woke governments. People who want concentrated power are not typically self-limiting. Their gradual incremental (and more recently quickly consolidating) moves in that direction are not historical novelties but SOP.
I donated to the Canadian truckers and was deeply saddened to have the funds ultimately returned because of the totalitarian measures inflicted by Trudeau. But ultimately, if a people will not fight for THEMSELVES, an outsider must resign oneself to the fact that they are getting what they've chosen, what they vote for and what they support. (This is similar to the tragic need to resign oneself to friends and family members who refused to examine any evidence and insisted on taking the Jabs.) But Canadian behavior it is truly perplexing.
Can anyone please explain WHY the majority of Canadians appear to be supine in the face of increasing totalitarianism? G_d bless the Canadian truckers and Jordan Peterson. But the majority of the population seems so invested in being "nice" that they offer themselves (and their children and grandchildren) willingly into the hands of messianic control freaks & ideological totalitarians. For what? Socialized medicine & taxpayer-funded State Propaganda media? I truly do not understand.
It's worth keeping in mind that MORE Canadians voted for the Conservative Party of Canada then the Liberal Party of Canada in the last two federal elections (although it also must be noted that our "third party"--the New Democratic Party is also so-called progressive, and are currently propping up the Liberals with their Minority government). ps. you're right about the "nice" thing.
So beautifully stated! As a former Canuck I am heartbroken at how ridiculous the Canadians are with their woke nicey bullshit! That and $5 will get you a cup of coffee!!!
I'm from US been living in Canada as a seasonal resident for 7 yrs as my family is here. I've been trying to figure out the same thing. However I think it is the crazy parliamentary system up here. Best I can figure. Because Most people I know don't agree with any of this. BUT to undo it. Trudeau was actually not exactly voted in the last time. He had a minority govt. so he made a deal with a financially failing party NDP and they agreed to bolster him up for several years if they got a couple of demands - dental care... BC is nutty bunnies. I'm shocked actually. Have been.
I'm a Canadian and I cannot understand what the heck is going on here. The NDP agree to keep Trudeau in power and all they can manage to get in return is $650 payment to low income families for basic dental care. It's insane and you can bet that money will not be going to kids' teeth since these very same families cannot afford to feed them with the inflation, high food prices and an out of control rental market. I guess the NDP leader is hoping that the economy will completely crash and the govt will bring in Universal Basic Income to enslave everyone. Oh that and he happens to be a World Economic Global Leader of Klaus Schwab. Pray for Canadians to wake up soon.
It's terrifying how quickly Canada has gone totalitarian under the Castro sock-puppet. I know there are Canadians who know what needs to be done. Unfortunately things are going to have to get much worse before it's worth it for them to cross the Rubicon.
Canada is indistinguishable from China. Makes sense since Trudeau admires the CCP. Is there any hope of reversing course or will America see a flood of Canadian refugees?
More and more Canadians are leaving Canada for the US. Used to be NZ and AUS but those 2 countries are 99% done. Put a fork in them!!!
A criminal, luggage stealing trans person. Yikes.
It looks like the numerous laws increasing government control of information are the most horrifying. I have become convinced that in the US it is the Left's control of the mainstream media that has enabled them to move the whole society leftward.
From my vantage point about 90 miles south of the border, it looks like Canadian freedom is doomed to become totally extinct. Who would have thought that genuine totalitarianism could come upon our neighbors so fast?
Media has always been controlled by the insane Left.
That's a fact that most people don't really understand. They think media bias is a recent turn left. But leftists have controlled media since the early 1900s when "mass media" was invented by first big daily newspapers, and leftists were Wilsonian "Progressives", before they were "liberals".
Bill 36 the British Columbia legislation is a lot worse than just making it impossible for all types of health care workers to make a living here without the covid vaxxes and boosters. It gives the govt ultimate power to dictate any number of vaccines and booster for anything they say you need to have. This applies to health care workers in the public and even those in the private sector as it is a condition of your professional license and not specific employment. There are also other concerning items eg. huge fines, imprisonment, seizure of private property for spreading misinformation or recommending any treatment that does not align with the public health narrative. The Bill is huge and a huge chunk, the government has admitted, will not even be exposed until AFTER the bill becomes law ( and some may stay secret). From my understanding this could become law in less than 90 days. It was only introduced in the legislature for first reading in October and has already passed three (incomplete) readings with minimal debate. Most of the public has never heard of it and if they have they will only have heard that this is going to keep citizens "safe" from unscrupulous health care providers and will "streamline " the process to bring in foreign trained healthcare workers. It makes no mention of the chaos and further carnage our already stretched healthcare system will face as even more skilled workers retire or move out of the province to add to all those they already fired in the public system for not accepting coerced injections to keep their jobs. Heaven help you, if you are sick in BC because the healthcare system is broken and is going to completely fall apart if this bill actually does become law. (And there are a LOT of sick people here now).
Fight like your life depends on it…cause it does!!!
The Internet Bill is so bad that YouTube AND Google are all WTF?
Where did Canadians think their creeping socialism of the past decades would lead??? As a former Canadian I am disgusted at what has happened to my motherland!
In the 100% interest of fairness:
'YouTube itself warns that if Bill C-11 is “put into practice, this means that when viewers come to the YouTube homepage, they’re served content that a Canadian Government regulator has prioritized, rather than content they are interested in.” ' Your home page, viewers are ALREADY not served content they are interested in. Big Susan has explained in interviews before how she decided that she wants YouTube to set the conversation and control what you've shown.
Other than that, the Journalism Loicense is especially nefarious. The government gets to choose who is allowed to write about and criticize the government. I'm sure that won't be exploited.
The government can request that your internet and mobile phone connectivity can be shut off for whatever reason they believe you and your "unacceptable" opinions (or maybe refusal to be jab/raped to infinity) require to be shut off. The law is vague and broad. It is truly Orwellian what is happening here. USA citizens please take note!
Two words. Julian Assange.
Perfect reply!
Holy shit. Orban wouldn’t dare to float a fraction of this as an idea.
Cyka blyat. Chris, from another Chris, totally ruined the day, man. Sheesh.
Regarding the (Federal) C-36 it does appear it's reintroduced in the 44th Parliament, 1st session under Bill C-261 ( If you take a few minutes to check C-36 is a "House Government Bill", where C-261 is a "Private Member's Bill".
I suspect this is because Private member bill must continue from session to session within a Parliament. This way they wont have to reinstate the bill if it doesn't get Royal Ascent by Prorogation. Pretty sneaky, Sis.
Anyway I'm taking this as an indication that they're going to try and pass it this year.
You need to have a look at the anti-democratic laws being enacted by the provincial legislatures in Ontario, Alberta and New Brunswick. But you probably won’t be interested inthose since they’re right wing
I noticed you couldn't be bothered to link any evidence to support your claim.
Yes. What exactly are "right wing anti-democratic laws"?
Bill C-100 in Ontario is a pretty bad one. Quebec has Bill-96 and 28.
There is no such thing
Imagine the brain waves of irony as you smashed those keys. We get it, you're a commie.
What about Bill63 & S210?
this article is from 2022
i need to write an update
One of the saddest parts of Canada's self-immolation is that so many people consider a moderate and sensible fellow like Dr. Peterson to be some sort of radical prophet for pointing out the pernicious effects of bill C-16.
That it opened the door for thoughtcrime was glaringly obvious, and the requisite totalitarianism has dutifully appeared, right on time and according to schedule.
Unfortunately even as a perceived radical I won't be motivated to do anything because I'm well aware at how much people are cucks here, hell bent on destroying their neighbors even on their own street much less someone from across the ccountry. It's a pointless endeavor so my immediate choice is to choose to be left alone. A truly unfortunate circumstance but no one will do anything here and that's a proven fact atleast for the last 30 years.