Wow. All the shittiest ideas from the shittiest legal scholars and activist judges of the 60s and 70s, which were ultimately abandoned after causing an unprecedented violent crime wave, are now being recycled by a new generation of leftist morons and, surprise surprise, the violent crime rates are going up rapidly again. "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Unfortunately, they're dragging the rest of us backwards with them.

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So an Arab can get manslaughter for murdering a police officer merely because the latter was white.

While a father can be held in contempt of court for calling his daughter 'she' while trying to prevent her from cutting off her tits.

While professorships and other high status positions are meted out jn an open racial spoils system.

The descendents of those who built Canada are now firmly at the bottom of society, subjected to regular humiliation rituals, and lorded over by the newcomers. Should a white person notice this, much less criticize it, he will be shouted down and destroyed, with other whites doing so with the greatest enthusiasm.

Canada is a conquered county and to be a white Canadian is simple helotry.

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I’m a US citizen and know jack-all. about Canadian criminal law -- but in any state I’ve lived in (and it’s been several) the killing of the police officer would always have been charged as manslaughter. Murder requires the intent to kill. This sounds more like a stupid bad decision that led to an accidental homicide. And any defense attorney will make any and all arguments, no matter how far-fetched, that will cast doubt on any element of the prosecution’s arguments. The guy is brown, so the ‘feared for my life, therefore this was a bolt in a panic that led to a terrible accident’ argument is available to him. You think a white woman in the same situation wouldn’t have trotted out ‘I’d heard all these stories about fake police pulling women over in the dark and raping them”? It’s distasteful, but that’s the fruit of an adversarial justice system.

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I don't think the issue is the defense making a case, it is the courts intentionally tipping the scales in favor of retarded ideologies using immutable characteristics to lessen culpability

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Like I said, I'm not Canadian and I'm ignorant of the nuances of Canadian criminal law regarding homicide; in the US this crime never would have been charged as murder so I'm having trouble seeing how the brown guy getting a plead-down to manslaughter is racial. Here a brown guy charged with murder in these circumstances would have been paraded as evidence of white supremacy uber alles.

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It's pretty headspinning how fast we crashed into the cesspool here.

Is there a point where you think the madness started? This is like a grim parody; it's hard to believe educated experienced people could write these laws and opinions.

On the other hand, your entire Substack is devoted to the insanity of the educated experienced set.

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Personally, I date it to when Trump ran for President--this cracked the Left's collective mind, it was unthinkable to their sense of sanctity and good (I know, because I was a liberal back then), and they collectively "decided" to melt down, go emotional , infantile, brat-like etc...--and then of course they saw it worked and they haven't looked back.

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But all these insane functionaries were already in place by then. They took from Trump free rein to let their worst insides out [insert shameless self-promotion here:

https://redfoliot.substack.com/p/the-human-smelter ]

but they'd been hired, promoted, proven safe from reasonable criticism of their policies long before.

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In my view, Mr. Karlstack has accurately identified Pierre Trudeau's inclusion of "Affirmative Action Programs" in the Canadian Charter of Rights as the slippery slope that got Canada, in particular, where it is now with identity politics. No one ever talks about that (except in glowing, proud Liberal terms).

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Stunning, I had no idea of the extent of this.... Good that you researched and wrote this. One conclusion is that one better take this into account when interacting with people in society--if some of those people have a get-out-of-jail-free pass, then they have a lesser quotient of reasons not to commit a crime against you.

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