Sorry but I cannot "like" this post, ha ha.

Marie Kondo is one of my worser nightmares. My philosophy might be summed up as "Is it bothering you in the closet? You might need it someday!"

I will say though that my most favorite luggage is a backpack. In the very long ago I had a very big one which held everything I needed for hitchhiking around Europe, but I learned quickly not to bend over even slightly in the wrong direction. Kind strangers once had to rush over and un-turtle me.

Stuff! It's good for ya!

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For health reasons I just finished putting my affairs in order by gathering up all of my worldly possessions for the third time and now it all fits into one plastic storage container :-)

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Back in 2017, it looked like a Category 5 hurricane was going to hit directly where I was living. Our apartment complex wouldn't allow us to board up the windows. So I left home with -- exactly as you describe -- two duffel bags of my worldly possessions, under the assumption everything I left behind would be destroyed.

I had a week to pack and think about it before the storm reached us. Definitely one of the more sobering moments in my life. It teaches you a lot about what you can learn to live without.

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Wow... I wonder if I could do it. I guess I would have to in that situation. Did the storm pass you or hit?

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