The Canadian Censorship Bill will become law. They can't not push it through now.

They're going to push everything from this point on. It's do or die for the globalists. They've lost the narrative on vaccines, Ukraine, and everyone knows what they're doing to Trump. They have nothing left.

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Yep, they're ride or die at this point. They either grasp complete control or they're hosed.

Canada in particular is becoming an object lesson in what happens when you allow globalists to seize complete control, and an object of mockery for the population's acquiescence in the absurd tyranny that results.

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You'd be surprised how many people here in the US have never even heard about the Canadian truckers. They are more surprised when they learn that the Canadian government shutdown access to their bank accounts to try and breakup the protest.

We still have a long way to go before enough people actually understand what's going on.

But that's part of the push too. Now that information is getting out, the globalists necessarily have to speed up their plan -- because it only works if people are caught off guard by it.

That's where the censorship comes in. The globalists hope to outrun the speed at which people become aware. Right now they are losing, but they have a trick up their sleeve.


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That quite astute. There's a race between awareness of globalist intentions spreading through the populace, and implementation of those intentions. The greater the awareness, the greater the social friction, and the slower those plans can be implemented. But the faster the plans are implemented, the more rapidly people begin to take notice.

It's also quite significant that the various national corporate medias carefully avoid drawing attention to events in other countries, since these naturally assemble themselves into a clear picture of globalist coordination and the vector towards which those activities are directed.

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Information control is critical to achieving the mass deception required to complete the WEF's goals.

The fact that people NOT knowing what's going on to achieve their goals-- is all anyone should need to know to conclude that this is a bad deal. There is never going to be a good outcome for the people being kept in the dark.

It's not like there's a nice surprise at the end of this.

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Yep they're going for broke. Clown world is getting clowny indeed.

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Re: YouTube - What happened to "It's a private company, we can't tell it what to do"? Wasn't this what we were told when we complained of social media platforms deplatforming and shadow-banning conservative voices? Oh, right. Turns out those "private companies" were actually puppets of the government. It was only a step away from doing the same thing, but now "legally" and in the clear.

"If it is time to bury your guns, it is time to dig them up."

YouTuber Pat RMG

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Yes, when the "private" companies are big corporations acting as deputies for the police state, they are not private anymore.

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Trudeau is a hard core full blooded Marxist in more ways than one

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Re royal assent ... it would come from the Governor General, not King Charles. It used to come from the monarch, which is why it was called royal assent.

It's a formality. In theory the GG could veto a bill. I believe this happened once (maybe it was in Australia, though). The idea of keeping it is that somehow it will be a roadblock for the next Hitler, which sounds retarded in a dozen different ways, but that's the idea behind keeping it.

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Apr 18, 2023
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good link. "Trudeau : We Paid $600 Million To The Press"

Government regulators are so stupid. The press probably would have done it for $6 million.

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Apr 18, 2023
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I’d rather the opposition “run to American Billionaires” than Chinese ones… I guess "A Canadian is a Canadian unless his name is Elon Musk and he doesn't like the liberal party. Trudolph forgot Musk holds a Canadian passport.

I guess only terrorists get the "once you are a Canadian you are always a Canadian" treatment from trudolph.

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