... Your call for EA on animal charity is... a animal refuge with low enough population that they all can have individual identities on ... instagram?!

What the hell man.

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it turns out I don't actually know anything about effective altruism

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Cashew <<<333

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Kind of interesting that a Jewish billionaire might end up at the liberator of the American pig population.

The Lord works in mysterious ways.

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Damn! Allright - polyface farms out of Staunton, VA - or your local ethical farmers.

Any idea how Costco manages the farmers they use?

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Proxy fights are an inappropriate way to deal with this issue. The logical way is through congressional legislation.

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Thanks for linking to my blog! Good article!

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The problem with "reforming" industrial agriculture is . . . . WIDESPREAD FAMINE. Just observing the inconvenient truth. The poor would be hardest hit. How "humane" would that be?

The Woke Solution whistles past the graveyard, as always.

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First of all, I think it's inaccurate to claim that this is "the woke solution." Opposition to factory farming is common-sense, born out of the idea that an industry is bad if it causes more suffering every few years than has existed in all of human history. As for the famine point, we could grow plants and feed those to people. Indeed, meat consumption is much higher in wealthier countries--it is primarily a luxury of the wealthy, globally. As I argue in my article--which Karlstack linked--even if we don't care about animals at all, it's very plausible that we should oppose the meat industry.

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Well, OK. My mind may have been changed on the wonderfulness of cooking hot dogs over a driftwood fire on the beach at sunset.

And I used to donate to PETA, too. And my brother owns a small farm where animals are not tortured.

Carl Icahn is an intriguing aside. Good reporting.

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This is pretty eye opening, thank you for writing. It is infuriating how many bait-and-switches get used on us, but you’ve un muddied a good chunk here. It is pretty annoying that it has to be someone like Icahn who sheds light on the larger black rock/McDonald’s problem.

One very minor point of contention- I feel there are arguments on both sides of the Bernie/union vs gestation crate debate. McDonald’s isn’t physically torturing employees but there is an argument that they have the ability to reasonably help make their lives better than they are, and what’s more important, better wages and lifestyles for employees or better treatment of pigs, it’s a debate with no answer. And it can get very complex and heated, just wanted to point out that I see that as an open debate(and an issue that McDonald’s could fix both sides or if it wanted to bad enough, probably)

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Wait so did we ever figure out if Icahn is faking the animal welfare concern funk or not?

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only he knows for sure

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"over the past 50 year"

Should be 50 years.

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Sep 14, 2022
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This comment made the article worth writing! Thank you so much!

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Sep 14, 2022
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I love McD's coffee - will I have to give it up because buying their coffee supports their cruelty towards pigs?

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