Now go after the guys on the search committee that recruited and hired her as faculty in the first place. Penny Pritzker merely plucked the designated berry from the home garden patch when its time was deemed to have come.

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Regarding the last part of that article: one difference between Kornbluth and Gay is that the former is an accomplished scientist with (according to a quick search at google scholar – https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Hna7X28AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao ) over a hundred published papers and also an eight year track record at Duke as administrator, that seems to have been generally considered a success.

Kornbluth simply doesn’t have the “diversity hire” CV that Gay has

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I would like to share a block of text, in Bold typeface, from p. 27 of the Sept-Oct 2023 Harvard Mag, which states "Gay's research yielded credible, valid findings. "That's what you want in a scholar. She answered the question in the best way." The article this is taken from, A "Scholar's Scholar" President Claudine Gay, was written by John S. Rosenberg, fulsomely hailing the university's new president, page after page. Pretty nauseating stuff. I have a copy b/c my spouse attended graduate school there many years ago. With all the excitement of the three lady presidents' testimony before the House committee, the backfiring of their words, then Gay's revealed years of copycat academic scribblings, I was afraid we'd thrown out the magazine. Glad we unearthed it as it was in a pile to go to recycling. Cheers to Christopher and the guys with him. Heroes!!

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Yes that article is up for a "Brown Nose of the Decade" award.

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Funny. I should have mentioned that Rosenberg was/is? Editor of the mag. Also in the story which I used to help fall asleep last night, was mention of Gary King, Gay's advisor who many fellow social scientists proved yrs ago that his statistical data techniques were faulty, and that he was an academic "show off." No wonder he was attracted to Gay's ascension and wanted to be part of it, proving his DEI bona fides.

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The article is, BTW, on line at https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2023/08/features-president-claudine-gay

One of the things that amused me was how Harvard Magazine has the tagline along the top of the article:

Your /independent/ source for Harvard news since 1898

Because nothing says independence like a fawning bit of brown-nosing for the new leader

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I'm not the best at adding links to things so it's good to see that the Harvard mag is online. I'm old enough to remember the old, fuddy-duddy Harvard grads in the field of historic preservation. Some great memories when I worked at the Massachusetts Historical Commission in the early 70s! My boss there was Dr. Richard W. Hale, Harvard Ph.D. His father was the Hale of Hale & Dorr law firm, now WilmerHale which advised so poorly the three Lady Presidents who endured Cong. Elise Stefanik's grilling in committee in December.

It's pointless now to worry about the current situation. "Diversity" is why no one goes to the Ivy League schools to meet a potential marriage partner, which used to be a thing justifying your investment of time and your family's $$. The point of these places was to learn to be comfortable around people who ARE legacies, maybe not the brainiest, but who have stories of the great-grandfathers who descended from John Winthrop or who went from Harvard to the Belgian front in World War I, that sort of thing. Serving on sports teams or the campus radio station. Road trips to Smith or Vassar. My spouse was in the same class at Yale w/ George W. You might not get into Porcellian (FDR didn't!) but you'll know someone who did. That's part of the charm of the Ivies, until the 1970s, I'd say. Maybe co-education busted it up, but the fun and the tradition is gone. Claudine Gay's resignation letter exemplified the lack of charm and humor which used to be found in places like Harvard and Yale. As we say in the South, "Bless her heart."

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I went to Cambridge (UK) in the late 1980s. It was more or less as you describe the Ivies. Something changed there too in the last decade or so

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Keep plugging away - there's a lot more cancer at Harvard.

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Maybe we should discuss how the US Gov funds university nonsense through "overhead" (basically a tax) on research grants for hard science. How much does Harvard charge? 60 or 70 % ?

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Are you talking about the price that’s paid for a research study to provide desired results to whomever is funding the study?

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Private organizations making products to sell to the Federal Government must drug test and perform random drug testing. I don't see why this shouldn't apply to academic institutions receiving millions of dollars.

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Good for you Man!!!!!

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Remember Chris:

Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. People with the disorder can:

- Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance

- Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration

- Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it

- Exaggerate achievements and talents

- Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate

- Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people

- Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior

- Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations

- Take advantage of others to get what they want

- Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others

- Be envious of others and believe others envy them

- Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious

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FYI, I shared some of your work on Gay in a post today. I had no idea she was as horrible as you revealed, and well-before her advancement to prez! https://pomocon.substack.com/p/the-attempt-to-destroy-roland-fryer

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Well done :)

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FYI I have written a substack post that covers a lot of the work you have dobne and which may extend it slightly


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Ask Big Pharma?! It’s McDonald!s money to them.

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Keep shining the light!!

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I'm a paid subscriber to Unherd. Many great articles day after day. Everyone should subscribe to Unherd and to you....as paid.

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Heady days and nights for this feisty writer. Well done Sir.

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Great article - sharp and well written - well done for turning around in such a short period - and well done and thank you for your part in her resignation and for shining the light away from yourself and onto the need for merit to be the governing standard.

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