There is a reason ancient societies invented things like worry beads. Idle hands 'n all that. I've zero moral objections to gambling; I just think it's dumb; I do understand that all of financial markets on which the world revolves are built on various forms of gambling, in the scheme of things, but...
...I went once to Atlantic City because the now-unhusband wanted to go, and it was one of the saddest things I ever saw, all those people lined up in front of slot machines pulling them levers with essentially blank faces.
This really isn't so different from that.
I enjoy reading everything you write--including this--but it certainly seems like a tawdry, not clever or exciting world. Bad for one's healthy mental development.
What an interesting article.
There is a reason ancient societies invented things like worry beads. Idle hands 'n all that. I've zero moral objections to gambling; I just think it's dumb; I do understand that all of financial markets on which the world revolves are built on various forms of gambling, in the scheme of things, but...
...I went once to Atlantic City because the now-unhusband wanted to go, and it was one of the saddest things I ever saw, all those people lined up in front of slot machines pulling them levers with essentially blank faces.
This really isn't so different from that.
I enjoy reading everything you write--including this--but it certainly seems like a tawdry, not clever or exciting world. Bad for one's healthy mental development.
Anyway Happy New Year!
When gamblers get out-gambled...🥴
But it will be interesting if "freezepeach" gains traction.
This isn't the first time... Some unknown presumably senior senior Tesla guy made 120k betting Tesla would invest in NYC shortly before it did.
Article about this sort of thing by Eisenberg ironically