Credentialism has run amok among the Left-Dem set. They all love the initials after their last name and the status their credentials convoke upon them, in their minds. But what such people miss is that we have a higher expectation of such people. They SHOULD be better at what they do, but often today are not. I remember a casual conversation that started in a Cambridge MA restaurant on a Tuesday night, not crowded.

My waiter asked what I was reading, and it was a great book on China, The 100 Year Marathon. Turns out he was a PhD candidate in international studies and focused on China. I could see his demeanor change and he became smug and arrogant. So we began discussing China - he was pretty ignorant of their history. He was utterly ignorant of Mao's predations on his own people to a degree I found shocking. I'd read numerous books on China at this point, including a biography of Mao by his personal physician who'd finally escaped China. He knew nothing of Mao's systematic personal rapve of thousands of young Chinese girls who were delivered to him every night, and gave them all syphilis.

Instead he had the glowing fake history of China that is taught by the Chinese. They supposedly have no history of imperialism, lol - what about Tibet and Mongolia etc. He had no answers. He claimed they were peaceful, I cited Mao lauding his efforts in the Korean war, bragging how they had taken 100 blows to land only one, but it was the most important one. Mao was very willing to use force to get his way inside and outside of China. It went on and on, he didn't really know anything more than the propaganda one hears. He didn't understand the extent of their IP theft, their active subversion campaigns here and how corrupt their economic system was.

I was shocked. I just read books and sure, I'm kinda smart. But I expected him to be much deeper and better sourced etc. But he wasn't. He was pretty ignorant of many aspects of China. I expected he could successfully deflect some of my comments and criticisms but he couldn't. It was very weird. He got frustrated and stopped at a certain point. I came away with even more doubts about what the "Ivy league" was actually producing. Don't get me wrong the guy was 'smart' but in the way elitists are these days.

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Critical thinking and being taught how to learn are the best credentials for life. If children are just getting by with the basics or less in public school, then you cannot expect anything but trying to get ahead without using their "heads". I homeschooled my children while my husband and I lived and traveled in Europe. They came back and entered college and excelled ahead of their peers--public educated.

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I get the lack of critical thinking skills, sure. I reread my comment and I wish I'd done a better job of explaining this. I've also read history of China over its 3500 year existence. It had wars of conquest and was actually a bloody abattoir of slaughtering war lords for much of it's history until the Ching dynasty. He also know little about Genghis Khan, who came to power due to the insane abuse of warlords that he observed (Genghis Khan's story is never told honestly in our popular culture).

He also credited Mao and communism with destroying the Confucian society with its rigid class structure but in fact the nationalists also were working to disassemble that system. He also seemed to believe that the Chinese were this towering leading society and culture, but couldn't describe why the West rocketed past them and left them in the dust in a mere 500 years.

Basically he hated the West and loved China. It was depraved. And get that he would be PRIME candidate to be hired by our State Dept or CIA.

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Great information and comment. Peter Schweitzer book blood money reveals Chinese evolved in afflicting our soldiers in Korea and Vietnam with drug addiction. They took the purest heroin they could find to the jungle. It was in retribution for the opium wars. And they are still trying to put down the west. It's too bad the young man you encountered has a propagandized view of his major interest and study. his inability to be challenged or to present information countering your questions or opinions is more worrying.

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Indeed. What seemed most important to him was his status as a Harvard student and his program - not what he actually knew.

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You ever see the movie "The Great Imposter" with Tony Curtis? Based on a prolific credential-fraudster. This sort of thing is just so normal. It's unfortunate, and dangerous, and costly, and, sadly, ever so normal. If you looked into everyone those ivory tower walls would come tumbling down.

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Why is it the same demographic every time? I'll tell you why. We have been giving these people free things and pushing them ahead in school without them achieving for decades. They got used to it so much but now they're going for the top prize!

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It's just the same democraphic making the news these days. Fraud is a very equitable bad habit.

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And thus we have the old saying: 'can any good come out of Africa?' Well, at least diamonds and Basenjis!😁

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You ought to read MartyrMade's series on the rise and spread of slavery to the New World. There were significant African kingdoms trading with other significant civilizations but of course those African kingdoms were built on slavery too. Anyway it's incorrect to assume a lack of sophistication and education in all of Africa before Western colonization.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

When compared to the great civilizations of the Eurasian landmass that constitute the foundation of almost all man's progress, I'll stand by my statement

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Stand by anything you like.

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They were heathens without God. They worshiped all kinds of things instead of the great creator. Then, men with some good intentions went there to tell them about God. Some men decided to take the natural resources of the land. They did not compensate them for it but rather decided they too (the people) were resource to be plundered. Overtime those that were fortunate enough to get into the United States about God and had immense potential. The literacy rate was the highest ever achieved among black Americans after the Civil War. There have been some strong achievers through the years, but our government assistance has turned them into low wage earners and dependants of the state.

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If by same demographic you mean the OBEDIENT, shouldn't that be obvious? Its profitable to do as told and avoid feeling accountable for having done such. And when the whole of civiLIEzation gets behind the lies, man if that ain't the icing on the cake for the lazy and selfish.

If by demographic you are being racist, I find race to be the smallest aspect of the DEI hires placed in unmerited positions. There are people of all colors only to happy to obey for C-suite level payouts. Especially since they don't have to think or decide anything, just DO AS TOLD WHEN TOLD.

I imagine when accountability does finally come back into fashion it will be applied to the corporations they will pretend ran amok without their obedient clowns helming each stakeholder corporation. They will sacrifice corporations knowing they will just spin up more. They will prevent accountability for their obedient DIE hires potentially if they have further need for them down the road or they will deny all collusion and leave them to hang pretending that a bunch of inept clowns seated in CEO positions at stakeholder corporations came up with the scamdemic all on their own and colluded WITHOUT THE HELP AND DIRECTION OF THE FED GOV to have their way with the American Public. It will be interesting to see how it swings.

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"Being racist?"

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"Which demographic?"

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These institutions have bragged for so many years while their teaching has fallen into propaganda, rather than content and critical thinking. I worked at Princeton and saw how they prop up students who shouldn't even be in higher ed, but they want to keep their scores high. What BS. Great dis-service to the students as well. When they gain employment they are unable to perform the common tasks one would assume came with their degrees.

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It is a real tragedy for kids whose capacities might be productively fulfilled in other tracks and who will never get the opportunity for meaningful success--only frustration and bitterness.

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Mar 14Liked by Christopher Brunet

My other comment was deleted. You should have asked her how she even got the job of CEO of Gracemed. Gracemed is full of toxicity and hostility. It’s the worst place to go, this lady literally was fine with killing employees so she could benefit.

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I didn't delete it :)

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Narcissism. I hope she repents but she probably won’t. She’s entitled to her position. Like Gay.

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affirmative action hire

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Same profile, different day. The history of Africa or lack there of is easily explained by the empty efforts of her children.

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Back in my younger days, I asked a recruiter what I should put on my resume to apply for a certain job. The job required a degree, which at that time I did not have, but I did have the experience required. She told me to "lie" on my resume and list a fake degree. She said I could buy a fake degree if I felt I needed one to produce. She said they never check those things. I didn't take her advice thankfully. Years later, I have a Masters and I agree with the author. Every person who lies or fakes a degree, cheapens mine and many others. I don't care if she was the greatest CEO in human history, she lied, cheapened our work we did to obtain our degrees, and she should be fired and black listed until she earns a true doctorate.

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Another grifter

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When compared to the great civilizations of the Eurasian landmass that constitute almost all of man's progress, I'll stand by my statement

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I imagine people of her caliber were actively sought out as DEI hires and placed in unmerited positions in the C suite just to be sure they'd have a group of people who they KNEW would obey since they have no education or morals/ethics that would prevent them from saying anything for their own profit. I imagine this went on for most of the 2 decades leading up to the pandemic since from 2000-2010 the fed gov moved all production to china and subsidized shipping all that was produced back to America. One would only find this out if one had ordered something from china, got free shipping, then found issue with what was received and went to try and ship it Back to China, at which point the shipping fees were more than the cost of the thing bought in the first place making it a better choice to throw it in the trash and eat the loss.

I am grateful that people are now no longer taking "executives" at their word, since their word has frequently been proven to be lies for bias or profit. Its past time to hold meritless people accountable for their obedience and enabling of the national size Scamdemic foisted on the USA. Good Job!

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Another great story. Are there cases (successful or not) where organizations fire and then sue offenders for fraud and try to recoup wages and for repetitional damages?

Additionally, you'd think there'd be a strong market incentive for LinkedIn (or other 3rd parties) to offer "verified" status publicly. I'd be curious to know if there is some regulatory reason this market need is not already dominated by LinkedIn.

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if they had any guts they'd be suing these people. I agree with you. Back in the day of accountability they would have sued them and they would've been put up as an example. The way it is now, they are exonerated and go on to grift more. They probably even have the audacity to list the previous, falsely held positions on the resumes helping them leapfrog into the next high possession

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Do they get sued for the salaries they pull in under these fake credentials?

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I wonder. Ironically, she seemed to have at least been a decent COO and CEO for what the organization needed. Annual Report shows that they are +$10M (revenue - expenses).

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This is a widespread problem. Thank you for exposing this thanks to the X.

Off topic, but I have been listening to Chris Rufo on Rogan and it sucks how he refers to you as "another reporter." (In fairness I have not driven enough hours to get through the whole interview.) Keep up the good work.

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Unbelievable shamelessness. Thank god for your tenacity

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She could have a EdD with a thesis as worthless as Dr Jill’s.

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Hahahahahahaha. Can she read?

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If you read Peter Schweitzer's book you will understand the vengeance that China seeks on the West. They addicted our soldiers in Korean war and Vietnam war to drugs. They have been poisoning us for years. They strictly follow the theories of Tsu Sun, it it the guide for their military tactics. "use another's knife" is the incredible theory behind poisoning our kids. They now control everything in Mexico--even the trains that bring drugs into KC

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