Truer words were never spoken, unless one were to add that the would-be oppressors need not be oppressed themselves. Claiming oppression works just as well for those who would wield the whip.

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Karl is πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

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South Africa is the living example of what to expect.

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What's going on currently does not fit the normal paradigm from history. The 'revolution' that's been going on for the last 60 years in government and education has been happening covertly behind the scenes. Powerful people propping up weak people who are then directed to carry a fake narrative in order to stoke activism with a media that is owned, directed, and all too willing to push the lies and false narratives of those signing their pay checks. Revolutions used to be loud, violent, and popular among the lower to lower middle classes. The US destroyed the hopes and dreams of Marxism/Communism in the crib just by having a large middle class that had no reason to revolt as well as the most 'prosperous' poor in all of the World thanks to the gluttonous welfare system. So, instead of a normal revolution, they've been quietly sneaking into positions of power, stealing elections, and using the education system to create their 'army' while they create reasons for minorities to be angry further growing their 'army'. The entire thing is a fraud, a theft, and would be easily defeated should Populism figure out a way to destroy the Left's tools of fraud and remove the puppets of the super rich from power. There were people warning us of this for the last 40 years. Russian defectors from their intelligence agencies told us our education system had been intentionally compromised for this purpose back in the 1970's and 80's and no one did anything because they were afraid of being scapegoated like McCarthy from the 60's who dedicated his political career to warning us only to be chastised. This will never end until people are held accountable and I'm still waiting for one person, one politician, one criminal in DC responsible for destroying our economy, sending countless American jobs to China and other places after Americans worked for those companies, gave them tax breaks, and built them into multi-national corporations only to have them abandon entire communities and take their jobs out of America. There needs to be some rules about this where Americans don't pay for everything, assume all of the risks, get no benefit, and the CEO's and politicians are the only ones who benefit. Sorry about the rant. It's probably longer than the article at this point. You inspired me

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"Animal Farm", George Orwell

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A good example is the Communists in Russia. When they took over, Jews were oppressed. A large fraction of their leaders were Jewish (tho atheists, of course), including the number two man, Trotsky. They treated Jews equally, oppressing them as much but no more than anybody else. THen Stalin took over, and anti-semitism returned, lasting through Communism and probably to the present day. The Stalin "Doctor's Trial" of his late years is the big example.

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Yes except was Claudine ever abused by racism? She got her PhD after writing almost nothing a long time ago. She is the daughter of educated immigrants.

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Watching this substack blow up in real time is so sick.

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Her family were Haitian refugees apparently. Yet she went to Exeter, the most prestigious prep school in America. How did that happen? Is she like Ilhan? Her family was a leading member of the kleptocracy? Was Claudine’s also?

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Well said.

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Why free speech must always be defended

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Not to mention her plagiarism used to get her to her power position should get her removed from Harvard.

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Just look at South Africa.

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A quote from Saul Alinsky is relevant: "The fact that people are poor or discriminated against doesn’t necessarily endow them with any special qualities of justice, nobility, charity, or compassion."

A related thought by me: The people you’re trying to help aren’t any better than the people you’re working against, and if you switched them, you’d have the same struggle on your hands.

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Ben Bernanke being awarded a Nobel Prize is the equivalent to giving Alfred Nobel the Nobel Peace prize for inventing dynamite.

Yes, I know; it happened. Just like some other world-destroyers were given Nobel prizes before him: AlGore; Yassir Arafat, Barack 0bama. All worthless in these endeavors, but all who can claim in their biography that they won that prize.

And did I mention Henry Kissinger? I think he got one, too.

All this supports the reason a plagiarist was granted the right to be President of Hah-vahd.

Do I really have to say more?

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