Thank you for sharing the story about the story. The real resistance is a digital nomad taking down the worlds most powerful university. Keep it up comrade, proud to call you a pen pal and recommend your substack to all my readers.

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Oreos. My boy, you deserve the fire and depth of gingersnaps and I hope someone local will bake a big batch for you.

Yes. You had the instincts and the guts and the grit and it's an absolute joy to see this playing out right now.

Travel safe! Eat lots of garlic!

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Go. Fight. Win.

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thank you for sharing that story. for a moment i imagined myself in that airport eating Oreos, that must have felt so good :) congratulations.

great quote too, living the dream.

i feel a little cheap now to have subscribed only with the discount, you totally deserve more.

this story uplifted my spirit, and maybe my comment yours a little bit too ;)

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Your faith in yourself is both well placed and inspiring. Keep up the good work!

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Keep up this good work.

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Why should Gay be the only plagiarist? Probably, other Harvard profs. have done it, too. If they came to light, it would add pressure.

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Great effort. Well done, you deserve it. I share some of your March 2022 frustrations, but then all deep-diving hacks should. Investigative journalism is punishing for a reason: the reward when it works out is sweeter than any other professional joy.

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> the biggest scandal of the entire year

Other than the IDF snoozing through the lead-up to Oct 7, wasn’t the biggest scandal of the year how Neri Oxman’s husband wouldn’t shut up about how her plagiarism was somehow more justified than Claudine Gay’s?

If Claudine Gay had been married to someone that addicted to Twitter, I’m sure more than three people would have cared about her not-quite-literal self-immolation…

(Yes, yes; there’s a possibility that I’m misremembering and the Neri Oxman thing was actually after the new year. In which case, sure; Claudine Gay can move a little further up the list of briefly trending topics everyone has since forgotten.)

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I mean perhaps there’s a certain irony to The Year [Everyone Got Sick] of ChatGPT getting crowned off with an honest-to-god plagiarism scandal, in which case, congratulations; you briefly got people to care about old-fashioned human plagiarists like Neri Oxman.

(Now, as a Large Language Model, I…)

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kudos to you, but favela is a Portuguese Brazilian word that isn't used in Mexico though I suppose you have some room for "artistic license"??

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Beware of Discord; it shut down A. Karlin's server and banned all posters in it without warning or explanation. Once you and everyone in the server are banned, there is no appeal.

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You wrote: "I published over a dozen dozen articles about Claudine Gay, doggedly pursuing..." and that would be gross! (A gross is a dozen dozen. It's a literary maths joke.) Smile! It's Boxing Day.

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What a tangled web we weave?

Go around with circumstance

Someone show me how to tell

The dancer from the dance

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It looks like from your EJMR excerpt that Prof. Golub deleted the tweet. Did he apologize and publish a correction? Did you ask him to? (nicely, first, then ramping up?) Maybe I could ask someone at Northwestern to tell him to--- the indirect approach is often useful.

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