After 60+ years of continuous operation, the Ford Foundation Fellowship is dead.
This is a weird decision because the Ford Foundation is as extravagantly rich as they ever were — they could easily afford to keep their flagship program afloat if they wanted to. People are confused, and nobody really knows what happened. I certainly don't know what happened. I will keep trying to get to the bottom of what drove this decision, but until then, consider this a short article simply to break the news.
No concrete reason was given. Just vague handwaving.
“This was a painful sacrifice, but a necessary one,” writes Ford Foundation President Darren Walker. “The time has come to adapt and evolve—to recenter our support for a new generation of individuals, ideas, and institutions that are leading the way forward from inequality to justice.”
The Ford Foundation Fellowship is pertinent to Karlstack because this was the first article I ever wrote that truly went viral… a huge chunk of of my readers come solely from this scoop, this is where it all began, so I am sentimentally attached to this story:
This story resulted in JD Vance calling for the Ford Foundation to be taxed, Karlstack being mentioned on Barri Weiss’ Common Sense, and Karlstack being namedropped on Tucker Carlson.

A few days after I broke that first story, I wrote a follow-up story that went even more viral.
Hilariously, a full year later, just a few days ago, on September 9th, 2022, the New York Times then put out a a big feature on the whole drama… I guess these Ford Foundation apparatchiks whom I gaped are still living with the trauma.
This NYT article ends by saying, “There is a concerted campaign afoot to delegitimize academia in the United States, on that too many people seem unwilling to acknowledge and very likely will not respond to in time.”
Haha. Yes. There is indeed a concerted effort afoot to delegitimize academia.
Please subscribe to Karlstack so that I may continue to delegitimize academia. The more subscribers I get, the bigger spotlight I can shine on these frauds.
I will end this article with a few of their many, many tweets. Their crying is music to my ears. These people are literally full-blown communists.

Have a nice weekend :)
You are doing God's work! Your exposè of Ford Foundation fuckery was how I discovered your excellent substack. Great job cutting off this head of the wokeist hydra -- though it has many more gaping mouths spewing psychopathic ideological nonsense, the Ford Foundation was one of the communist monster's most sinister faces.
Well done. As an old Analyst, this economic charade has long legs with other Philanthropic Foundations as well. The Ford Foundation created a "New" Constitution, in the hopes of eventual destruction of our FOunding Documents, ongoing to this day. The Carnegie Foundation had as Director Alger hiss, who was later Roosevelts right hand in handling the structural White Papers for the coming United Nations Charter. He was a Communist, and finally imprisoned for purgury, as he almost escaped the limits of prosecution. In the case of the Carnegie Foundation, the Libraries, placed in small towns were lauded as so Philenthropic, while the objective was the placement of leftist books before the common citizen. Be well.