You are doing God's work! Your exposè of Ford Foundation fuckery was how I discovered your excellent substack. Great job cutting off this head of the wokeist hydra -- though it has many more gaping mouths spewing psychopathic ideological nonsense, the Ford Foundation was one of the communist monster's most sinister faces.
Well done. As an old Analyst, this economic charade has long legs with other Philanthropic Foundations as well. The Ford Foundation created a "New" Constitution, in the hopes of eventual destruction of our FOunding Documents, ongoing to this day. The Carnegie Foundation had as Director Alger hiss, who was later Roosevelts right hand in handling the structural White Papers for the coming United Nations Charter. He was a Communist, and finally imprisoned for purgury, as he almost escaped the limits of prosecution. In the case of the Carnegie Foundation, the Libraries, placed in small towns were lauded as so Philenthropic, while the objective was the placement of leftist books before the common citizen. Be well.
Well, maybe not better. If it was used consistently, the world would be a much better place. Better still if it wasn't used to pay off supporters of either party.
Hi, hip, hooray. If there are few sources of academic funding for "meaningful" DIE studies, great; one less, all the better. Congrats on being so far ahead of the curve.
"Yes. There is indeed a concerted effort afoot to delegitimize academia."
Huh, see I thought the effort was being made by academia itself, like an alcoholic trying to drink himself to death. I don't know that they can blame the people pointing out "Hey, that guy is drinking himself to death." I suppose academia is still protesting that they are fine to drive...
Still, full marks for doing all that pointing! They need to fully lose legitimacy, and you are doing yeoman's work demonstrating that.
The NYT article is sympathetic to the women but it does make a serious effort to explain the situation of the man who was attacked by them. What stands out are the letters on this. While written by an overwhelmingly left of center cohort, as would be expected in the NYT, they are virtually unanimous
in support of him and harshly critical of the women.
Given the role that the NYT plays in framing issues for the professional elites in this country, I suspect that this article played a central role in shutting down the Ford program. The folks at the Foundation could care less what Tucker Carlson has to say but when their own audience is dismayed by the behavior of their Fordies, reevaluation was called for.
It may be premature but I think you can go ahead and claim your pelt here, my guy. Your reporting was the first I ever really saw that effectively shined a light on this rot. 👏
You are doing God's work! Your exposè of Ford Foundation fuckery was how I discovered your excellent substack. Great job cutting off this head of the wokeist hydra -- though it has many more gaping mouths spewing psychopathic ideological nonsense, the Ford Foundation was one of the communist monster's most sinister faces.
Well done. As an old Analyst, this economic charade has long legs with other Philanthropic Foundations as well. The Ford Foundation created a "New" Constitution, in the hopes of eventual destruction of our FOunding Documents, ongoing to this day. The Carnegie Foundation had as Director Alger hiss, who was later Roosevelts right hand in handling the structural White Papers for the coming United Nations Charter. He was a Communist, and finally imprisoned for purgury, as he almost escaped the limits of prosecution. In the case of the Carnegie Foundation, the Libraries, placed in small towns were lauded as so Philenthropic, while the objective was the placement of leftist books before the common citizen. Be well.
Man, the power of the tax code. Imagine if republicans actually used it the same way the Dems do- the world would be a much better place.
Well, maybe not better. If it was used consistently, the world would be a much better place. Better still if it wasn't used to pay off supporters of either party.
Hi, hip, hooray. If there are few sources of academic funding for "meaningful" DIE studies, great; one less, all the better. Congrats on being so far ahead of the curve.
Re-reading this again puts a huge grin on my face.
"Yes. There is indeed a concerted effort afoot to delegitimize academia."
Huh, see I thought the effort was being made by academia itself, like an alcoholic trying to drink himself to death. I don't know that they can blame the people pointing out "Hey, that guy is drinking himself to death." I suppose academia is still protesting that they are fine to drive...
Still, full marks for doing all that pointing! They need to fully lose legitimacy, and you are doing yeoman's work demonstrating that.
The NYT article is sympathetic to the women but it does make a serious effort to explain the situation of the man who was attacked by them. What stands out are the letters on this. While written by an overwhelmingly left of center cohort, as would be expected in the NYT, they are virtually unanimous
in support of him and harshly critical of the women.
Given the role that the NYT plays in framing issues for the professional elites in this country, I suspect that this article played a central role in shutting down the Ford program. The folks at the Foundation could care less what Tucker Carlson has to say but when their own audience is dismayed by the behavior of their Fordies, reevaluation was called for.
Congratulations on a job well done, Chris.
No idea why this happened but Ford's CEO is openly gay and black. Make of that what you will. Maybe this is a big hissy fit.
It may be premature but I think you can go ahead and claim your pelt here, my guy. Your reporting was the first I ever really saw that effectively shined a light on this rot. 👏
Yeah, them "subareas, research agendas..." Oh honey. Gonna need to get a real job now.
I just keep sayin'. Substack on the econ world and it's more fun in my inbox than even the Babylon Bee.
How is this news? This has been going on since the Civil Rights era. Where do you think that crap came from?
That said, thanks for calling it out. Your substack looks good.