Dec 18, 2022Liked by Christopher Brunet

My researcher spouse says altering images is a huge problem in scientific publications.

I'm a former award-winning high-end digital retoucher. I offer my services in providing a professional opinion on whether flattened image files have been altered. I could probably convincingly alter one myself, but most scientists are not that good at retouching. I could see a lot of giveaways in the Stanford Dailey cited images, beyond duplication.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Christopher Brunet

The Lee Jussim metaphor actually isn't very good. It is not at all clear that horses are better than mules for plowing. I googled "plowing with horses versus mules" to make sure, and I see that experts would say it is unclear. Horses are fancier, but if your metaphor is "using a thoroughbred for plowing", it works both because that kind of horse is more expensive and because it's worse for plowing.

Of course, saying that to denigrate mules is racist is even crazier. Clearly nobody concerned knows anything about livestock.

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Cups of hemlock, so to speak, never go out of style.

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God, how I (nonviolently) hate all these infantile Assholes.

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Dec 17, 2022·edited Dec 17, 2022

I did my own research on 'Adult Human Female' and found the IMDB page. It's a sight to behold https://www.imdb.com/title/tt23844954/?ref_=ttpl_pl_tt


Adult Human Female (2022)

Using a-historical claims and an egregious misunderstanding of how biology and language works, trans-exclusionary radical 'feminists', also known as TERFs, frame the fight for women's rights based entirely in opposition to transgender people. Basing their arguments on cherry-picked data, ignoring the adversity trans people face, and misrepresenting accounts of events ... Read all

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i finally decided to check you out

only to see you're a moron


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