We need more Canadians like you, and less like David Frum!

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Call your taxidermist, you got a fresh scalp for your wall!

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Now DC will make her Secretary of Education or something She will be the poster child of the aggrieved and untalented who want to be lionized for their purported greatness. It ain't over; it's just begun.

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I nominate the person she viciously persecuted to succeed her, Roland Fryer.

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Congrats on breaking this shit, Chris!

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Claudine Gay is like a blinged-out, wealthy, privileged, self-entitled cockroach. It's not like she could ever hide in plain sight, a cockroach remains a cockroach, and this all seems too easy. It's not like she's been exiled to some remote island, as a pariah of humanity... People like her are surrounded by people like her. They're cockroaches. They're pestilence.

Moreover, cockroaches aren't exterminated that easily. You may win a battle against them, but the war against cockroaches rages on. Ain't no rest for the wicked.

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The Memelord Muckracker strikes again.

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Congratulations! Happy further hunting.

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Ding dong the witch is dead!

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She was a fence turtle.

When you see a turtle on the top of a fence post, you know that it didn't get there on its own.

These frauds should all be routed. The question is, how many more in "The Company" are just as fraudulent as the fraud they supported?

You have done a great service by exposing Claudine Gay, and the DIEvy league Harvard frauds.

I'm sure you're already on it. Keep up the good work.

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It’s hard for me to articulate why I was obsessed with this story, but I appreciated all your writings. I hope you have another good uncovering brewing!

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Great work

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Great work! Just paid for a year subscription. Hey all out there, become a paid subscriber!!!

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Good riddance to this diversity buffoon, hope she doesn't fail upwards.

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University presidents usually have a contract that lets them leave the presidency and take up a tenured professorship, and that's what Liz Magill did at Penn. Weird that none of the stories address this question. Do you know if she's staying at Harvard as a professor?

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