Is that not the truth? What also need to be consideredb is that these universities , leftist hotbeds as they are, are also just rife with petty hate and resenment towards each other. It's really a petri dish of negativity. think a lot of academics are running plagiarism tests on colleagues as we speak.
This is another excellent piece on a topic that can be as dry as the Sahara but with so many twists and turns it has become fascinating. You’re just scratching the surface on the depth of deceit. The revelations are stunning but tread carefully. Liars operate best in the dark and your spotlight is unwelcome.
All the grievance studies PhDs are going to be rife with plagiarism, and made up numbers. How can you not plagiarize? It is all nothing. Nothing times 50 or 60 PhDs will still be nothing. There is not enough depth there to be filled with interesting analysis.
When you are speaking to millions, you can’t really tell. Sometimes all you see is a big lens of a studio uplink cam, or even just your own web cam. Or on radio, you just have ears on. It’s not so bad. You know your stuff. Think of being in a single conversation with someone who doesn’t know as much as you about your own subject. I hope you go on with Tucker.
If the economic lives of Blacks had improved since her appointment, we could excuse this. But in fact it’s gotten worse precisely due to their being Obama Excuse Dems, when they should have stayed GOP like Lincoln and their grandparents. Dems hijacked MLK’s legacy, twisted it and kept the same caste system as before.
Thanks for exposing this fraud! Everything is becoming a grift these days. We need to make these phonies pay a price in public embarrassment, so their options are at least temporarily limited. Isn’t it funny how people with no real expertise or track record demand to be treated with the highest respect, while denigrating those with genuine accomplishments? Stupidity and low morals go hand in hand, unfortunately, so as long as we promote DEI and AA mediocrities, we can expect more of the same.
I guess I missed some of the original Cook brouhaha. I certainly missed Brad Delong defending her and I now think considerably less of him for doing so. Mind you I suspect one reason he did was that he didn't want to admit that he'd failed to note the gaping hole in her work previously.
Also I'm amused to note that on google scholar the 3rd and 4th highest ranked papers appear to be a different L Cook (at least unless she's been moonlighting as a medical researcher)
Where does Biden found these folk? Disclaimer I was at school at Morehouse while she was at Spelman. Wasn't academically tight to be honest. She made good grades but if asked to use information, she was lost.
Is it just me or can others see the corruption, lies, deceit and scumminess dripping from these "people"?? Maybe it's the smug, superior, "you can't get me" attitude and smirk (echoes of Letwita James and Big Fanny). No matter what it is, it makes reading these exposee pieces all the more satisfying.
Sometimes when your fishing you get one you think is the trophy, but it spits the hook in order for you to catch the bigger more important one. I can't imagine having Jamie Reskin's wife on the Fed Board. She would have taken the levels of corruption and behind the scenes deals that already exist to new levels and caused more devastation, than Cook will ever do.
Wonder how this black woman got this gig rather than say G Loury, and/or R Fryer. We know the answer, obv. To say nothing re: as long as intersectionality is part of power structures, those structures are just fine, right?
Great work Chris. When the corporate media goes after you, it’s a telltale sign you’re right on the facts. I think it’s really a badge these days.
I'd bet anything that the dems have been feverishly looking for plagiarism in white men (and only white men) ever since this topic hit mainstream.
If they had found anything so far, it would have pushed Trump off the news cycle while the deep state media propagandized it to death.
It will be interesting to see what they ultimately discover.
Is that not the truth? What also need to be consideredb is that these universities , leftist hotbeds as they are, are also just rife with petty hate and resenment towards each other. It's really a petri dish of negativity. think a lot of academics are running plagiarism tests on colleagues as we speak.
May be time for some 'reverse equity'?
You remind me of a very polite pit bull.
This is another excellent piece on a topic that can be as dry as the Sahara but with so many twists and turns it has become fascinating. You’re just scratching the surface on the depth of deceit. The revelations are stunning but tread carefully. Liars operate best in the dark and your spotlight is unwelcome.
All the grievance studies PhDs are going to be rife with plagiarism, and made up numbers. How can you not plagiarize? It is all nothing. Nothing times 50 or 60 PhDs will still be nothing. There is not enough depth there to be filled with interesting analysis.
When you are speaking to millions, you can’t really tell. Sometimes all you see is a big lens of a studio uplink cam, or even just your own web cam. Or on radio, you just have ears on. It’s not so bad. You know your stuff. Think of being in a single conversation with someone who doesn’t know as much as you about your own subject. I hope you go on with Tucker.
Great work!
If the economic lives of Blacks had improved since her appointment, we could excuse this. But in fact it’s gotten worse precisely due to their being Obama Excuse Dems, when they should have stayed GOP like Lincoln and their grandparents. Dems hijacked MLK’s legacy, twisted it and kept the same caste system as before.
Well! You certainly began as you not only meant to go on, but did.
You got any spare antennae? Lots of people could use some.
Thanks for exposing this fraud! Everything is becoming a grift these days. We need to make these phonies pay a price in public embarrassment, so their options are at least temporarily limited. Isn’t it funny how people with no real expertise or track record demand to be treated with the highest respect, while denigrating those with genuine accomplishments? Stupidity and low morals go hand in hand, unfortunately, so as long as we promote DEI and AA mediocrities, we can expect more of the same.
I just substacked on her AER article.
I ougtht o have linked to this Brunet Substack, which is full of good facts. I will link to it tomorrow, but it's past midnight now and I'm wiped out.
I guess I missed some of the original Cook brouhaha. I certainly missed Brad Delong defending her and I now think considerably less of him for doing so. Mind you I suspect one reason he did was that he didn't want to admit that he'd failed to note the gaping hole in her work previously.
Also I'm amused to note that on google scholar the 3rd and 4th highest ranked papers appear to be a different L Cook (at least unless she's been moonlighting as a medical researcher)
Trade credit and bank finance: Financing small firms in Russia
LD Cook
Journal of Business venturing 14 (5-6), 493-518 200 1999
Violence and economic activity: evidence from African American patents, 1870–1940
LD Cook
Journal of Economic Growth 19, 221-257 165 2014
Using stimulant medication for children with ADHD: what do parents say? A brief report
A Charach, A Skyba, L Cook, BJ Antle
Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 15 (2), 75 141 2006
Mothers raising children with sickle cell disease at the intersection of race, gender, and illness stigma
DPR Burnes, BJ Antle, CC Williams, L Cook
Health & Social Work 33 (3), 211-220 117 2008
Regional public goods in international assistance
LD Cook, J Sachs
Kaul et al, Global public goods: international cooperation in the 21st … 101 1999
Racial segregation and southern lynching
LD Cook, TD Logan, JM Parman
Social Science History 42 (4), 635-675 86 2018
Where does Biden found these folk? Disclaimer I was at school at Morehouse while she was at Spelman. Wasn't academically tight to be honest. She made good grades but if asked to use information, she was lost.
She like the other Biden nominees.
Well done!!
Is it just me or can others see the corruption, lies, deceit and scumminess dripping from these "people"?? Maybe it's the smug, superior, "you can't get me" attitude and smirk (echoes of Letwita James and Big Fanny). No matter what it is, it makes reading these exposee pieces all the more satisfying.
Sometimes when your fishing you get one you think is the trophy, but it spits the hook in order for you to catch the bigger more important one. I can't imagine having Jamie Reskin's wife on the Fed Board. She would have taken the levels of corruption and behind the scenes deals that already exist to new levels and caused more devastation, than Cook will ever do.
Keep up the great work!
Thanks for your diligent efforts. Truth - and sanity - need all the help they can get these days.
"Disproportionately" is the key word. Their only ethic is to be less corrupt than some other unidentified person or group of persons.
Wonder how this black woman got this gig rather than say G Loury, and/or R Fryer. We know the answer, obv. To say nothing re: as long as intersectionality is part of power structures, those structures are just fine, right?