Maryland Congressional Race Reveals Glimpse into GOP Slime Machine
Matthew Foldi's botched campaign is everything that is wrong with American politics
I would be remiss If I did not begin this article by bragging about being namedropped in the New Yorker in their investigation into the “right-wing slime machine”:

“A writer for the Daily Caller, Chris Brunet, said in a Substack column that Cook is a ‘random economist at Michigan State University who has shamelessly leveraged her skin color and genitalia into gaining the backing of several key White House officials’ Brunet tweeted proudly that his critique had been promoted on Fox News by Tucker Carlson."
Haha. Classic.
I would further remiss if I did not now promote my rebuttal, in which I rail against the left-wing slime machine:
In this article I will now expose the right-wing slime machine.
I frequently get accused on twitter of being a Republican — I always find this funny, because I am not even American, I am Canadian, so why would I have any allegiance to the GOP? I don’t care about the Republican party at all.
A consequence of these twitter barbs, though, is that I have developed a tendency to enjoy attacking the GOP whenever I can… if I am being honest with myself, this is me overcompensating for being constantly called a Republican shill. I subconsciously try to prove that I not. See, for example, my article from a year ago shitting on bumbling fool Andrew Guiliani:
I further have a chip on my shoulder because for a brief time I worked as an investigative reportage at the Daily Caller News Foundation… which, again if we are being honest with ourselves — is nakedly a Republican party mouthpiece, just like the Huffington Post is nakedly a Democrat party mouthpiece. So, again, on some level I feel the need to overcompensate and lash out against the GOP just to prove that I am an independent journalist and I can shit on whomever I please.
A have a further chip on my shoulder because I hate unearned privilege. I strongly believe in meritocracy, not nepotism and corruption. This is partly why I hate Justin Trudeau so much — he never earned the right to run for Prime Minister. His CV prior to politics was incredibly thin: snowboard instructor, drama teacher, and dropped out of a masters degree. And somehow he feels entitled to lead the nation? For him to run for parliament in the first place was obscene and immoral.
Enter Matthew Foldi, a 25 year-old twink who just ran for congress in Maryland. The national media spent the past few months creaming their pants over this so-called wunderkid.

There was something…. fishy…. about Foldi’s congressional campaign, though.
It wasn’t exactly… organic.
In fact, Foldi’s campaign was so blatantly inorganic and manufactured that it glows.
It glows hard.
Let’s start with the fact that both of Matthew Foldi’s parents are glowies.
Hid dad, Paul Foldi, served for 10 years as a staffer for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and for 13 years before that as an American diplomat in the Department of State.
His mom, Bonnie Glick, worked for 12 years as a Foreign Service Officer at the United States Department of State, and more recently served as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). FYI it is widely accepted that USAID is a CIA front.
After stepping down as COO of USAID, she became the Inaugural director of the Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue. It should be noted that Leon Panetta, former Director of the CIA, serves on the Krach Institute’s advisory board.

It should further be noted that Bonnie Glick is also a lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations, another CIA front.

The thing about having such high-profile glowie parents is that you are automatically born into a life where you yourself are expected to be a glowie. This is how elite glowies recruit. Recruitment is highly based on bloodline.
What I am saying here — although I can’t prove it! — is that Matthew Foldi is a federal intelligence asset, if not a full blown member-at-large of the intelligence community.
It makes sense, then that another Director of the CIA would endorse him.

Think about it: why else would Mike Pompeo endorse some random kid in Maryland?
For that matter, why would all these powerful people endorse some random kid with no achievements?
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan
GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy
Donald Trump Jr.
Elise Stefanik, chair of the House Republican Conference
David Friedman, former US ambassador to Israel
Word on the street is that Caroline Glick, Matthew Foldi’s aunt, played a big part in nabbing these Pompeo and Friedman endorsements. She is a powerful Israeli spook parading around as a journalist.

A lot of very powerful people wanted Matthew Foldi to win in a not-very-subtle way.
This can’t simply be the case “good kid, works hard, got lucky.” This is a case of blatant corruption in which the deep state machine attempts to subvert democracy and plant their own handpicked junior glowie in congress.
The smoking gun of this corruption is that after receiving all these earth-shattering endorsements, Foldi immediate lost by ~50 points.

If Foldi had lost by 20-30 pts it would be one thing, but to lose by 50 points, holy shit, there is no plausible argument he had real grassroots support ever. Its very unseemly. Literally the only support he had was corrupt, nepotistic swamp monsters calling in favors.

“He does not impress me one bit. He comes across to me as a wealthy elitist.”
— Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins
“His dad’s a big lobbyist. His mom’s very influential in conservative circles. What we’re seeing is a lot of the outside people who aren’t really from this area are giving him endorsements.”
— Neil Parrott, one of the candidates in the race
“He doesn’t live in the district, and every single voter we have spoken to doesn’t even know who he is … I’m not surprised at all on the endorsements. It makes total sense that a son of a lobbyist and resident of the DC swamp gets an endorsement from California. Meanwhile the voters here just want a genuine representative in Congress. Who lives here. It would be nice if the network would give other candidates the same playing field as far as airtime. I’ve tried to reach out but haven’t been able to get in touch with anyone."
— Mariela Roca, one of the candidates in the race
The Paul Singer Connection
There is one missing puzzle piece here that help explains why the most powerful people in the world all coalesced around this random kid. After graduating from UChicago with a BA in Political Science, Matthew Foldi’s only adult job to date has been at the Washington Free Beacon:

During his time as a reporter for the Washington Free Beacon, Foldi frequently covered energy policy.

It should be noted that the Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is a guy named Richard Glick. I wasn’t able to confirm if Richard Glick is related to Bonnie Glick, Matthew Foldi’s mom, but it sure would make sense that Foldi is scoring all these energy-related scoops the for Washington Free Beacon because his uncle is the Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
The web of swamp monsters thickens.
Here is the thing you have to know the Washington Free Beacon: it doesn’t exist to turn a profit. The outlet is backed by Paul Singer, an American hedge fund billionaire, and the pittance it costs him to run the Washington Free Beacon doesn’t matter one iota to him. This outlet is purely a passion project where stories can be leaked to hurt his enemies.

Gosh, do you think it is possible that Paul Singer is friends with Foldi’s mom?
Do you think it is possible this friendship is why Foldi was hired at the Free Beacon in the first place?
The New York Times says that Paul Singer is "the top source of contributions" to the National Republican Senatorial Committee. That means if Singer wants something, he gets it. Just like it would be nice for Mike Pompeo to have a handpicked CIA asset in congress, it would be nice for Paul Singer to have a handpicked Free Beacon alum in congress. So Singer calls up his Pompeo, McCarthy, Stefanik, Hogan and asks for a favor — endorse this wunderkid! He’s a wunderkid! They agree because they want Paul Singer’s money.
Are you starting to see how this web of swamp creatures operates?
Entrenched Washington bureaucrat spooks, working with billionaire financier megadonors, working with Israeli intelligence operatives, working with right-wing journalists, working with the CIA, working with influential Twitter trolls and podcasters, all working together in perfect unison in an attempt to trick rubes in a rural county to vote against their own best interest. This is the perfect embodiment of the Republican party in the year of our lord 2022.
This story is not about Matthew Foldi — by all accounts he is a nice and smart guy (if very opportunistic). What I find much more compelling about this story is that it highlights a huge amount of institutional rot. The Republican slime machine is rotten and corrupt to the core, entirely captured by special interests. The system is broken, and it has never been more obvious.
Life is Not Fair
The worst part of this story is just how blatantly the Republican slime machine shoved this Foldi guy down America’s throat, despite the fact that he had zero qualifications or achievements, purely because he was born with a glowing silver spoon in his mouth. They aren’t even pretending like America is a meritocracy anymore.
It’s not like Foldi had a bold vision or a plan to fix anything, either — he didn’t even try to campaign on the issues. He spent the entire campaign personally attacking his opponent on Twitter and seemed mostly focused on calling his opponent a lazy boomer more than anything else. It wasn’t a campaign about substantive issues. It was a campaign of vainglorious Twitter peacocking by a kid with no achievements, merit, credentials, gravitas or policy platform. Foldi rightfully got trounced by 50 points by his opponent who had 6% of his Twitter followers, proving yet again that Twitter is not real life.
The fact that delusional elites in their beltway bubble thought Foldi had a chance — they genuinely believed that the Ambassador to Israel’s endorsement would matter to voters in rural Maryland, lmao — shows how out of touch they are. Every elitist who endorsed Foldi now has egg on their face.
Or is that slime?
I reached out to Matthew Foldi to verify the facts in this article and to give him the opportunity to respond. I offered him the last word. He did not answer.
My advice to all glowies reading this article is that next time you try to subvert democracy and plant an asset in congress, be less blatant about it. Do your job better so that random Substack bloggers can’t see right through you with publicly available information. C’mon. You’re better than this.
Fuck all glowies, and fuck the deep state!
Chris I just canceled my monthly reoccurring GOP donation that has been going on for nearly a decade. I explained exactly why I’m canceling and I requested a call from “Ronna Romney McDaniel” – mitt Romney‘s disgraceful niece.
Awesome. Now do Leslyn Lewis.