Incredible work. Keep pushing for change and accountability. Plenty of cash in the endowment for this issue and the false rape case.

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Love it. Looking forward to seeing what the response is / what the next step is. Ty for helping to shine a light on the ethical difference between white / grey / black hackers

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white hackers use computers

grey hackers cough up phlegm

black hackers use machetes

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Perhaps it's time for washing out all our dictionaries with good strong laundry soap. Why did everyone let everyone get away with the euphemizing of crimes for so long?

It's not "sampling," it's theft.

It's not "amusement," it's plagiarism.

It's not "hacking," it's breaking and entering and theft.

Unfortunately, people, no matter what political or philosophical side of anything they see themselves on, tend to excuse bad acts by their friends while they gleefully expose them in their adversaries. That's just science.

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I'm not sure who started the term "porch pirates" but it needs to go too.

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Yes. But we can blame Hollywood for transing thievery into raffish charm.

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Poor Chrissy. Nobody ever responds to his spastic ranting.

Nobody cares but the dozen mentaI patients who subscribe to his tardstack.


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Keep up the Great work!

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Amazing work, Chris. Thankfully we have someone asking the right questions.

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The answer to your questions is: Yale university hates humanity and wants to enslave mankind. They are very enthusiastic about any deaths that follow from their actions.

God bless you for your work. Amen.

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Incredibly important work.

Absolutely incredible that Yale has failed to sanction this despicable and legally actionable violation of privacy.

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Not related to this post, but here's a long article in tomorrow's WSJ about Data Colada. Well overdue recognition.


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