After I blasted this video out a few days ago, it was deleted from YouTube and X.
Not gonna get a lot of comments because people are scared the Yale hackers will now hack Substack.
It's also possible that he's "not gonna get a lot of comments", for the same reason why everything else he writes doesn't get a lot of comments: his poorly written mewling just isn't interesting enough to warrant commentary.
A lot of video blasting going on with lately Chris, keep it in your pants brother.
Not gonna get a lot of comments because people are scared the Yale hackers will now hack Substack.
It's also possible that he's "not gonna get a lot of comments", for the same reason why everything else he writes doesn't get a lot of comments: his poorly written mewling just isn't interesting enough to warrant commentary.
A lot of video blasting going on with lately Chris, keep it in your pants brother.