You are seeing the utter destruction of a once-prosperous country in real time. Not for nothing is the Trudeau junta implementing the most draconian censorship on the planet.

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The US and other countries have set a terrible precedence of offering illegals everything. Indians are already taking many jobs from US and Canadian citizens. Just think of all the call centers alone. Such a precious treasure PEI. Too bad. Now everywhere will smell like curry and the traditions will be lost.

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The thing is, the US doesn’t offer immigrants, especially illegal immigrants anything. Hell, the US barely offers their own citizens anything.

While similar, the immigration situation in Canada and the US have some key differences

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You’re obviously not here in the us, are you? That’s almost as stupid a statement as idiot noname made.shut the fuck up if you have problems with thinking.

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Federal law explicitly prohibits illegal immigrants from receiving federal benefits (was implemented under Reagan and then expanded under Clinton). I was merely pointing out that Canada and the US differ in this regard.


Considering how little you know about US federal law, maybe you should take your own advice and shut the fuck up.

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Considering that illegals are being brought here for free, given accommodations, food, phones to know when it’s go time, and cash cards, I would reiterate you don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground. So apparently bowdown is breaking federal law. Which of course we know he is. But the facts are that illegals are being bought, brought here, and cared for. And they aren’t seeking asylum,they’re seeking welfare. I hope half of them end up in Canada.

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I think you’re confusing what states do versus the federal government does. States often will have programs that help illegal immigrants; sometimes they ask for additional funding from the federal government. Other states do not do this. Texas vs California. Due to state’s rights, states are allowed to spend their money however they want on what they want.

Private organizations will often step in and give things to legal immigrants (housing, cash). Again, this is not the government.

I understand that you are upset about illegal immigration. As am I. As are most Americans. But I think it’s really important to be specific and understand what the exact problem is so we can effectively deal with it.

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Oh you just sitting at home complaining all the jobs are gone, maybe get yo ungrateful ass up and look for opportunities like the hardworking immigrants. This is just a start, soon they will get the power they are begging for. For years in the past you watched white ppl supremacy taking over the world, looting, colonizing and raping native women and children and living behind poor helpless citizens behind and tagging them 'third world' and watch how the tables are gonna turn soon😈

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Your brown ass outnumber us white supremacists ten to one,ya fucking imbecile.

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That’s quite the take! Seems like you're ready to jump into the debate with both boots on. Well, if things get spicy, maybe it’s your turn to show ‘em how it’s done at the call center/Timmy's. Could be a neat way to mix things up, right?

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Oh you just sitting at home complaining all the jobs are gone, maybe get yo ungrateful ass up and look for opportunities like the hardworking immigrants. This is just a start, soon they will get the power they are begging for. For years in the past you watched white ppl supremacy taking over the world, looting, colonizing and raping native women and children and living behind poor helpless citizens behind and tagging them 'third world' and watch how the tables are gonna turn soon😈

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I have worked since I was 15 yrs old, before and after my education. Perhaps you should change your name from no-name to no-brain

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Well, good luck. Thirty years ago visa fraud by South Asians in Canada was pretty easy to commit, including getting people with complex and very expensive medical needs onto Canadian healthcare forever and ever etc. The barn doors have been hingeless for a long time.

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I pity any contractors who have to deal with these people. I speak from experience when I say that doing business with Indians, in general, is a pain. Constantly bargaining for unnecessary discounts, trying to get extra services for free… many still carry the bazaar bartering mindset.

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Remember the saying, “politics attracts the worst kind of people”?

Well, I see a big-fat pot of re-election money for the first politician (of many, I will assume) that buddies-up with these immigrants offering that they WILL NOT be deported, if you elect me.

Good luck deporting any of them.


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As an American who has been visiting Canada since 1967 (Montreal World’s Fair), who has visited PEI (last time on 1986), and is regularly in Canada to escape the oppressive Phoenix summers (and welcome to Canadians who visit the Phoenix are in the winter), I honestly don’t know what to make of Canadian immigration. In the US, we have millions of immigrants crossing our southern border claiming asylum status and in most cases we don’t know their identity because they typically lack provable identification. In Canada, immigrants use legal visas and presumably fly into Canada. Of course we have those types of immigrants as well, but those are now overwhelmed by border crossings. So perhaps we should send you 1/3 of our southern border crossers to Canada so you can get the full experience. What say you?

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Keep your taco munchkins there please.

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I’ve never heard that one in Arizona.

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no one and nowhere in Canada will escape the damage and destruction of mass immigration. Its purpose is to change utterly, permanently and - if you are fond of the west and its civilization - for the worse.

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It's common now in even small, rural towns to encounter Indian "students" in *every* facet of the service economy: gas stations, stores, fast-food franchises and any other business that Indians have purchased and use for dodgy "labour market" schemes at the expense of Canadian-born young people trying to get their foot into the job market. It's also now common to see tent camps of homeless in these small towns as well.

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By God, Canada needs more fast food workers.

Well on its way to failed state status.

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It was meant to happen, I was waiting for this day when the Canadian by birth/origin will wake up and raise voice against large number of immigration from India.

It should be regulated like UAE. No stop on good quality immigration as a resource and zero PR.

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Many immigrants come here and try hard to integrate into society they have good degrees and went through the legal means and waited years and years doing paper work and making a life. Then people like this come here, they're not skilled workers they're just here for some made up fake diploma as a way to get into our country. So they can just work at Uber eats and probably 2 other jobs while doing the minimum if that at school. Canada used to be selective with their immigrants most countries are. These people can't merge with our society when there's so many at once they don't have to and they won't want to either.

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If the federal government had wanted to create an anti immigration backlash they wouldn’t have proceeded any other way.

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"Prince Edward Island (PEI), where my mother was born and I have too many cousins to count (I think I’m related to half the island), is Canada’s smallest province."

Good chance we are closely related

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No wonder it takes my mom 30 months to see a medical specialist

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"Potatoes are the main industry in PEI"

heavily subsidized by Canadian govt. but better than letting the unemployment rate go even higher; & if those unneeded Indian gtifters can't stay in Canada they can always skip into America - our northern border is wide open, too

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They’d be illegals in the US. Better to stay in Canada (unfortunately).

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Being illegal here is a fucking badge of honor, if you’re libretarded. These Karen’s here would love to own a few..

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Related to half the island? Having to bust out the family tree on every first date just to be safe. must have been inconvenient.

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This piece is really discouraging me about moving back to Canada from the US…

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Here is one of the more respectable street shitters take on his turd world brethren flooding this economic zone: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/09/jayant-bhandari/canada-the-great-replacement/

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Dude, you are fixated on poop smell for some reason. Reflects more on you than anything else. It is nonsense like this that drives people to the left.

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you make some valid points between all the shit that you have written.

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