Princeton Plagiarism
Twitter's most sanctimonious academic prick gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar
This is a short Karlstack article because I am not the person who did the legwork, the credit for finding and developing this story goes to Phil Magness, a Senior Research Fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research. About an hour ago, Magness published this article in Reason:

I am jealous of this scoop because it would have made a great Karlstack original investigation. Go read it. Check out how perfect the smoking gun paragraphs are…. they are copy-pasted directly from old dissertations:
The guilty party is Kevin Kruse.
Kruse is a tenured history professor at Princeton, a NY Times best-selling author and an MSNBC columnist. He writes for the 1619 Project. He is a bigshot political hack… a good way to describe him to economists is “the historian equivalent of Paul Krugman”.
He is most famous for being a loud liberal on twitter. The very first paragraph of his wikipedia page even says: Outside of academia, Kruse has attracted substantial attention and following for his Twitter threads where he provides historical context and applies historical research to current political events.[3]
I am not going to dig through all his tweets to find the most embarrassing ones… He is a well-known clown/troll. He spends every day, all day, getting into twitter fights. There are too many examples to choose from. Rather, I will end this short article with some of his tweets about plagiarism.
*chefs kiss*

Will Kruse suffer any consequences for his research misconduct? Nah, doubt it. He has the right politics.
I wonder how many similar cases of plagiarism from the late 90's to now one could find running text searches from papers against older work. I'd be willing to be bet the number approaches "Oh wow, that's a lot."
I have noticed that colleges seem to turn a completely blind eye towards plagiarism among undergrads lately, probably because most of the faculty cant quite bring themselves to be that big of a hypocrite.
Should be fired. Today.