I wonder how many similar cases of plagiarism from the late 90's to now one could find running text searches from papers against older work. I'd be willing to be bet the number approaches "Oh wow, that's a lot."
I have noticed that colleges seem to turn a completely blind eye towards plagiarism among undergrads lately, probably because most of the faculty cant quite bring themselves to be that big of a hypocrite.
An engineering program I was involved with had software that did this automatically for all student assignments. Might be harder to automate for humanities essays and such, but these days, with digitization and the like, probably not so difficult.
Standards in the humanities are practically non-existent. I'd lay odds most of his defense committee didn't even read his dissertation.
You're so identifiable , following Karl around on every forum on the internet like his faithful ball-licking toady. Nice to see you unemployables supporting each other.
You on the other hand seem to be tracking the author with impressive commitment. Between that and the homoerotic rhetoric you seem to have a mancrush going.
I wonder how many similar cases of plagiarism from the late 90's to now one could find running text searches from papers against older work. I'd be willing to be bet the number approaches "Oh wow, that's a lot."
I have noticed that colleges seem to turn a completely blind eye towards plagiarism among undergrads lately, probably because most of the faculty cant quite bring themselves to be that big of a hypocrite.
An engineering program I was involved with had software that did this automatically for all student assignments. Might be harder to automate for humanities essays and such, but these days, with digitization and the like, probably not so difficult.
Standards in the humanities are practically non-existent. I'd lay odds most of his defense committee didn't even read his dissertation.
Should be fired. Today.
Oh that's just delicious. Salty, so very, very salty.
His doctorate should be immediately rescinded, along with his tenure and his job.
You're so identifiable , following Karl around on every forum on the internet like his faithful ball-licking toady. Nice to see you unemployables supporting each other.
I'm literally just here on Substack.
You on the other hand seem to be tracking the author with impressive commitment. Between that and the homoerotic rhetoric you seem to have a mancrush going.
They always accuse others of what they are doing themselves.
Was thinking this exactly. Seems like they can't help it.