When not wanting to see dead, burned, and maimed kids is whittled down to words like liberal, conservative, neoconservative, and paleoconservative. It is obvious to anyone with a pulse that Israel completely controls US foreign policy and foreign policy is upstream from domestic policy. All political denominations have played their part ceding US sovereignty to a foreign Messonic racist ethno state.
" . . . they make the task of distinguishing between opposition to Israel’s military conduct and antisemitism far more difficult."
This otherwise forgettable article, written by an obvious intellectual lightweight [he says that paleo conservatism was "once spearheaded by the likes of Pat Buchanan and Russell Kirk," grouping a nationalist with a regionalist and giving no recognition to the thought of Thomas Fleming and Paul Gottfried, who coined the phrase] is memorable for its presumption that there is a distinction between opposition to Israel's military conduct and antisemitism. Perhaps there is, but it is impossible to say given that the author never even attempts to define antisemitism.
I judge the validity of an argument by whether it is true, not by how it measures up to some protean standard that people take pains to avoid defining.
You say anti-zionist like it's a bad thing. Also many centrist republicans and libertarians are also done catering to Isreal. America First is a worthy goal to strive for in policy, as it would finally benefit the American people. Read The Isreal Lobby.
The last sentence says everything. They do not make legitimate criticism of Israel or Jewish influence of our countries elites & institutions, more difficult. Jewish influence of our countries elites & institutions make it more difficult.
Jews can’t be right wing. There is no such thing as a right wing Jew. Right wingers are either pro Christian, pro white, American or European nationalist, or some combo of all three. No jew will ever be any of these. It’s either: pro Jewish, pro Israel, and that’s it.
This is the United States of America! I am a disabled Veteran of the United States Army and I don't give one iota of fuck about any country but the United States of America! Fuck Israel - it is not the United States of America and cannot be trusted to operate on any other interests but their own - not ours. You are a pathetic sucker if you believe differently.
No U.S. citizen owes them a mother fucking thing and not a GD penny of American taxes should EVER go to any foreign country - Fuck Israel! Fuck the Levant, and fuck the Middle East! The conflict between Arabs and Jews is the most destructive destabilizing conflict on this planet ffs! I hate them both equally for it. I am neither Arab nor Jew, I am Scandinavian! I fucking detest the filthy desert rats of the Levant, and all vestiges of the scum bags who stole our culture, inventions, and traditions, then poisoned the minds of our children with their Religion.
Fuck Israel - If you're an American citizen conflicted by your Jewish faith - move the fuck to Israel - That's why it was "created". The United States of America is for ALL not some.
Judaism is a RELIGION not a Race. Jews are Caucasians contrary to the mythology Jews created. Moreover, Zionism is Theology no different than Islam. Let's just have a fucking reality check - Theology itself is in direct contradiction & violation of Constitutional Law ffs!
The United States of America is founded on the principles of INDIVIDUAL Freedom, Liberty, and Independence for fuck sake! Its not a fucking Secret! All you collectivist fucks are suffering from mental illness!
There is no lawful place for ANY Theology in the United States of America as Theology is in direct contradiction and violation of Constitutional Law!
Fuck Israel. Fuck the Middle East. Fuck the entire Levant! Fuck their conflict, fuck their Theological bullshit, fuck their stupid fucking Religion, and there biased hateful opinions about everyone but Jews/Christians/Muslims! Religion is mental-illness. Faith in the Supernatural/Metaphysical is the epitome of unintelligent delusion.
"Just as the paleoconservatives — wrongly — argued that the Iraq War was fought on behalf of the Jewish state due to the undue influence of the Israel lobby"
A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm was written 1996 for Netenyahu by Richard Pearl. It was pretty explicit in saying regime change in Iraq was a big priority . It also said to focus on WMDs
PNAC , project for New Century America was written in 1997 by, interestingly enough, Richard Pearl saying that regime change in Iraq was what America needs . As well as a 'New Pearl Harbor to garmer public support for the military intervention
Lucky for Richard he got his new Pearl Harbor
So yeah...
Next lets talk about how the Greater Israel Project is good for America
Jewish people are nepotistic though and tribal. Right wing people say they aren’t and whites aren’t in general. Not that no people on earth ever could be.
We are witnessing The Illusion of Choice. It's a false choice between the Communist (Harris) and Zionist (Trump) branches of Judaism. But there is a real choice beyond the election spectacle.
We must never forget that good people are everywhere and those are the ones we support. They could be Palestinian, Israeli, Iranian, Syrian, Zionist or even Communist. We only wish the best for everyone and to STOP THE KILLING NOW.
People have been misled, especially what is the real choice. You either follow Truth, Compassion and Tolerance or you don't, in my understanding that is The Choice.
A precedent for the heavy funding / fostering of a "pro-Zionist right" is the funding / fostering of the "non-Communist left" during the 50, 60s, and 70s.
Years ago, when I was still a standard lefty, I was discomfited to realize that my foreign policy views were articulated far more aptly by Pat Buchanan than by any of "my" political candidates. My journey has had many goads but that was one of them.
"Discredited WW2 revisionism?" Oh please, the Martyr Made Tucker interview was only the tip of the iceberg wait until they hear what we've been learning on the Pete Quinones show with revisionist historians like Thomas777 the past few years.
Darryl is friends with Thomas and knows what's up, and I agree it's a lot more nuance that what most on both sides have said but it's way different than the Marvel Movie story we were given as kids to make every enemy "the new Hitler" so we are riled up to send our kids to die in the Middle East for new Zionist wars.
If THAT makes us "antisemitic" then so be it but I'm saying nothing that Jews like Ron Unz have been saying for years.
We have proof what they are doing, there's a handful of decent Jews who have been whistleblowers at Unz, and explain how they use terms like "conspiracy theorist" to smear you as crazy, and if that doesn't work "antisemitic" to cause you to lose your job and destroy your life.
Trump took $100 million from Mirian Adelson. The Global Zio movement has bought American power just like it bought up my country Britain.
Zio-corporatists will gladly destroy the US
Good. We need an infinite supply of right-wing anti-Zionism. Fuck Israel and its foreign operatives in Congress. They’re all traitors.
When not wanting to see dead, burned, and maimed kids is whittled down to words like liberal, conservative, neoconservative, and paleoconservative. It is obvious to anyone with a pulse that Israel completely controls US foreign policy and foreign policy is upstream from domestic policy. All political denominations have played their part ceding US sovereignty to a foreign Messonic racist ethno state.
" . . . they make the task of distinguishing between opposition to Israel’s military conduct and antisemitism far more difficult."
This otherwise forgettable article, written by an obvious intellectual lightweight [he says that paleo conservatism was "once spearheaded by the likes of Pat Buchanan and Russell Kirk," grouping a nationalist with a regionalist and giving no recognition to the thought of Thomas Fleming and Paul Gottfried, who coined the phrase] is memorable for its presumption that there is a distinction between opposition to Israel's military conduct and antisemitism. Perhaps there is, but it is impossible to say given that the author never even attempts to define antisemitism.
I judge the validity of an argument by whether it is true, not by how it measures up to some protean standard that people take pains to avoid defining.
You say anti-zionist like it's a bad thing. Also many centrist republicans and libertarians are also done catering to Isreal. America First is a worthy goal to strive for in policy, as it would finally benefit the American people. Read The Isreal Lobby.
The last sentence says everything. They do not make legitimate criticism of Israel or Jewish influence of our countries elites & institutions, more difficult. Jewish influence of our countries elites & institutions make it more difficult.
Jews can’t be right wing. There is no such thing as a right wing Jew. Right wingers are either pro Christian, pro white, American or European nationalist, or some combo of all three. No jew will ever be any of these. It’s either: pro Jewish, pro Israel, and that’s it.
This is the United States of America! I am a disabled Veteran of the United States Army and I don't give one iota of fuck about any country but the United States of America! Fuck Israel - it is not the United States of America and cannot be trusted to operate on any other interests but their own - not ours. You are a pathetic sucker if you believe differently.
No U.S. citizen owes them a mother fucking thing and not a GD penny of American taxes should EVER go to any foreign country - Fuck Israel! Fuck the Levant, and fuck the Middle East! The conflict between Arabs and Jews is the most destructive destabilizing conflict on this planet ffs! I hate them both equally for it. I am neither Arab nor Jew, I am Scandinavian! I fucking detest the filthy desert rats of the Levant, and all vestiges of the scum bags who stole our culture, inventions, and traditions, then poisoned the minds of our children with their Religion.
Fuck Israel - If you're an American citizen conflicted by your Jewish faith - move the fuck to Israel - That's why it was "created". The United States of America is for ALL not some.
Judaism is a RELIGION not a Race. Jews are Caucasians contrary to the mythology Jews created. Moreover, Zionism is Theology no different than Islam. Let's just have a fucking reality check - Theology itself is in direct contradiction & violation of Constitutional Law ffs!
The United States of America is founded on the principles of INDIVIDUAL Freedom, Liberty, and Independence for fuck sake! Its not a fucking Secret! All you collectivist fucks are suffering from mental illness!
There is no lawful place for ANY Theology in the United States of America as Theology is in direct contradiction and violation of Constitutional Law!
Fuck Israel. Fuck the Middle East. Fuck the entire Levant! Fuck their conflict, fuck their Theological bullshit, fuck their stupid fucking Religion, and there biased hateful opinions about everyone but Jews/Christians/Muslims! Religion is mental-illness. Faith in the Supernatural/Metaphysical is the epitome of unintelligent delusion.
"Just as the paleoconservatives — wrongly — argued that the Iraq War was fought on behalf of the Jewish state due to the undue influence of the Israel lobby"
A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm was written 1996 for Netenyahu by Richard Pearl. It was pretty explicit in saying regime change in Iraq was a big priority . It also said to focus on WMDs
PNAC , project for New Century America was written in 1997 by, interestingly enough, Richard Pearl saying that regime change in Iraq was what America needs . As well as a 'New Pearl Harbor to garmer public support for the military intervention
Lucky for Richard he got his new Pearl Harbor
So yeah...
Next lets talk about how the Greater Israel Project is good for America
How can you call yourself “right wing” if you attribute the overrepresentation of Jews to discrimination? Who are you, Kendi?
Jewish people are nepotistic though and tribal. Right wing people say they aren’t and whites aren’t in general. Not that no people on earth ever could be.
Somewhat accurately describes the players, but then smokescreens the game (unconvincingly).
We are witnessing The Illusion of Choice. It's a false choice between the Communist (Harris) and Zionist (Trump) branches of Judaism. But there is a real choice beyond the election spectacle.
We must never forget that good people are everywhere and those are the ones we support. They could be Palestinian, Israeli, Iranian, Syrian, Zionist or even Communist. We only wish the best for everyone and to STOP THE KILLING NOW.
People have been misled, especially what is the real choice. You either follow Truth, Compassion and Tolerance or you don't, in my understanding that is The Choice.
A precedent for the heavy funding / fostering of a "pro-Zionist right" is the funding / fostering of the "non-Communist left" during the 50, 60s, and 70s.
Years ago, when I was still a standard lefty, I was discomfited to realize that my foreign policy views were articulated far more aptly by Pat Buchanan than by any of "my" political candidates. My journey has had many goads but that was one of them.
"Discredited WW2 revisionism?" Oh please, the Martyr Made Tucker interview was only the tip of the iceberg wait until they hear what we've been learning on the Pete Quinones show with revisionist historians like Thomas777 the past few years.
Darryl is friends with Thomas and knows what's up, and I agree it's a lot more nuance that what most on both sides have said but it's way different than the Marvel Movie story we were given as kids to make every enemy "the new Hitler" so we are riled up to send our kids to die in the Middle East for new Zionist wars.
If THAT makes us "antisemitic" then so be it but I'm saying nothing that Jews like Ron Unz have been saying for years.
We have proof what they are doing, there's a handful of decent Jews who have been whistleblowers at Unz, and explain how they use terms like "conspiracy theorist" to smear you as crazy, and if that doesn't work "antisemitic" to cause you to lose your job and destroy your life.