Send Noah Smith to the Donbas
Let's see how bloodthirsty he is for WW3 from a foxhole in Luhansk
This tweet explicitly calling for WW3 triggers me bigly:

Needless to say, Noah does not explain how an Eastern European border war threatens American (or Canadian) freedom.
Needless to say, when he says “we” need to fight WW3, he really means “you” need to fight WW3 — people who look like Noah Smith never do the fighting themselves, they come after the battle to see what’s in your pockets.
If Americans are sent to die in WW3 it will be mostly young conservative men who voted for Donald Trump who know how to handle a rifle that will die from artillary shells, not effete, pudgy, asexual, lispy, silver-spoon Jewish kids. Those kids will be fighting the war from Twitter, which Noah refers to as “the front lines” without any hint of irony:
There is a reason Noah Smith uses an anime avatar on Twitter rather than his real face, which is downright nauseating to look at.
What Noah fails to realize is that nobody will “win” the WW3 which he so desperately craves… there are no winners in nuclear war.
I have never written any articles about Russia or Ukraine before — it’s not my beat — but I am so goddamn sick of “journalists” sleepwalking us into WW3 it’s unreal. I’m fed up. Especially when these are the exact same people who have 5 (soon to be 6) vaccinations and wear 2 masks and call you a fascist if you question the vaccine orthodoxy.
Why are they so hyper-risk-averse when it comes to Covid, yet so hyper-risk-loving when it comes to nuclear war? It doesn’t make sense. These are not rational actors.
Listen, I know many Karlstack subscribers are ardent supporters of Ukraine. I want to stress to these subscribers that I am not pro-Russia.
I am pro-"not my problem.”
Here is my simple but robust foreign policy stance: Ukraine is not our fucking problem, just like Iraq and Afghanistan were not our fucking problem. Let them figure it out themselves. Western arrogance and western imperialism will be the downfall of humanity.
When the nukes start flying, I want you to picture Noah Smith’s pudgy, soft, smug face as you turn to ash. I want you to think about how your death could have been avoided if only society had treated Noahpinion like the malignant cancer that he is, rather than shower him with hundreds of thousands of Substack subscribers — his annual Substack salary for shilling WW3 is estimated to be ~$800,000 USD per year.
I strongly encourage him to donate a large % of this salary to the Ukrainian cause since he's clearly so sincere in his passion for "freedom." $200k would be a good start. That’s should fund what, one or two bombs? What's the price of dining out and other frivolous expenses in the sneering face of the pax degenericana?
I want this face to be the last thing you see in your mind’s eye before you perish in a nuclear holocaust.
Are you willing to send your son to die, bleeding in the mud, crying out your name, for this man’s Twitter and Substack clout?
The USA has already spent ~100 Billion so far in Ukraine. Are you willing to spend another trillion or two so that this guy can feel morally superior to Boris?
Imagine if the USA had spent ~100 Billion over the past year fixing up Baltimore, where more than 300 people will be murdered this year. It would look like Wakanda!
Turning Baltimore into Wakanda would serve American interests, sure, but would it serve Noah Smith’s interests?
Would it serve the cabal of globalists who give him his marching orders?
All I am saying is that American blood and treasure should be spent on improving the lives of America citizens. This shouldn’t be controversial. There are zero American interests being served in Ukraine.
At the end of the day, this isn’t about Noah Smith, it is about all the blue-checkmarks on Twitter who think and act exactly like him. He is symptomatic of a greater problem, that these “journalists” have cultivated an echo chamber where it is not only acceptable to say that WW3 is desirable, but in fact desiring WW3 is the widely-accepted morally righteous position. How out of touch can you get?
Karlstack stands firmly opposed to everything that Noah Smith and his ilk represent: the military industrial complex, interventionist foreign policy, the World Economic Forum, and a one-world-government.
I want to stress that my reference to a “one-world-government” isn’t an anti-semitic dogwhistle — Karlstack stands with Israel — Smith is literally a self-described “neoliberal globalist” who doesn’t believe in borders… that’s his whole schtick. I am fundamentally opposed to this worldview: I think borders should exist. Sometimes these borders shift slightly when stronger countries annex the borders of their weaker neighbors; it’s ugly, i get it; but that is how the world has worked for thousands of years, and that is how the world will continue to work for thousands of years to come. We haven’t reached the end of history, and to think as much is beyond hubris.
Ancient societies had anthropomorphic gods: a huge pantheon expanding into centuries of dynastic drama; fathers and sons, martyred heroes, star-crossed lovers, the deaths of kings - stories that taught us of the danger of hubris and the primacy of humility.
We ignore the lore of our ancestors at our peril, lest we all perish in a nuclear blast with visions of Noah Smith’s dysgenic jowls seared into our mind’s eye.
BONUS: Deleted Tweet Shows Noahpinion Stole Money Meant For Poor People
Every villain has an origin story — Noah’s is that his rich daddy helped him cheat his way into a free education at Stanford by exploiting a financial aid loophole meant to help poor people.
In a now-deleted tweet (you can't take back that you presented a clear window into your worldview) from 9 years ago, Noah wrote:
My dad refused to buy a house until I went to college. I paid zero tuition at Stanford due to the resultant need-based financial aid.
— Noah Smith
As an EJMR commenter points out, this guy is basically a real life troll and he brags about it. What an unbelievable dick. Are you really bragging about exploiting a loophole so that you can take money away from the poor?
The loudest liberals are often the most self-serving privileged douches, Noah Smith is just another example.
Send him to the Donbas and hand him a rifle.
I think we should be more concerned with our neighbor to the south. They're literally being taken over by the cartels and they are responsible for more American deaths, by way of fentanyl, than any other country at this moment in time! And we sit idly by, ushering in millions of illegals from God knows where! And Noah Smith is a pathetic little incel!
I definitely don't "stand with Israel".
Israel has a long history of intel ops and direct attacks against the United States. The most unfortunate aspect - it has often happened with the complicity of our own government.