I think we should be more concerned with our neighbor to the south. They're literally being taken over by the cartels and they are responsible for more American deaths, by way of fentanyl, than any other country at this moment in time! And we sit idly by, ushering in millions of illegals from God knows where! And Noah Smith is a pathetic little incel!
Israel has a long history of intel ops and direct attacks against the United States. The most unfortunate aspect - it has often happened with the complicity of our own government.
What do you say when a leading rabbi in Israel said "Gentiles exist only to serve Jews?" When Jews spit on Christians in Israel? Only low-info non-Jews don't see this group for what it really is.
Whites have to stand for a Jewish ethnostate while opposing one for themselves. One that is wealthy from sucking it from the US tax payers, too. And you have to support Whites being replaced by non-White immigrants, too, or you are anti-Semitic.
Jews franchised their victimhood swindle to Blacks and other groups. Sometimes they forget about the progressive stack, though. Like how Hispanic Rick Sanchez was immediately fired for merely SUGGESTING that Jews have a lot of influence in the media. One of my favorites is how, and this couldn't have been planned better, Whoopie Goldberg was raked over the coals for saying Jews are White. What does that tell you?
I stand with Israel when it is my country's best interest to do so. I suspect Israel feels the same way about the US. There are times when that is true, and times when it is not. We just need to be smart and honest.
The low info types are the ones who think Israel is an ally rather than a parasite. For instance, many are not informed about how Israel attacked the USS Liberty or carried out [another] false flag attack against American targets in Egypt to try to trick the US in to fighting a[nother] war for Israel.
Everyone calling fir this war SHOULD BE ON THE UKRANIAN WAR BELONGS ON THE FRONT LINE WITH THEIR DEER RIFLES. Stop getting other people killed. You want to fight in this Nato led disaster and die go right ahead
The biggest frustration is that the Russian incursion could have been prevented by our state department and by U.S. diplomacy. We chose not to do that, and prevented a peace agreement, so that we could start another protracted war, directed by the CIA and benefiting U.S. "defense" companies. Now we're playing with disaster.
One more thought: if we launch ballistic missiles, we should strap Noah Smith, Victoria Nuland and Susan Rice to the first three to go up.
Excellent article! I am a Marine Corps veteran and I'm sure I am not alone when I say my teenage sons are NOT joining the service to get killed 7,000 miles away for NOTHING. I was suspended a week from Twitter for posting exactly what you have said here in response to a blue check journalist calling for a US/ NATO led shut down of airspace - an act of war. This nonsense must end. Putin cares about Russias' borders. I wish the United States cared about our own.
It's Iraq all over again, even down to the same types of chickenshit chickenhawks - in many cases, the same individuals, or their descendants - demanding that others go die in a foreign country to advance political and economic aims that will not benefit one bit those who risk their lives, but will enrich those who agitate for those lives to be risked.
Recruiting problems in the US army suggest that the sales pitch isn't as convincing as it was 20 years ago.
Sure we win. On the Left coast, the primary targets are Seattle (20 megaton surface blast in the Puget Sound, taking out Seattle, Bremerton, everything south to Olympia and North to Arlington, west to all of the Olympics and East to Ellensburg. Then, on to Portland, SF bay and Oakland, LA, and San Diego. Wilber there, aka Noah opinion Smith, would be SF pixy dust and that would make me happy. Continuing West and East - Honolulu, Denver, San Antonio, Chicago, NYC, Washington, Detroit, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Miami,- Tokoyo, Melbourne, Christchurch, London, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Bonn, Paris, Copenhagen, Helsinki, the whole dam country of Norway, Warsaw, Kiev, all of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, every stinking capital city and NATO base of US lapdogs. A word free of Noah Smith’s, Biden’s, Vlinton’s, the whole political class, media Barrons, hedge fund managers, media conglomerate executives, makes the idea of Armageddon worthwhile.
As if there was much doubt left that this is just a battle for JWO. After this battle, watch for Zelenksy, or whatever figurehead he is replaced with, to call for mass 3rd world immigration to replace the people lost. I wonder what the WWII vets, who were told malarkey about what they were fighting for, think of all the refugees that are being imported and placed in hotels in the UK or that London has a Muslim mayor. All of them would say they fought the wrong enemy.
Why would you "stand for" a group that regularly stabs you in the back and sees you as sub-human. Look at what Rabbi Kook (yes, his real name) said about the difference between Jews and Gentiles. He said the difference was more than between humans and animals. Or what Rabbi Ovadia Yosef said - "Gentiles exist only to serve Jews." Look at Israel's actions like the Lavon Affair, Deir Yassin massacre, attacking its neighbors in 1967 while claiming to be a victim, or bombing the King David Hotel. Israel is literally a terrorist state, founded by terrorists. See the Irgun and Stern Gang.
"I want to stress that my reference to a “one-world-government” isn’t an anti-semitic dogwhistle — Karlstack stands with Israel — Smith is literally a self-described “neoliberal globalist” who doesn’t believe in borders… that’s his whole schtick."
I enjoy your articles, especially the ones that target academic fraud....but it puzzles me when conservatives use these defenses. As you know, those who wish to deem you a bigot will do so at their pleasure. In any case, your characterization of Noah as one of the "effete, pudgy, asexual, lispy, silver-spoon Jewish kids" who uses rural Whites as cannon-fodder would give them sufficient grounds for a warrant, to which they would tack on charges of acephobia and body-shaming. Them's the times in which we live.
The issue is Noah's belief. Either Noah supports a one-world government, or he doesn't. If the former, the truth is a sufficient defense. If the latter, you're misrepresenting his views, which needs correcting. Anyone who casts his bark on these narrow straits will encounter Scylla and Charybdis in due course. For now, enjoy Costa Rica.
I think we should be more concerned with our neighbor to the south. They're literally being taken over by the cartels and they are responsible for more American deaths, by way of fentanyl, than any other country at this moment in time! And we sit idly by, ushering in millions of illegals from God knows where! And Noah Smith is a pathetic little incel!
Just so that you are aware, that fentanyl is coming from China/CCP. The cartels are just doing what they always did.
I was aware but without the cartels, it wouldn't be here
I definitely don't "stand with Israel".
Israel has a long history of intel ops and direct attacks against the United States. The most unfortunate aspect - it has often happened with the complicity of our own government.
It ALWAYS comes back to blame the Jews, for the low info non-Jews, doesn't it? I stand AGAINST anti-Semitism especially spouted by the ignorant.
What do you say when a leading rabbi in Israel said "Gentiles exist only to serve Jews?" When Jews spit on Christians in Israel? Only low-info non-Jews don't see this group for what it really is.
Not standing with Israel means blaming the Jews?
I don’t get it.
Whites have to stand for a Jewish ethnostate while opposing one for themselves. One that is wealthy from sucking it from the US tax payers, too. And you have to support Whites being replaced by non-White immigrants, too, or you are anti-Semitic.
Jews franchised their victimhood swindle to Blacks and other groups. Sometimes they forget about the progressive stack, though. Like how Hispanic Rick Sanchez was immediately fired for merely SUGGESTING that Jews have a lot of influence in the media. One of my favorites is how, and this couldn't have been planned better, Whoopie Goldberg was raked over the coals for saying Jews are White. What does that tell you?
I stand with Israel when it is my country's best interest to do so. I suspect Israel feels the same way about the US. There are times when that is true, and times when it is not. We just need to be smart and honest.
Apparently that view is “blaming the Jews”.
everything turns to AntiSemitism by the low info
The low info types are the ones who think Israel is an ally rather than a parasite. For instance, many are not informed about how Israel attacked the USS Liberty or carried out [another] false flag attack against American targets in Egypt to try to trick the US in to fighting a[nother] war for Israel.
I love Jesus so I try hard not to hate but damn I can’t stand this 🤡. He makes 800k a year?
If that doesn’t indicate a dying society nothing else will.
BTW - if anyone actually read Putin’s speech the other day they certainly be less inclined to support Zelensky. He’s a clown 🤡 too
Everyone calling fir this war SHOULD BE ON THE UKRANIAN WAR BELONGS ON THE FRONT LINE WITH THEIR DEER RIFLES. Stop getting other people killed. You want to fight in this Nato led disaster and die go right ahead
The biggest frustration is that the Russian incursion could have been prevented by our state department and by U.S. diplomacy. We chose not to do that, and prevented a peace agreement, so that we could start another protracted war, directed by the CIA and benefiting U.S. "defense" companies. Now we're playing with disaster.
One more thought: if we launch ballistic missiles, we should strap Noah Smith, Victoria Nuland and Susan Rice to the first three to go up.
Excellent article! I am a Marine Corps veteran and I'm sure I am not alone when I say my teenage sons are NOT joining the service to get killed 7,000 miles away for NOTHING. I was suspended a week from Twitter for posting exactly what you have said here in response to a blue check journalist calling for a US/ NATO led shut down of airspace - an act of war. This nonsense must end. Putin cares about Russias' borders. I wish the United States cared about our own.
Perfect response.
It's Iraq all over again, even down to the same types of chickenshit chickenhawks - in many cases, the same individuals, or their descendants - demanding that others go die in a foreign country to advance political and economic aims that will not benefit one bit those who risk their lives, but will enrich those who agitate for those lives to be risked.
Recruiting problems in the US army suggest that the sales pitch isn't as convincing as it was 20 years ago.
Sure we win. On the Left coast, the primary targets are Seattle (20 megaton surface blast in the Puget Sound, taking out Seattle, Bremerton, everything south to Olympia and North to Arlington, west to all of the Olympics and East to Ellensburg. Then, on to Portland, SF bay and Oakland, LA, and San Diego. Wilber there, aka Noah opinion Smith, would be SF pixy dust and that would make me happy. Continuing West and East - Honolulu, Denver, San Antonio, Chicago, NYC, Washington, Detroit, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Miami,- Tokoyo, Melbourne, Christchurch, London, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Bonn, Paris, Copenhagen, Helsinki, the whole dam country of Norway, Warsaw, Kiev, all of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, every stinking capital city and NATO base of US lapdogs. A word free of Noah Smith’s, Biden’s, Vlinton’s, the whole political class, media Barrons, hedge fund managers, media conglomerate executives, makes the idea of Armageddon worthwhile.
As if there was much doubt left that this is just a battle for JWO. After this battle, watch for Zelenksy, or whatever figurehead he is replaced with, to call for mass 3rd world immigration to replace the people lost. I wonder what the WWII vets, who were told malarkey about what they were fighting for, think of all the refugees that are being imported and placed in hotels in the UK or that London has a Muslim mayor. All of them would say they fought the wrong enemy.
Why would you "stand for" a group that regularly stabs you in the back and sees you as sub-human. Look at what Rabbi Kook (yes, his real name) said about the difference between Jews and Gentiles. He said the difference was more than between humans and animals. Or what Rabbi Ovadia Yosef said - "Gentiles exist only to serve Jews." Look at Israel's actions like the Lavon Affair, Deir Yassin massacre, attacking its neighbors in 1967 while claiming to be a victim, or bombing the King David Hotel. Israel is literally a terrorist state, founded by terrorists. See the Irgun and Stern Gang.
"I want to stress that my reference to a “one-world-government” isn’t an anti-semitic dogwhistle — Karlstack stands with Israel — Smith is literally a self-described “neoliberal globalist” who doesn’t believe in borders… that’s his whole schtick."
I enjoy your articles, especially the ones that target academic fraud....but it puzzles me when conservatives use these defenses. As you know, those who wish to deem you a bigot will do so at their pleasure. In any case, your characterization of Noah as one of the "effete, pudgy, asexual, lispy, silver-spoon Jewish kids" who uses rural Whites as cannon-fodder would give them sufficient grounds for a warrant, to which they would tack on charges of acephobia and body-shaming. Them's the times in which we live.
The issue is Noah's belief. Either Noah supports a one-world government, or he doesn't. If the former, the truth is a sufficient defense. If the latter, you're misrepresenting his views, which needs correcting. Anyone who casts his bark on these narrow straits will encounter Scylla and Charybdis in due course. For now, enjoy Costa Rica.
America doesn't make warhawks like Joyce Kilmer anymore.
$100 billion on Baltimore?
It would be cheaper and more effective to just send a nuke. Baltimore is basically Detroit without the excuse.
glad to have you as a subscriber