They mock and berate whites for having "no culture" while attempting to brainwash whites that hard work, individualism, loyalty, objectivity etc. are all white culture, which equals white hegemony, which equals White Supermacy™.
It's not supposed to make sense. When it's convenient, they claim logic itself is a tool of White Supremacy™. It all boils down to the childish gimmick of redefining words, either by decree or repeatedly misusing them. Blacks can't be racist because we changed the definition of racism. Ha! In fact, a black person beating an Asian while hurling racist slurs is not only not racist, it's White Supremacy™. The poor guy was Acting White™ and needs to Decolonize The Mind™ from Whiteness™.
Unfortunately, the university admin likely believe this trash.
Do not miss the forest for trees by blaming it solely on the Ford Foundation, it's NGOs in general that incur liberalism. They are the cause of riots, political correctness, and illegal immigration.
We do not live in a democracy, we live in an oligarchy ran by unelected lobbyists, NGOs, and bureaucrats who want us broke and dead for not worshipping them. No joke.
Whiteness is literally everything. Modern society is white. Washing your hands, going to the supermarket, driving cars, shooting guns, reading books, going to college, having a starbucks, a drive through, clocks and time and meetings and school and playgrounds and taxes and roads is ALL WHITE CULTURE.. WE CREATED IT ALL. YOU DONT LIKE WHITE CULTURE??? GO LIVE IN A HUT IN AFRICA, RUN FROM LIONS AND PICK MANGOS OFF A TREE.. ENJOI YOUR 'BLACK CULTURE'
If it wasn't for white culture she'd still be living in the bush along with basically every other person of colour. So if she wants to talk shit about white people but still uses her car, phone, electricity, toilets etc then bad news for you honey, but you're a part of white culture too.
The Ford Foundation is where Violence Policy Center and former Brady Campaign get a lot of their funding from. Without the Ford Foundation, most organized gun control groups would have funded for lack of funding 30 years ago.
Note that Ford Foundation is also a pillar of the Davos climate money machine. They fund and in many cases share the same people as board members with astroturf orgs like Sunrise, in a web of very rich people who think they have all the answers but allow no debate.
The notion that skin color is tantamount to culture is laughable, but these are children. What else would I expect?
The PC culture is a living hell. All universities and public institutions should — and I am serious — ban all concerns for race as irrelevant. Why? Because it is. We only imagine that race is important. Truly, it’s an absurd snare to progress for any culture.
Friends of Truth, Please consider this: once we accept the term “racist” as a real & legitimate personal quality, we’ve already lost the debate. That word is a misnomer and what’s worse: it’s just leading you into a tail-chasing exercise. I have found it better to simply tell people that “I’m not a race guy”. Words or terms such as “bigotry”, “racial bias”, “prejudice”, & “ignorance” work better. 😎
How long can this sort of abuse go on. Long enough to leave people cynical the rest of their lives. I already don't believe I will ever have a fair shot at achieving anything based on my own merits because of my skin color, it is just making peace with that as a fact and trying to move on as best I can. As far as I'm concerned they won because they are allowed to be racists and abusive without consequence.
How dare you fold to this crap!!! People gave their lives so that we could live in a free AND civil society. If you are resigned to being marginalized, you WILL BE! If you are going to give up on any potential success in life, at least give all you have to save the last free pace on earth.
You can do it by starting or getting involved in a TACTICAL CIVICS group. This is only the beginning of the battle. Don't be a snowflake!
Perhaps it is where I live and what I have experienced that makes me so pessimistic. I hope to turn the tide in any way I can manage but I've seen and dealt with these types of people for too long to know that they will lie, cheat, and throw everything in your way if they feel their power and influence is on the decline. Get these two girls expelled or to face some consequence for their actions and abuse and then I'll believe there is effective pushback. Just getting the story written down is far more than anything I could have ever imagined years ago.
The media bombards us with these images to cause us to think they have won, and we are the anomalies. This is a LIE. Look around your own space, and call out what is in your realm. Do not let the LIE frighten you. We can't do everything, but we can do what we are given to do. Stand up, or you will be brought down. To me you are a hero. Just don't shut up, and keep speaking out in your own area of influence. If we all do that, the TRUTH will prevail.
You have no idea how much I hope I am wrong. I am giving a warning based on experience, these people think they are saving the world and anyone who gets in their way will be met with contempt and possibly targeted as hostile elements in society. These types of people will not relent easily. The most dangerous of these types of people are the ones who most believe they are saving the world, for this is their religious struggle in life.
The American spirit is built on adversity. Consider yourself blessed. Think of the future they will have - it's nothing. Sure, temporal joy in being an accepted ass. They are building no character, no stamina, no fortitude, no resolve, no patience, no endurance, no faith, no vision, no love ... nothing.
The tide always turns. The most successful people in life are those who see beyond the moment and capture the future with their vision of where the county and the people are going. You should be able to see it will not go well for these people. Buckle up. You already got your best advice: Don't be a snowflake.
I do know what you are talking about. It is difficult to work hard and innovate just to have our tax dollars go to support people who HATE us and our country. It is, frankly, demoralizing. God is bigger. He will prevail, but our country may fall. A heavy load to bear. I feel it too.
The fact that these two idiots recorded their assault on the two guys supports the theory that this was an exercise in "Social Justice Warrior" point scoring. We are dealing with a generation that was raised on the visual and these two were making their contribution. This is nothing but a 'Like" generator that feeds the ego and raises their standing in their own racist clique. I would bet both of their GPA's would confirm them as Affirmative Action quota students. How else to explain their obvious idiocy.
Besides her ASU profile being removed, the "Rowan Institute" (Rowan University) which has her as a board member actually DELETED ITS TWITTER ACCOUNT and closed its entire website. You can see it all via the wayback machine if you plugin the urls for and even their twitter handle rowan_institute, and searching "rowan institute board members". What has amazed me the most is this is not an undergrad, but a Ford Fellow in a PHD program with absolutely monstrous judgement. Bigotry aside, she went with a friend to a protest who had two loaded guns. And this type of thinking, this approach, is lauded and elevated by those in a position of influence to board membership and keynote speaker. Something has gone very wrong here, and not just with her.
She definitely judged him solely on the color of his skin - she is a RACIST! The fact that the Left won't acknowledge that, the fact that this is an example of the Left saying 2+2=6 and bullying everyone into agreeing with that, shows their dishonesty, and shows that they couldn't care less about victims of racism.
I honestly think I could have a productive and friendly conversation with just about anyone except for a communist (i.e. a Leftist). Communists are incapable of speaking the truth; to them, communist propaganda IS the truth, no matter what all of the evidence says to the contrary.
George Soros has partnered with ASU on one of his surreptitious ‘global university’ projects, so no doubt his money is influencing the schools reaction to these fascists….
They mock and berate whites for having "no culture" while attempting to brainwash whites that hard work, individualism, loyalty, objectivity etc. are all white culture, which equals white hegemony, which equals White Supermacy™.
It's not supposed to make sense. When it's convenient, they claim logic itself is a tool of White Supremacy™. It all boils down to the childish gimmick of redefining words, either by decree or repeatedly misusing them. Blacks can't be racist because we changed the definition of racism. Ha! In fact, a black person beating an Asian while hurling racist slurs is not only not racist, it's White Supremacy™. The poor guy was Acting White™ and needs to Decolonize The Mind™ from Whiteness™.
Unfortunately, the university admin likely believe this trash.
Do not miss the forest for trees by blaming it solely on the Ford Foundation, it's NGOs in general that incur liberalism. They are the cause of riots, political correctness, and illegal immigration.
We do not live in a democracy, we live in an oligarchy ran by unelected lobbyists, NGOs, and bureaucrats who want us broke and dead for not worshipping them. No joke.
Check out the Chan Zuckerberg foundation. They're just as bad as this.
Whiteness is literally everything. Modern society is white. Washing your hands, going to the supermarket, driving cars, shooting guns, reading books, going to college, having a starbucks, a drive through, clocks and time and meetings and school and playgrounds and taxes and roads is ALL WHITE CULTURE.. WE CREATED IT ALL. YOU DONT LIKE WHITE CULTURE??? GO LIVE IN A HUT IN AFRICA, RUN FROM LIONS AND PICK MANGOS OFF A TREE.. ENJOI YOUR 'BLACK CULTURE'
If it wasn't for white culture she'd still be living in the bush along with basically every other person of colour. So if she wants to talk shit about white people but still uses her car, phone, electricity, toilets etc then bad news for you honey, but you're a part of white culture too.
Yes, tax the foundations. Some do good work. Some are cancers. None deserve to exist without paying any of the taxes they advocate for others.
The Ford Foundation is where Violence Policy Center and former Brady Campaign get a lot of their funding from. Without the Ford Foundation, most organized gun control groups would have funded for lack of funding 30 years ago.
Note that Ford Foundation is also a pillar of the Davos climate money machine. They fund and in many cases share the same people as board members with astroturf orgs like Sunrise, in a web of very rich people who think they have all the answers but allow no debate.
Send these girls to a war torn country with ISIS and the Taliban and see how far they spit their vomit there.
In the UK a jihadi ISIS volunteer wants to come back & be given social housing. Of course the left are supporting her.
I'll trade them for my female Afghan students who are trapped there now.
The notion that skin color is tantamount to culture is laughable, but these are children. What else would I expect?
The PC culture is a living hell. All universities and public institutions should — and I am serious — ban all concerns for race as irrelevant. Why? Because it is. We only imagine that race is important. Truly, it’s an absurd snare to progress for any culture.
Neither the 30 year old, nor the 20, is a child. These are (or should be) adults and show behave as such. Society should expect nothing less.
Is race just "skin color"?
Friends of Truth, Please consider this: once we accept the term “racist” as a real & legitimate personal quality, we’ve already lost the debate. That word is a misnomer and what’s worse: it’s just leading you into a tail-chasing exercise. I have found it better to simply tell people that “I’m not a race guy”. Words or terms such as “bigotry”, “racial bias”, “prejudice”, & “ignorance” work better. 😎
How long can this sort of abuse go on. Long enough to leave people cynical the rest of their lives. I already don't believe I will ever have a fair shot at achieving anything based on my own merits because of my skin color, it is just making peace with that as a fact and trying to move on as best I can. As far as I'm concerned they won because they are allowed to be racists and abusive without consequence.
How dare you fold to this crap!!! People gave their lives so that we could live in a free AND civil society. If you are resigned to being marginalized, you WILL BE! If you are going to give up on any potential success in life, at least give all you have to save the last free pace on earth.
You can do it by starting or getting involved in a TACTICAL CIVICS group. This is only the beginning of the battle. Don't be a snowflake!
Perhaps it is where I live and what I have experienced that makes me so pessimistic. I hope to turn the tide in any way I can manage but I've seen and dealt with these types of people for too long to know that they will lie, cheat, and throw everything in your way if they feel their power and influence is on the decline. Get these two girls expelled or to face some consequence for their actions and abuse and then I'll believe there is effective pushback. Just getting the story written down is far more than anything I could have ever imagined years ago.
Anonymous -
The media bombards us with these images to cause us to think they have won, and we are the anomalies. This is a LIE. Look around your own space, and call out what is in your realm. Do not let the LIE frighten you. We can't do everything, but we can do what we are given to do. Stand up, or you will be brought down. To me you are a hero. Just don't shut up, and keep speaking out in your own area of influence. If we all do that, the TRUTH will prevail.
You have no idea how much I hope I am wrong. I am giving a warning based on experience, these people think they are saving the world and anyone who gets in their way will be met with contempt and possibly targeted as hostile elements in society. These types of people will not relent easily. The most dangerous of these types of people are the ones who most believe they are saving the world, for this is their religious struggle in life.
The American spirit is built on adversity. Consider yourself blessed. Think of the future they will have - it's nothing. Sure, temporal joy in being an accepted ass. They are building no character, no stamina, no fortitude, no resolve, no patience, no endurance, no faith, no vision, no love ... nothing.
The tide always turns. The most successful people in life are those who see beyond the moment and capture the future with their vision of where the county and the people are going. You should be able to see it will not go well for these people. Buckle up. You already got your best advice: Don't be a snowflake.
I do know what you are talking about. It is difficult to work hard and innovate just to have our tax dollars go to support people who HATE us and our country. It is, frankly, demoralizing. God is bigger. He will prevail, but our country may fall. A heavy load to bear. I feel it too.
Ever notice that these liberals are as ugly on the outside as they are on the inside.
The fact that these two idiots recorded their assault on the two guys supports the theory that this was an exercise in "Social Justice Warrior" point scoring. We are dealing with a generation that was raised on the visual and these two were making their contribution. This is nothing but a 'Like" generator that feeds the ego and raises their standing in their own racist clique. I would bet both of their GPA's would confirm them as Affirmative Action quota students. How else to explain their obvious idiocy.
Besides her ASU profile being removed, the "Rowan Institute" (Rowan University) which has her as a board member actually DELETED ITS TWITTER ACCOUNT and closed its entire website. You can see it all via the wayback machine if you plugin the urls for and even their twitter handle rowan_institute, and searching "rowan institute board members". What has amazed me the most is this is not an undergrad, but a Ford Fellow in a PHD program with absolutely monstrous judgement. Bigotry aside, she went with a friend to a protest who had two loaded guns. And this type of thinking, this approach, is lauded and elevated by those in a position of influence to board membership and keynote speaker. Something has gone very wrong here, and not just with her.
She definitely judged him solely on the color of his skin - she is a RACIST! The fact that the Left won't acknowledge that, the fact that this is an example of the Left saying 2+2=6 and bullying everyone into agreeing with that, shows their dishonesty, and shows that they couldn't care less about victims of racism.
I honestly think I could have a productive and friendly conversation with just about anyone except for a communist (i.e. a Leftist). Communists are incapable of speaking the truth; to them, communist propaganda IS the truth, no matter what all of the evidence says to the contrary.
George Soros has partnered with ASU on one of his surreptitious ‘global university’ projects, so no doubt his money is influencing the schools reaction to these fascists….