Brutal and scathing assessment of the reality of the farce of academics.
"As humorless, self-righteous, insufferable and mediocre as corporate journalists are, they still fare better in all those metrics than academics." - Michael Malice
People laughing about Nina Jankowicz were oblivious to how many grillers have daughters just like her. We are in a society-wide stage 4 cancer of academics who don’t research, make-work bureaucrats who don’t administer anything important, politicians who refuse to govern, and defense contractors who start the new war within 1 FY of the last Kabul airport scene. So by all means, pillory the empty-headed cows mooing and grazing in the faculty lounge but don’t forget the Greatest Generation built up this paper-merit post-religious bordello system for some reason. Thanks for ur service
Bookmark this list. In the near future, this crew will be whining about being victims of "imposter syndrome." They'll probably convene a conference to share advice on "Coping with Imposter Syndrome: When Women Scholars are not Valued."
In my field we used to rely a great deal on the scientific community.
Five years ago we began our own expensive research program because we knew that in just a few years the community would be unreliable. It was not because the arts and humanities had been was because the hard sciences and business colleges were populated by cowards too afraid to speak up to protect the integrity of science and academia.
We agreed, unanimously, that the only thing worse than a belligerent, nonsensical, WOKE faculty and administration was a cowardly faculty and administration. Cowards should never be relied upon.
My God I love the tone of this post, calling shit for what it is.
Even in articles critical of this stuff I would see reams of hemming and hawwing before commenting on the all woman board, and no calling the token black women under qualified.
It is very refreshing to read someone willng to speak plainly about the insanity.
"Political science doesn’t matter. It is a dead profession. It is a lost cause. Everyone knows they are nothing but talentless activists and shills. The reason why this “ASPR goes woke” story matters, then, is because it serves as a prominent cautionary tale for other disciplines that actually still matter."
Poor Mancur Olson and James Buchanan: those guys worked extensively in political science.
Well, there is a reason Buchanan was an economist. At least at the time, economics was the "sane" social science, although it has fallen quite far in the past 30 years or so. When people complain about economic imperialism (meaning economics researchers keep publishing on topics nominally under the heading of other social sciences) they never really seem to grasp that it is a result of how bad the other sciences had become.
I'm relieved I didn't major in poli sci. My reasoning for not doing so as a freshman was financially motivated as I hadn't yet realize the extent to which the major is bullshit. My major requires a multitude of poli sci courses both introductory and high level so I got a taste of what they are like. Most of the high level courses are simply not rigorous, I could have completed them with the same grade or slightly lower in high school 4 years earlier. The grade distribution on assignments confirms this as the overwhelming majority of assignments/exams have at the very least a B+ (and typically A-/A) average. Keep in mind the average is often skewed lower because someone forgot to turn in the assignment thus getting a 0. These aren't uniquely hard workers or particularly gifted students but rather a result of how low the standards are set. Granted I've encountered two exceptions to that general rule, professors who held students to higher standards than the other faculty did and unsurprisingly these were the two who taught me the most (and who students complained about the most).
The sense I get from students I've met who major in poli sci is that they aren't seriously invested, that it is more of a general interest not something they're highly motivated by. I'd be curious to know the % who are involved in local politics or political activism outside of posting on social media, over half would be genuinely surprising to me. It definitely seems like a major for people who don't really know what they want to do and want something easy yet theoretically generalizable.
I not surprised how easily a band of woke activists have supplanted themselves in high level poli sci institutions, it isn't a serious discipline as evidenced by its high tolerance for bullshit and that's exactly what wokeness is.
Brutal and scathing assessment of the reality of the farce of academics.
"As humorless, self-righteous, insufferable and mediocre as corporate journalists are, they still fare better in all those metrics than academics." - Michael Malice
You misspelled embarrassing. And Dion is a nutter who couldn't get tenure at Georgia Tech.
People laughing about Nina Jankowicz were oblivious to how many grillers have daughters just like her. We are in a society-wide stage 4 cancer of academics who don’t research, make-work bureaucrats who don’t administer anything important, politicians who refuse to govern, and defense contractors who start the new war within 1 FY of the last Kabul airport scene. So by all means, pillory the empty-headed cows mooing and grazing in the faculty lounge but don’t forget the Greatest Generation built up this paper-merit post-religious bordello system for some reason. Thanks for ur service
Bookmark this list. In the near future, this crew will be whining about being victims of "imposter syndrome." They'll probably convene a conference to share advice on "Coping with Imposter Syndrome: When Women Scholars are not Valued."
Gosh, how could they possibly be haunted by a nagging feeling that they just are not qualified for the role?
>Instead, the APSA did its best to reinforce the (false) view that diversity and high-level merit do not mix.
That's where you're wrong, bucko. Always and everywhere, when diversity is prioritized, competence DIEs.
In my field we used to rely a great deal on the scientific community.
Five years ago we began our own expensive research program because we knew that in just a few years the community would be unreliable. It was not because the arts and humanities had been was because the hard sciences and business colleges were populated by cowards too afraid to speak up to protect the integrity of science and academia.
We agreed, unanimously, that the only thing worse than a belligerent, nonsensical, WOKE faculty and administration was a cowardly faculty and administration. Cowards should never be relied upon.
It was the best decision we ever made.
My God I love the tone of this post, calling shit for what it is.
Even in articles critical of this stuff I would see reams of hemming and hawwing before commenting on the all woman board, and no calling the token black women under qualified.
It is very refreshing to read someone willng to speak plainly about the insanity.
"Political science doesn’t matter. It is a dead profession. It is a lost cause. Everyone knows they are nothing but talentless activists and shills. The reason why this “ASPR goes woke” story matters, then, is because it serves as a prominent cautionary tale for other disciplines that actually still matter."
Poor Mancur Olson and James Buchanan: those guys worked extensively in political science.
Well, there is a reason Buchanan was an economist. At least at the time, economics was the "sane" social science, although it has fallen quite far in the past 30 years or so. When people complain about economic imperialism (meaning economics researchers keep publishing on topics nominally under the heading of other social sciences) they never really seem to grasp that it is a result of how bad the other sciences had become.
I'm relieved I didn't major in poli sci. My reasoning for not doing so as a freshman was financially motivated as I hadn't yet realize the extent to which the major is bullshit. My major requires a multitude of poli sci courses both introductory and high level so I got a taste of what they are like. Most of the high level courses are simply not rigorous, I could have completed them with the same grade or slightly lower in high school 4 years earlier. The grade distribution on assignments confirms this as the overwhelming majority of assignments/exams have at the very least a B+ (and typically A-/A) average. Keep in mind the average is often skewed lower because someone forgot to turn in the assignment thus getting a 0. These aren't uniquely hard workers or particularly gifted students but rather a result of how low the standards are set. Granted I've encountered two exceptions to that general rule, professors who held students to higher standards than the other faculty did and unsurprisingly these were the two who taught me the most (and who students complained about the most).
The sense I get from students I've met who major in poli sci is that they aren't seriously invested, that it is more of a general interest not something they're highly motivated by. I'd be curious to know the % who are involved in local politics or political activism outside of posting on social media, over half would be genuinely surprising to me. It definitely seems like a major for people who don't really know what they want to do and want something easy yet theoretically generalizable.
I not surprised how easily a band of woke activists have supplanted themselves in high level poli sci institutions, it isn't a serious discipline as evidenced by its high tolerance for bullshit and that's exactly what wokeness is.
Fascists gonna Commie. Whatchagonnado?
Calling them communists is unhelpful and unserious.