Jun 29, 2023Liked by Christopher Brunet

Today;s decision is a long overdue statement against quotas which have morphed into the far worse DEI in academia

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so true

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A few years ago I genuinely thought racism was a fading relic of a distant past from a different era. Now it's literally becoming institutionalized under the Orwellian guise of 'anti-racism.' I'm getting too old for this crazy shit.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Christopher Brunet

All quite true. But did you have the balls to mention that the discrimination is against white people too? Or was that a hurdle too insurmountable in today's leftist/racist world? We couldn't end racism when it was immoral - only when the racists also went after Asians.

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Jun 30, 2023·edited Jun 30, 2023Author

i didn't :/

i still had something to lose at that point when this was written 2 years ago, i was scared of professional repercussions, even though taking the leap from "asians are being discriminated against" to "white people are being discriminated against" is not a huge leap

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I completely respect that. Smart and honest. You just might be destined for great things.

You have the prerequisites, now you just need a ton of luck...

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I guess SCOTUS has ruled that two wrongs don't make a right. Who knew?

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Christopher Brunet

Ended up here after landing on Pedro's (PG) page. I heard a conservative Trump acolyte Sebastian Gorka bring some young (sounding) guy on his radio show. He mentioned what this insufferable PG did and then extended it to RDS.

I'm a Florida boy rooting for DT. I do not like what I heard today from Gorak and his guest. Sounds like whatever PG was accused of came from private messages (dox). That is NOT cool in my book, please tell PG he has my support if you know him. I couldn't comment on his Stack.

You were the first commenter and when I clicked on your link and looked through this article it seems we may share common interests. Enjoy intelligent discussion so will be checking you out sir!!

Thanks Luke

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glad to have you here!

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I hate to be monocausal but at think at the root of all this lies the fundamentalist White Saviorism that has become a foundational belief for post-60s liberals (and this more or less includes all institutionalists), that has rushed in to take the place where religion, community and patriotism used to be, and which serves our liberal class as a tribal and social marker, shibboleth, luxury good to be displayed in all the right neighborhoods, and also a similar moral claim to what being a Christian was say a century ago (that is, anyone who didn't share this belief seemed outside the moral pale, if not also dangerous and suspicious).

White Saviorism is the underlying ideology and moral marker that holds our elite class together, from the actors of Hollywood to the profs of New England to the radicals in SF to the drones of the MSM in NYC. This is their version of the "White Man's Burden", which has morphed in time to mostly being the "White Woman's Emotional Burden" and yet is still remarkably similar.

But now that our next generation of elites have been indoctrinated in seminaries of White Saviorism, where every specialty and every nook of history is being revised in the name of White Saviorism, I don't see it dying out anytime soon. In fact, in the weird way political movements can become extreme after their initial causes fade into memory, the more that America becomes multiracial, and the more that the post-60s White Savior projects seem dead and failed, the more intense this belief system seems to grow.

The progressive aristocracy have made black people into their version of Jesus, the martyr who died for our sins we should always be praying and atoning toward, and they will cling blindly to their White Savior narrative and crusade no matter how ridiculous the spectacle becomes.

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Love your stuff. Keep it up. Affirmative Action sucks.

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Christopher Brunet

Reading this and seeing that Bob Solow was one of the signers on behalf of Harvard, that reminded me of how MIT managed to have one of the preeminent economics department. A science and engineering institute was willing to hire Samuelson and Solow back when the Ivies were unwilling to offer jobs to Jewish economists or in any other field.

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You’re talking about how bad affirmative action is, because it generalizes about groups based on skin color or genitalia. However, in the next section you attack white women, as a group, for not only being recipients of affirmative action, but also for being intellectually inferior to white men?

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