Dec 13, 2022Liked by Christopher Brunet

Very well said, and I think you did a great job keeping this down the middle. I agree with your points, but as you have said, the word "security" or "unauthorized" may be disputable, but they do not make what he did right. I am hopeful he is behind bars in the future here, even if it is a few years.

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You forgot to point out the jewish angle like in the FTX article.

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Lol. I’m not offended. I don’t know if Karl or other readers will be. Apparently SBF is blaming anti-semitism for the failure of FTX.

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It’s been a get out of jail free card for awhile

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Maybe he took some oligarchs to the cleaners.

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Interesting proposal. I like that you don't self-censor. "Always?" Avoid hyperbole if you are proposing a controversial hypothesis!

Personally pro-semitic here, a former marital member of the tribe, yet nonetheless open to the idea. Round up some credible data and show the proportional figures. Otherwise it will just be bigoted stereotyping. Asking a loaded question without any support is teetering on that slippery slope.

Now that you mention it, aforesaid brief marriage was to a brilliant and mostly unrecognized Jewish con man who went after very big game. He was exposed shortly before his death but most of his enablers and victims still believe he was legit. Quite the learning experience.

Some thoughts. Currently I accept the assertion that Ashkenazi Jews are on average about 11 points higher in IQ than the average American. Due to former European oppression and different religious constraints, they have a long history of success in the niche of moneylending. These two features may predispose them to be more skilled, experienced, interested, successful at financial cons requiring intelligence. Maybe this pre-coffee thinking is too simplistic, granted.

Or, people may just disproportionately notice Jewish names in these cons.

My anecdotal experience growing up among a community with a high percentage of Jews is that general morality is if anything higher than Christian morality. That is partly because few Christians in my experience understand their fascinating and profound religion even slightly. Yet they use it to justify their behavior, rather than to guide it. (Old Order Mennonites excepted; they really get it.)

More coffee. Sticking to Bitcoin.

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I think it's a factor of social circles. Although not all of the FTX people who knew some shady shit was going on were Jewish. But even among very secularized jews in well-connected circles (like kids of prestigious law professors) tend to stay close to the jewish community. If his parents were well-connected to the GOP instead of Dems, no one would be pointing out "gee all those criminals at FTX are baptist, what gives?" Or you know, maybe they would, but I doubt it

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you're not understanding my comment. Sorry if I was unclear. What I mean is, I think the fact that many of the people involved are Jewish is merely a reflection of the tendency, even among "secular" Americans, to keep social circles among people with similar backgrounds. Assuming there was some relevance to the fact that many (not all) of the scammers were jewish, is itself the anti-semitic theme.

Like, in the US southwest there used to be various outlaw gangs, often along ethnic lines- some gangs were Irish immigrants, some were southerners who fled the devastated south, some were northerners, some were Mormons, etc. They tended to form culturally or ethnically homogeneous gangs because they tended to have culturally or ethnically homogeneous social circles to begin with.

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Is taking a Baby's candy a crime, an exploit, a manipulation, theft . . . . or just Assholery?

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What the law won’t protect, vengeance will. The carrying cost of stolen money is very high. Smart thieves cultivate state actors to help themselves stay alive. It may be the only viable strategy but it does not always work. Ask Jeffrey Epstein. Oops!

Maybe the CIA? Nah. He does not have enough to engage them. Maybe another affinity player. He seems to have a Russian background and there are a lot of oligarchs that may appreciate his talents. But then again they may be the victims of his scheme. No scope to complain but plenty of reason for a conman to be concerned.

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He’s not Russian

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Not directly no but Russia may be in his geographical pedigree.

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Khazarian maybe

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I am sure there are state actors with stronger affinities.

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