I have been vocal personally about right-wing demagoguery on Fox and other outlets in the past and see no reason to hold fire on the NYT today. The role of the New York Times in perpetuating these sorts of due-process-free, innuendo-filled destruction of careers cannot be called out enough. Let us hope that at the end of the day the NYT will come to be seen as what it is: a paper using its respectability as a cover to advance the yellowest of hit-job journalism.

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Good post, almost the entire legacy media is riding on a reputation that is now long trashed.

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“One of the surprising privileges of intellectuals is that they are free to be scandalously asinine without harming their reputation.” - Eric Hoffer

The word “malicious” should be in that quote somewhere.

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Oct 11, 2021Liked by Christopher Brunet

We have established a COURT SYSTEM for these things. It has been hijacked by the left, and bypassed by those who want us to hate one another. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY was established so that people would not be denied life liberty and the pursuit of happiness just because they pi--ed off the wrong person. We MUST stop this madness and return to civility and justice. If we don't we will be further divided, until we can no longer stand at all.

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Oct 11, 2021Liked by Christopher Brunet

This (and the whole me too movement) is also reminiscent of Salem Mass (see american history 101)!

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It is very helpful, in order to understand what is happening in these universities, to be familiar with the history of Soviet Russia. Not because the United States is going "communist" but because it is moving in a totalitarian direction.

Once you remove meritocracy, the only decider of advancement is politics or "political correctness". So, in the Soviet Union, promotions were sorted out in Pravda and Izvestia via denunciations. In the above article, the New York Times is serving in this capacity, as well as the less prestigious media outlets.

And once "they" succeed in removing standardized tests, grades and gifted programs, the methods we are seeing now at Harvard, Yale Law School and the Rhodes Scholarship will be the only way advancement will be decided...via activism for the "cause" or denunciation. Possibly this is the intent but it also may just be a natural outcome, as something has to decide firings, promotions and advancement.

And a system like this will drift far from reality, as happened with the saga of Trofim Lysenko. During the height of the Cold War, the USSR was importing grain from the United States because the Soviet academy refused to accept genetics.

I can't emphasize this enough, if you want to see where all this is going, dust off your books about the Soviet Union.

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It’s time for some smaller conservative schools that actually excel in scholarship to band together and form Ivy League 2.0. Harvard, Yale, Columbia and the others are all lost causes. Only employers whose business model is anchored in CRT, hate, racism, propaganda and other such things, should hire people with degrees from their schools. They’re simply not fit to work for companies that actually make anything or strive to provide a service that makes the country better.

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1) There was a good story 7 yrs ago in TheAtlantic about the Minerva Project, which seems to have no imitators, because 2) their primary agenda is not an educational process. That’s just window-dressing for their true de facto mission of social credentialing. Improving productivity in running classes is one thing, but you can’t compete with the latter, a cartel that proffers positional goods. That would require humiliation of the cartel and as you have seen, they are unembarassable

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"Look, I am all in favor of making economics more hospitable to women — who isn’t?"

Anyone with their head screwed on, because pandering to identity victimhood politics evidently, inevitably leads to these kinds of episodes and woke infestations of entire societies.

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You get basic facts about Emmett Till's murder wrong. By the conventional definition of lynching established in 1940 by civil rights organizations like NAACP, which is the definition used by scholars today, Till was not lynched. A lynching requires a group of at least three people, Till was murdered by two people. And he was not hung, he was beaten and shot to death and then thrown in a river with his body weighted by a fan.

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Ah, thanks! maybe I will go and edit that part it.

Never learned about Till in Canadian school and I guess I got the facts of the case from a quick google

My point stands, however!

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"You can correct a great injustice just by standing up in public and uttering the truth. You can be a hero."

I'm afraid the handful of heroes in academia are vastly outnumbered by the frauds, the cowards and the useful idiots whose vanity far exceeds their honesty.

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There are very few frauds or useful idiots in economics. There are, however, a lot of cowards.

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Fryer was destined to be canceled the minute he published the study on police homicides. Interestingly, President Obama had no problem with his research and Obama tasked Fryer with creating templates for all PDs to use when reporting police shootings. At that time academia was far left of Obama, however.

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Work in an environment of wokies and suffer the consequences. There will be consequences.

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Yes, but some of us arrived before academia became so toxic

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I don't think it is really about class or culture as much as first handed, truth and reality oriented people who think as individuals, and everyone else. And it's always been this way. The one who doesn't understand politicking game playing but just believes in the truth because it IS the truth and they have the evidence to believe it. The other type thinks, "But what will people say?"

The people like Prof. Fryer answer, "Who cares. It's the truth." You can't honestly make a difference IN reality if you're FAKING reality. For that , I hope he gets justice for what was done to him, and I honestly believe he will. People can see the evidence of what Claudine Gay did, and compare it with what they see here and Fyer's record. This is a great article (and that documentary is superb); we don't see too much positive news, and I'm glad there are people like this left in academia.

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I kept waiting for the writer to switch from 99% spin to 1% facts and gave up...i might have even agreed with his point if he gave some actual facts such as the accusations and replies, but i gave up reading this giant wooly sweater

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You're calling the author a spinster? Pot, meet kettle....

Did you even read the article? Doubtful....

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boohoo black and women wokesters tearing each other apart ? who cares

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