It seems like the editors and publishers and the deans of academe are much like the mainstream media. The former believes everything it is told by internet trolls, while the latter gets all its Mideast news from Hamas and the Houthis.

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Wow. Just wow.

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The cruelty and small minded ferocious behavior of academics never fails to astound. I am impressed that anonymous emails can have such catastrophic consequences, why are they not ignored/filtered as spam? Most likely because they fuel the petty jealousies that already are in place at colleges and universities.

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Keep up the fine work going after these people. While they will be remembered for their contribution to society and science, you will not be remembered for anything, other than living in your mother's basement. Enjoy dude.

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Don’t trust anything that has wiki in its name without verification. Also they have not learned to not feed the trolls.

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All fine. For it's all in the game Oliver D. Smith. All in the game. Enjoy, so to speak, this Earth immortality. You're such a winner.

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All that is needed for bad men to triumph is good men to do nothing

Although, I do assume that City Journal didn't actually pay him money. That seems too ridiculous. Maybe they just agreed to take down the article.

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Thanks for having a pair for FREEDOM OF THE PRESS 👍‼️‼️

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Dec 26
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thanks for the clarification I edited that part of the article and deleted a couple of sentences

why did the Manhattan Institute delete that article? How much was your settlement?

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Dec 26Edited
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I can publish whatever emails I want

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Dec 26Edited
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Get a job you worthless little twat.

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1. Apart from Substack, you also sued Sailer and Kirkegaard (of cases I know) in connection with this - and threatened to sue me (in the course of private correspondence that you initiated from Humanities Commons). This seems vexatious.

2. I am not spreading unsubstantiated allegations. I am asking a question that I consider to be of significant and legitimate public interest: Did one of America's most prominent and well-funded right-wing think-tanks effectively subsidize your "hobby"? In any case, you and Anderson have a very easy way to put any rumors that do emerge from me asking this question to rest.

PS. Please note that I have re-published this article on my website as well.

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Dec 27Edited
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I will invite readers to judge the evidence for themselves: https://cancelwatch.substack.com/p/oliver-d-smith-299

There will be more details forthcoming about Smith's activities in 2024.

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