"If Canada were a Chinese province, it would rank sixteenth in population...."

Wait I thought Canada was a Chinese province.

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The Aztecs' model program for managing meteorological events didn't work so great, and perhaps our leaders feel that removing the actual blood-letting aspects of it will do the magic trick.

We do fail to teach our children well. Might be time to create a comprehensive timeline of human attempts to tame the implacable forces of nature, with an analysis of how well they worked.

And my now frequently-reiterated reminder: We ain't modern. We're just now. We can't fix the biggest things no better than anyone who came before us. We can just nibble at the edges, and the edges keep shifting their boundaries.

Anyway--good piece, Chris. Always happy to see your publication credits increase.

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If I understand correctly, in spite of all the studies showing that climate change and global warming, are largely the consequence of human actions, you believe that global warming is the result of the inexorable forces of nature. Is that correct?

If so, I disagree. Multiple studies disagree.

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"Multiple studies disagree."

You know what they say about lies, damned lies and statistics?

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And you know better? I doubt it. What evidence do you have? Please let me know.

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You clutch your favorite sources to your bosom, and I'll clutch mine.

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If I had pearls, SCA, I'd clutch them to my chest in anticipation of the lights going out at the end of this slow-motion suicide of Western Civilization.

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Can you give me at least one? a trump quote?

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What relevance has a politician to this discussion?

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Well studies have been saying that the earth is ten to twenty years away from being destroyed by global warming for the past forty years.

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Gross exaggeration. Earth will be here after we are long gone. Twenty years ago it was predicted that the ocean level would rise. The polar ice caps will melt at an increasing rate. And more. It is happening.

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Any predictions are only that. they are not at all certainties. they are, i presume, the best estimates at the time they were made. it is my opinion that the rate of climate change is increasing. only my opinion.. i am not an expert.

thanks for the link, by the way. Much appreciated.

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> Twenty years ago it was predicted that the ocean level would rise.

Except they haven't. Manhattan isn't underwater, the glaciers didn't retreat, etc.


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really? The glaciers are getting smaller. There have been multiple reports on this.

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Yes, by the same people who said Manhattan should be underwater by now.

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your faith in "the science" is cute. It's a good thing you don't know how the sausage is made.

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What can we do about the eau’d’Turd that seeps across the Canadian border? Carbon is nothing compared to that noxious stink.

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'His proposed solution would include “introducing tariffs for countries that apply no carbon tax or one that is lesser than Canada’s.”"

So food gets even more expensive, in the context of grocery bills already spiralling out of control. Great idea.

"He criticized the current government for burdening “smaller businesses and family-owned farms” with the cost of climate adaptation and said the Greens would instead favor “a government-backed transition plan that injects significant resources into helping our communities and small to medium size companies to enter the green economy in a way that doesn’t hurt working families throughout the country.”'

Ah yes, so to repair the economic devastation caused by the carbon tax, they'll appropriate even more money from the productive economy in order to redistribute it, thus ensuring the economic damage is even larger, but more evenly spread.

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i am dropping out of this discussion. no more replies.

no government funded research at this point but i have research to do.

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I like The Factual. It presents various viewpoints. It

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I like The Factual. It presents different views of events.

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Climate change is indeed a global problem. No one individual, no small country, can have a big impact in reducing pollution. So you propose, we do nothing?

What do you propose?

It would be great if you had a really good idea about how to alleviate the problem.

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it's easier to blow up trains than make them run on time

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I wonder if Myrna has appointed herself a stoberhund to sniff out dissident Canadians.

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You ever read the history of Greenland?

I wouldn't be wishing to impugn your viewpoints or anything, but I noticed via your bio that you're on the (US) government's research funding teat. Perhaps independent thought isn't your strength.

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That's funny! Yes, I have occasionally had government funding but hardly enough to influence my work an d not enough for the government to care about what i think about anything! But thanks, you made me laugh!

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It's so hard to tell, since your commentary here seems to imply that you regard fields of scientific inquiry as suitable dens for political allegiance.

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no not at all.

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Why did you wish me to quote Trump? In a discussion about climate?

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You don’t commit suicide to solve the problem.

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thank you for agreeing that there is a problem..

how to solve it?

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