I think you're gonna need a bigger belt to add this notch too.

But yes, it is shameful that one of the kids who deserved to win didn't and the sponsors were too cowardly to make the proper award.

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The kid is 17 which makes him an adult in many jurisdictions. This was grand larceny by fraud and there should be some criminal sanctions applied. He is young enough that this should not destroy his entire life, but some example should be made - and apparently to include his mother who may well have knowingly aided and abetted.

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If anyone has ever wanted to make a time machine, it is this kid. I guess the real test is what he would do with the time machine-- go back and NOT cheat, or go back and take out Brunet? Tune in for the next episode of Quantum Leap!!

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I can remember having done some very wrong things when I was a little older than this kid. I didn't get caught; I came to better senses on my own.

What will be hard for him is being a son in a family that valued results and not ethics. His parets are aggrieved and not ashamed and I expect within their extended family the parents will make lots of excuses about "unfair targeting" etc. etc. I feel pity for him. But I feel really mad on behalf of the kid cheated of the prize.

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Karlstack gets results!!

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Wow - results!

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This kid will be on retainer writing safe-and-effective studies for Fauci any day now.

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At some point the written rules of the contest must control. If there is no provision allowing the selection of a second place project, then no one is entitled to the prize when the winner is disqualified or withdraws. Fairness does not enter into the matter.

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Krish Pai's name will live in infamy, along with Eldo Kim's. They need to live somewhere with a "right to be forgotten".

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I think justice was done (thanks to you shining the light). He's a kid. He returned the money. Let him learn from this and use his brilliance toward something productive. Let's move on from this particular case.

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Really wish they had a process to pick a #2 to make the award. Missing the award for 2024 will be a big black mark in perpetuity.

No wait, I'm glad they have no #2.

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