Chris, having lived in the Philippines, Australia, and India with many trips to the Middle East, Africa, and Asia plus Brazil, Mexico and a smattering of Europe. My recommendation is, first drop you fear of being murdered. You need a strong sense of situational awareness no matter where you are. Turkey is a favorite place and the loci of so much history, both past and future. The history and diversity within India is endless and English is a functional language most everywhere. Best of luck.

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Funny you say that. So many people have this fear , even in the US. Drives me crazy actually. Just brainwashing

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Jul 2, 2022
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Thank you. The eye-rolling re: fear of harm in Latin America on this thread is driving me crazy. The fear is based on something very real. I have many family members who have been affected by the huge increase in crime in Costa Rica. One of my cousins suffered a home invasion not once, but *twice*. Basically, if you're not living in a gated community, you're at very high risk of burglary. I know family members who've had guns put to their heads at traffic stops. (Not coincidentally, preventing this is why in many. Latin American countries, e.g., Brazil, drivers don't stop at traffic lights or stop signs - because coming to a full stop is a risk factor for being carjacked or robbed.) So, no, it's not cool or cosmopolitan to brush these risks off as being a "brainwashed" ugly American.

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Get out of Canada! The world is your oyster, since you're willing to spend a couple of months somewhere to get a feel. Start with Asia: Japan and Korea too expensive; Mongolia too cold; Myanmar too sketchy; Laos lacks infrastructure; Cambodia a Chinese satellite where you will indeed be called a pedophile, because there are misinformed, small minded idiots everywhere.

Go to Thailand. The country has super-low crime and Bangkok is amazing and safe if you stay away from drugs, but do you want beaches, mountains, or the capital city? Plenty of foreigners and you won't stick out. In my non-touristy 5G city of about a million, Udon Thani, you can rent a nice three-bedroom three-bath house for $300 USD. Or a new studio apartment for about $150. Get the picture?

Vietnam is also gets my vote and is a strong contender, for many reasons. I'm not a crazy about the PI, or Malaysia/Indo, but some folks love it there. Don't forget Singapore--super safe, but pricier.

Move around a bit. Putin won't attack Hungary or Romania, and I recommend both of them. Inexpensive and many pluses. Also, Portugal--have to love the Algarve. Skip Belize and Costa Rica, but Panama is a contender. Save any other South American destinations until you get a feel for living around the world and get experience under your belt.

Go for it!

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Great advice, thanks! Need to mull it over.

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Obviously you should save your money and become a trusted house sitter. https://www.trustedhousesitters.com/

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I will look into this, thanks

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Chiang Mai in Thailand or Bali in Indonesia. They just introduced a 5-year digital nomad visa for Bali.

Or just travel around a bit and see what place you enjoy

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Another vote for Bali! I’m here now doing a similar thing to you Chris, feel free to fling any questions you might have about the island of the gods and I’ll do my best :)

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Mexico kidnapping for foreigners is rare.

Chile just elected a leftist scumbag and might be voting soon on a new constitution that’s super leftist but if they reject it then it’ll probably be okay.

Buenos Aires is great for those who don’t have to live off the local currency.

Portuguese isn’t too hard to pickup if you already speak Spanish.

Have you considered Panama, Costa Rica, or El Salvador?

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I've been considering a similar shift in life. My contract is up at the end of the summer, and as it stands I'll be funemployed from then. Having saved a bunch, I can live in a second world country for a year or two.

I've mainly been considering Colombia, Serbia, and Hungary. I've got a friend who's been doing the digital nomad thing for a while, and basing himself out of Medellin. He's having a great time. Girls there are far nicer than the ones at home. Serbia has always just interested me. Budapest looks affordable, is supposed to be beautiful, and Orban has turned Hungary into Based Central.

As to Chile, I lived there for a couple of years in the early 2010s. Santiago is a gorgeous city, but Chile is the most expensive country in Latin America, and they went all in on the Coronamania. Their new president seems like a Latin Trudeau. Last I checked, you can enter Chile without the vaxx, but you still need a vaxx card to get into bars etc. Also, if you want to work on your Spanish, Chile is about the worst country to do it in. Chilean Spanish is incomprehensible even to other native speakers.

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Why not find a couple good unvaxxed American women and settle down in the states? Starting a family would be the most dissident thing you could do in the current environment. If y'all are interested let me know and I'll put the word out.

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To be honest I've been living here for years now and have yet to encounter many high-quality American women; the majority seem to fall into the categories of 'cute bipolar narcissists' and 'resentful landwhales'. Feminism and endocrinological warfare have done a number on North American women (Canadian women being no better and and in most ways much worse).

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You only need to find 1, and I think there are plenty out there that don't fall into those categories. Applying the litmus test of the age to whittle things down, I bet most chicks who work(ed) in healthcare late 20s to early 30s that declined getting vaccinated up to the point of getting fired if necessary are probably pretty based. I know someone who can cast a pretty massive net on behalf of you and Chris, so if you're interested let me know and I'll put out the word!

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The other factor of course is economic. Savings go a lot further outside the US or other "first" world countries.

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Costa Rica NO. My cousin moved there intending forever... but no. Some waves and he's a surfer but a decent steak is impossible. Plus there is no "there" there, as they say.

Croatia along the coast is my personal fantasy. Split! Old world Euro charm on the coast at a discount. Some locals have English and you'll pick up the lingo soon enough. You will not be a visually obvious outsider. <<<

Kuala Lumpur. My HS buddy is moving there soon and may need someone to post bail. :) Great cosmopolitan city, great for foodies.

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Kuala Lumpur +1. Plus zero capital gains tax, if that's something you care about

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If it were me, I’d go to Budapest but that’s ultimately because I’m a Europhile conservative Christian and would want to be in Europe but in a place where conservative Christians aren’t ostracized. These days, that pretty much only leaves Hungary lol.

That’s my choice despite being of Latin American descent (Costa Rica). I love CR but it’s gotten very unsafe over the years due to the Colombian drug traffic. Much of Latin America is like this and it can take a lot of adjustment if you’re used to North American levels of security.

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I have heard good things about Thailand from students, both those from there and those that visit. Apparently a lot of foreigners esp Russians immigrated there so you wouldn’t stand out too much and English is common (Thai is apparently a damned near impossible language.)

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Congrats on abandoning the hellhole Canada has become. Since you live within your own skin and mind, your experience will vastly differ from the next’s. Due to my own experience in contemporary hellhole America, I have been traveling nonstop since December. Mexico City is cheap, and the people are nice. Observations: you worry too much about murder! Won’t happen in Mexico City. I traveled extensively through Europe. Skip Germany, Portugal - strains of fascism still palpable in both places. Amsterdam seemed happiest place on planet. Moscow is cheap and interesting and people were helpful. Reykjavik is cool but expensive. Good luck and have fun exploring.

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I would consider Poland, the Czech Republic or Hungary, as 1) you won't stand out like a sore thumb, 2) they are friendly towards Canadians and and Americans, 3) English is mostly a second language. Other parts of Europe are overrun with "refugees" who hate Christians, Western Civilization and white people. The native Europeans (mostly) hate/resent Canadians and Americans.

Outside of Europe, Argentina is a friendly city where your money will go far. My in-laws reported that it's also non-woke, as Buenos Aires' Mayor recently pushed back against Wokeness when leftists there tried to re-write their language with gender-neutral nouns - totally changing a language that utilizes gender specific objects!

Relatives in Mexico City said to stay out of Mexico completely. With caravans marching through the country to get to the U.S. (terrorizing local Mexican towns by stealing, harassing, polluting neighborhoods), plus the cartels practically in charge of the country, someone fitting your description would be a HUGE target for gangs and cartels. Friends of mine (black, white and Asian) were victims of "express kidnappings" where the gangs force you into a bank and deplete your bank accounts and max out your credit cards before letting you go. My sister-in-law's uncle had that done to him, and as a warning not to report this to the police, they shot him in the leg as they ran off laughing with all his money.

For Africa my sister and brother-in-law spent a year in Namibia, which they enjoyed. It's a Christian country, the people speak English and are friendly. Other parts of Africa, however, are under siege by Islamists and should be avoided like the plague.

Best of luck to you on your journey!

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Analysis paralysis - your problem is that you're trying to analyse without any experience of living in any of them - take a travel bag or backpack & just go.

Europe is probably less of a culture shock to start with though Asia & India are amazing as soon as you have the confidence to handle them & don't worry about languages - you can get by in English and learning as you go with a translation app for back up

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Congrats on getting out of the sh*thole known as Canada. Used to be a wonderful country until the coup by WEF minions. I'm older and sick (vaccine injured) and stuck here until I die, but I do look forward to stories of your world travels!

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Keep in mind that culture is micro-local, too. Focus on congenial cities, and congenial neighborhoods within them.

I moved from NYC to a NE state and have a bit more culture shock there than I did as a Bklyn-born Queens-raised Jew living in Pakistan for awhile.

It's not so much how you look as it is your cultural perspectives; how you feel about personal space and privacy, what irritates you and what you find easy to ignore.

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Make sure you pay attention to internet availability and speeds. Costa Rica has some very slow internet speeds, or did up until 10 years ago.

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Soon you will crave slower speeds.

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I live in the USA but went on a mission trip to Zagreb for 2 months, it is an amazingly beautiful country and great people. Most everyone speaks English or German in that city, aswell. Only problem is they are transitioning from Kuna to the Euro soon, so it will likely get pricier to live there, but idk by how much

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