Sep 23, 2021Liked by Christopher Brunet

America's commies are the same as commies have always been

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Christopher Brunet

I worked for Ford Motor Company in the 00’s countering the Ford Foundations attacks on the livelihood of many of the Ford truck buyers in the West. Was an interesting lesson on how much this charity has strayed from its original intent. (It was 50 or so yrs since any connection between the Foundation and the company but the Foundation caused all kinds of turmoil for us).

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You do really great and important work. Keep it up.

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Thank you! It has long been a mystery to me why our Universities have become so rabidly leftist - worse actually, and so many have been in lockstep conformity.

This sheds some light. People with no firm moral foundation will conform to fit in with the “mean girls” club (even the boys), especially when so much $$$ is at stake.

Like barking seals for a fish.

Makes so much more sense now.

I have a family member at UCBerkley in a PhD program (going on year 9 I believe), who has gone from a mild mannered stoner to a rabid communist.

They are doing their job effectively.

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Sep 23, 2021Liked by Christopher Brunet

Typo - double "this"

>After reading these emails, listening to these whistleblowers speak, and reading about the Ford Foundation Fellowship Program, I was surprised this this is a classified as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

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The taxpayers are totally screwed by the mass of 501(c) (3) non-profits.

We the people should be benefitting from the collection of billions of tax dollars annually from all these so-called ‘non-profits.’ Anyone seen our decrepit infrastructure lately?

Meantime small business and individuals have no such tax loopholes.

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Human nature is to believe your beliefs are right and all others are wrong. A person with the ability to question their own minds and evaluate the thoughts of others openly is a wise person, not the other way around

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It is unfortunate to have to accept, but the truth is the time to fight all of this and have a chance of winning has passed. I am NOT saying we should roll over and give up, but the best path forward now is to attempt to thrive, have children, and teach them the TRUTH, instilling values that have long been considered "fascist" and "white supremacist." The most important building block to a healthy society is the intact nuclear family. Loyalty to one's family is the beginning of a united people capable of standing up to tyranny. That is why "they" focus so hard on destroying the family. For white people, there is NO positive white identity allowed, but a white person is allowed to pick among a number of "acceptable" identities, such as numerous sexual perversions. People experience their "reality" in the digital world, which is completely controlled and censored, to the point in which that concocted reality has become their actual reality. All the "isms" have truly destroyed us, such as feminism, and the only way forward is to survive through the eventual collapse of this system and live to rebuild something far better.

Many will not like to hear such a thing, but the beginning of the end really came after WWII. Contrary to popular belief, that war was "nationalism" versus "globalism," and globalism obviously won. The long march of the globalists in all of our foundational institutions that sustain and guide our culture were largely taken over in the 1960's, which is when we got the (at least unconstitutionally interpreted) 1964 Civil Rights Act. The 1965 immigration act ensured the traditional American population would be replaced with mostly third world populations that will never unite and are easily controlled. Obviously, things have taken off like crazy in this new century, and it appears to continue accelerating.

If we can survive the destruction of our families, deaths of despair, and the promotion of extremely harmful and degenerate behaviors, then maybe we have a future.

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What you don't realize is that from its inception the Ford Foundation was set up as a communist mechanism of control. Learn more about the history of the mega non-profits of the early 20th Century. They were created by megalomaniacs for the very purpose of subverting and subduing America for a communist agenda.

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Ford was anything but a communist. Have you read The International Jew? I don't think FOrd was squeamish about telling that the Russian Revolution done by bolsjeviks wqas in fact a jewish revolution against russian rule - Mainstream sources such as Slezkine's The Jewish Century put the ratio of jews in the upper ecxhelons of the first rulers of USSR at about 80 % jews which means an overrepresentation of at least 5000 %. ALso, Jews where still underepresented among Gulag prisoners still under Stalin when the Jewish chiefs of both the NKVD and the Gulag camps saved their own and sent normal russians to hell.

Ford pusblished the International Jew because he wanted to spread awareness of the extremely dangerous influence that jews had in the early 20th century in the US as well as every western country plus russia and now they, as acollective, without any cconspiration but just a confluence of intests, control the western world. 40 % of the US cabinet, which has an obvious pouppet president, is jewish, for instance, an overrepresentation of 2000 %.

This was exactly what Ford try to warn against, and itäs obvious jews are responsible for world communism (Marx was Jewish, Lenin was Jewish, Trotsky was Jewish, Rosa Luxemburg was Jewish, Bela Kuhn was Jewish and so on).

What we have here is plainly stated in the text, a case of an organization not being explicitly right-wing being subverted by social liberals/post-marxist leftists.

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That would have been news to Henry Ford II, as evidenced in his letter of resignation from the Ford Foundation board of directors in 1977. "I’m just suggesting to the trustees and the staff that the system that makes the foundation possible very probably is worth preserving. Perhaps it is time for the trustees and staff to examine the question of our obligations to our economic system and to consider how the foundation, as one of the system’s most prominent offspring, might act most wisely to strengthen and improve its progenitor."


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Communism has been around since Plato, while that does not make everyone a Communist. Ford was a pioneer in the Industrial Revolution, he was more an equal opportunity ( all for the money ) as were several others who created Foundations . ( or had them created ) as both altruistic and "leftist" benefactors. The fact is the Communist system, is to infiltrate and mold the institution to their use. This is especially true of the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations as well. One could after totally exposing the Foundations, not necessarily the Founders, the place to swing about the artillery is the CFR. The CFR members all were part of the earlier Federal Reserve, 1909 bank crash etc. I hope this chain of coming articles, moves toward removing these "Leftist" slush funds.

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Nothing has changed in over 100 years. The Reece Commission in 1953/4 found that these non-profit tax-exempt foundations were pushing collectivism and globalism. The head of the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace who was just hired after the previous president Alger Hiss was arrested and gave the commission unlimited access to previous meetings of the trustees. They found that their mission was to change America so that it can be integrated with Russia (one-world govt). They also found that they wanted to keep America at war and that they needed to take over the state department. The Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie, Ford, Guggenheim, etc were all involved.

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The destruction of the Née York City public schools by anti Semitic ideologues who championed “community control” was in no small part caused by Ford

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Nice work. Keep the 'skeer on 'em. Drag the bastards into the light. If their beliefs and actions are honorable and just, and if they truly feel no shame, then they shouldn't mind a little publicity.

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That zip file now requires money to open. Can you fix that?

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> Cut out the tongues of anyone who dares question you. Typical communist mindset.

This is not actually typical of communists. It is typical of jerks and assholes. Most of the communists I've met have been young idealists who want to make the world better, but just haven't yet thought too hard about whether their ideas will work in practice.

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I'm surprised that people only become aware of the Ford Foundation and its extreme leftist tilt now. I've known for years that they are straight up Marxist and has been telling people for a long time NOT to support Ford for this reason.

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a good reason why Foundations should have a limited lifespan

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