I was caught up in his Mango Market exploit. I didn't have a ton of money there, but it was enough and caused great stress while the money was gone. Mango markets deserves a round for standing up and pulling from their own account. I hope they get the treasury back. Cheers to you Karlstack. Well done.

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He had to hide the loot and negotiate some protection before returning. Either that or they said get lost small fry.

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Interesting that he was arrested right after Sam Bankster-Fraud.

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Good followup, I remember your original post on it. They need to keep catching these guys

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Good job. It is nice to read a story when you already understand the back story. So I hope the Feds can make this stick, no bail, and he disgorges more of his ill gotten loot.

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this is great journalism, you can be proud of this !

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thank you! I am!

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