I misclicked and accidently deleted the top comment in this section, it was written by a subscriber named David Silverberg. It was an excellent and thoughtful comment, It really was a misclick, I could not be sorrier to him for deleting. Fortunately I saved a screenshot, and I will retype the whole thing.

I tweeted it out:


This is what he wrote:

''Hi Chris,

I listened carefully to the story Nick had to tell. In short, you uncovered plagiarism by the Israeli wife of Bill Ackman, a big Harvard donor, and and feel it should be publicized and you got no help from Chris Rufo - allegedly because of his Jewish donor. And you have concluded this is because of unwarranted foreign influence of Jews and the State of Israel on America.

Let me be blunt.

I see many problems with your story if I am to believe what Nick said - and I have no reason no to believe the facts stated by Nick.

- First of all, nobody is suppressing your story. You cannot force Chris Rufo to agree to help you.

- To say Mr Rufo did not help you because he has a major Jewish or Israeli donor does not mean that is why he did not help you.

- Suggesting Israeli and Jews are, by definition, actors working for the State of Israel is nonsense at best, and anti-semitic at worst.

- Suggesting Chris Rufo does not have his own opinions and is a puppet of Jews, just because you do not get your way, speaks more about you than Mr Rufo

- I think it makes more sense that Rufo does not agree with you agenda regardless of donors.

- The plagiarism at the presidency of Harvard cannoc compare to the plagiarism of a rich Donor's wife. They only share one common thing - that both did bad things.

- The suggestion that the Donor kicked out Ms Gay, appears to suggest she was the victim and that the ''jews'' were up to some sort of illicit evil conduct to oust her when the opposite was true - Ms Gay used her woke colonizer-colonized theories to do nothing when many students at Harvard proclaimed their support for genocide of Jews and terrorized Jews on campus - in contrast to the school's despicable treatment of conservatives on campus.

- To say the ''Jews'' are to blame for the demise of Ms Gay because she did nothing about the pro-genocide protestors (and that the Jews were less concerning about the plagiarism is likely true. So what? Did you want Jews to be okay with people advocating genocide of Jews? Is that a bad thing? Funny how you blame American Jews when they were the victims in this situation.

- You discount the fact most conservatives, Jewish or not, would recognize the monumental difference between plagiarism by Ms Gay, a Harvard president, and what that represents, vs. plagiarism by the Israeli wife of Ackman, a big donor to Harvard.

- In the end, there are many successful Jewish people in the US. But thinking Jewish support for our ally Israel is somehow a form of foreign influence is (1) an insult to Americans who are not Jewish who favor Western democracies over terrorist groups, and (2) it implies Jews or Israeli Americans are less American. Jews were among the first settlers in the US. Hey, they just discovered Christopher Columbus had a Sephardic Jewish heritage.

- In the final analysis, I think it is fair to tell people Bill Ackman's wife is a plagiarist. But if you think it warrants the same attention as your previous work with Ms Gay (work which I fully respect) then I question whether your frustration is really about Jews or your inability to repeat your previous success. Just saying''

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To C. Brunet: Taking the trouble to repost this critical comment is more evidence that a sense of fairness and justice is what's driving you, rather than agendas that others might attach to you.

The whistleblowing life is hardest when most people have things to hide.

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No, it is just evidence that he at least has the sophistication of a toddler to realize that keeping up the appearance of an actual "discussion" on his substack while advertising the crap out of it on twitter might be good for business. He has a whole new crop of incel "Groypers" to monetize!

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It appears that the "groypers" don't claim him as one of them.

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Hang in there.

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Thank you David.

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Very sad to see you go this route. Please focus on fighting wokeness in academia. Neri Oxman is not a woke university president or DEI official, so she was not targeted for plagiarism. Of course it's legitimate to talk about her plagiarism.

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Wokeness is jewish and they are only using guys like Rufo to pull it back some because their Marxist hoardes were attacking Israel, not just the intended white targets.


Solzhenitsyn also warned in "200 Years Together" mass immigration was a jewish project, in a book that's still not allowed to be in print in America.



Look at Mark Schutlz's comment here, how jews divide and conquer the gentiles. After all we did to help them in a major war and this is how they treat us, try and destroy our homeland and replace us with hostile foreigners.


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Jews themselves are white, or at least are considered white by most Americans. It makes no sense for Jews to promote anti white policies that will obviously hurt themselves.

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How does attacking white people serve the interests of Jews? Polling consistently shows that white Americans are more philosemitic and Zionist than Hispanic Americans and black Americans.

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I am personally fairly philosemitic and broadly support Israel but I think you’re being naive if you can’t imagine *any* motivation that a tiny minority group might have to break the political power of the dominant majority.

Perhaps understandably, minority groups often feel vulnerable if existing at the sufferance of an alien majority. Doubly so if the minority is by comparison quite prosperous and successful. Certainly history furnishes many examples across many cultures to justify that fear.

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Of course I can imagine *some* motivation. Personally I don't actually find it easier to image a four-fifths European and one-fifth African US going Nazi than a half European, quarter Mestizo, eighth Asian, eighth African doing that. It seems that many of the biggest Nazis are black and hispanic. And it's not like European Americans are some kind of monolith. Italians and Greeks are not the same as British and Dutch. Germany was 95+% ethnic German and 1% Jewish. We have never had anything like this in the US.

Insofar as in contrast to the "Jewish minority", there is a "dominant majority", it is gentiles writ large, not the whites who are the most philo-semitic group of non-gentiles. It's not clear how the Jews would break the political power of the gentile majority. That seems like an impossible task. For Jews to acquire disproportionate influence relative to their numbers, sure. To disempower the majority population? Impossible.

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Italians and Greeks and British and Dutch are a helluva lot more similar than any of those groups are to sub-Saharans or Asian Indians or Mesoindians. There’s a reason companies introduce racial diversity to break up union organizing efforts and it’s not because they think “gentiles” form some significant bond.

You’re going to see pretty quickly how white political power in the US is broken because it’s already baked in the cake demographically. There will be a predominantly white rightist party and a predominantly brown leftist party with the leftist party dominant electorally. That’s what much of Latin American politics is like and it’s America’s political future too.

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Sure. I don't doubt that this is true. When you talk about Hispanics though, they are a mix of Spaniards and Mesoindians. Greeks are genetically and by appearance a lot more similar to Jews and Lebanese than to the Dutch. There's no question that different white populations are more similar to each other than they are to non-white populations. I don't deny that. Still, I don't think white vs nonwhite is the main divide in American society. Asians and Hispanics assimilate into the white majority. As do Jews (who are not really non-white). It's black vs nonblack. But my main point here is that it never happens in practice that white Christians and black people are fighting each other too much to become antisemitism. That's never how it has worked. White nationalists and black nationalists have always both been antisemitic and have often worked together to achieve their goals of racial separatism.

The idea that Jews would support non-white migration for selfish reasons is very silly. White Americans are on the whole much more philo-semitic than non-white Americans. Antisemitism has proved to be a multiracial movement. Fuentes is a quarter Mexican and loves Candace Owens. This idea that the Jews engineered mass non-white immigration into the US to prevent another Holocaust is just ridiculous.

White political power in the US, at least in the way that American neo-Nazis imagine, has never been a big thing. Race has always been a thing we've noticed but Jews were also always considered white, along with other Levantines like Lebanese, Palestinians, Syrians, etc. Ralph Nader is a white guy.

I agree in principle that divide and conquer is a strategy that you can use to rule over people. But this is a strategy that works by exploiting existing divisions, not importing new people in.

We have racial depolarization, the opposite of what you are predicting. Hispanics are shifting Republican. Blacks are as well. What we actually have an increasingly brownfield Republican Party that doesn't believe in free markets, democracy, and the rule of law which are white European values. Hence we have Latin American style wannabe dictator Trump instead of Reagan and Romney. Trump is a Latin American conservative.

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Oct 20
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The ethnicity of the people running it is not so relevant. It’s not like the Ivies are bastions of philosemitism, to put it mildly.

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Oct 20
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There is affirmative action for Arabs! But Jews have a higher average IQ and are most of the population.

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Oct 20
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Ofc whites have a higher iq than “Hispanics” (generally Mestizo) and blacks. Obviously that’s true.

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Ofc North Euro whites have higher IQs than most other groups. Not Jews and East Asians and some Indian groups, perhaps not Armenians but pretty much everyone else. Not too many populations have a triple digit IQ.

Jews outperform whites at NMS though. That’s just a fact. So do Asians. Non-Jewish white people are great and invented most of Western civilization, modern medicine etc. Jews contributed very disproportionately but there aren’t many Jews so the total contribution is still smaller.

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Despite the nuanced details, there is a clear imbalance in how criticism of Israel and the significant over-representation of dual-citizenship Jewish Americans in positions of power and influence are treated.

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You're a good man. It may be best to consider some political pragmatism next time. I have also got myself in hot water many times before because of my insistence on the truth, and equal logical treatment. Just remember that you need to have a career in order to continue to help the world...don't self immolate, as righteous as it may feel. There is more work to be done.

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Louis, I agree with you. Chis did speak the Truth about the plagiarism. But in an attempt to push that through he got very frustrated. We cannot win every battle. But we need to protect ourselves so we can fight for what we think is right on another day. Pragmatism rules.

Chris, after the sting settles you will look back on this event with greater wisdom.

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7/8 of the Ivy League Presidents are Jewish and pushing DEI. If they can limit the white gentiles for decades, when will they turn their guns on their own people? Probably never. When do you think it will happen?

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Chris, state your own case. Nick is a male Rachel Maddow. His argument gets many facts wrong, is poorly sourced and spins conspiracy theories. This passes for journalism on the left. It is garbage. Tell your own story. Don’t rely on an idiot leftist, unless that’s the best you can do.

For the record, I am not Jewish.

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Bigotry is wrong from the left or the right, whether it's aimed at Europeans, Jews, Blacks, Whites, Asians, Mexicans; whoever. Far-rightism as pushed by Fuentes and groypers and now Mr. Brunet is a disease of the mind. It's perfectly fine to detest Israel and Zionism and Zionists and hate what they're doing to Gazans, but antisemitism is vile and people like Fuentes are vile.

(For the record, I am Jewish.)

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Where do your morals come from jew?

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Being more or less on the right, I don’t see anything Fuentes says as being on the right. He sounds totally on the left to me.

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Yeah Fuentes is not a big fan of free markets, free trade, or meritocracy. He seems mildly critical of DEI and woke stuff but it’s a minor issue for him at best. He loved attacking rich and powerful people for being rich and powerful, and saying that there is something wrong with being rich and powerful. He is more sympathetic to low IQ third world Muslim Palestinians than to Israel because Jews are rich and powerful and it’s bad to be rich and powerful. He strongly opposes free trade and wants redistribution. He opposes genetic enhancement to increase IQ because IVF is a “sin”.

What makes him “right wing”? He’s against LGBT stuff despite probably being gay himself. Anti abortion is a Christian stance not really a “right wing” one. His kind of antisemitism is considered right wing I guess. He’s against free markets.

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Surprised you're getting away with this paragraph of lies and smears. I'm not even a "groyper" or whatever and I know this is nearly all BS with a few distortion based smears. Carry on I guess, but you just look foolish to anyone actually aware.

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Oct 20
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Anyway, a tariff will cost us way way more than what we give to Israel, which to a large extent is a subsidy to US defense contractors.

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Oct 20
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You’re wrong about what I believe.

I don’t think the US should just send free aid money to Israel. Sell them weapons? Yes. Loan them weapons? Yes. Veto anti Israel resolutions? Yes, and defund the UN. But just give away money from US taxpayers? No, that’s dumb.

It’s not much money and not a huge issue, small compared to Ukraine, very compared to social security etc. But yes I’d rather give it as loans and have Israel pay the 14B back after the war when its economy recovers.

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Oct 20
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Should we deport Nick Fuentes to Mexico? Should we deport Candace Owens and Kanye West to Liberia? How do you feel about doing that? The US has too much diversity, right?

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Oct 20
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I do support Christian immigration to Israel, lots of non-Jewish Christian Russians came circa 1990.

I don’t actually support deporting Fuentes, Owens, West, etc to be clear. I definitely strongly oppose deporting anyone with a foreign-born grandparent or great-grandparent. WTF?!?! Overnight, you would turn the country 20+% black, halve the population (but only reduce the black population by 15%, and Caribbean and African blacks are selected and do better than US blacks), and totally eviscerate the 160+ right tail. Elon Musk back to South Africa. Yann LeCunn back to France. Absolute insanity. You would also miss a bunch of Jews (probably most of them) with native-born grandparents. I’m sure Israel would be happy to take the ones you did deport though. Lots of EHC for them. And for Europe. And for China and India. Very anti-American policy, prioritizing the interests of foreign countries above the US.

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Those "non-Jewish Christians" were brought to Israel because they were considered nominally Jewish under the Law of Return (due to its 1970 amendment which extended definition of Jewishness up to an indivdiual's grandparents).

They are still subject to all sorts of discrimination under Jewish law. Having them around is a massive embarassement to Israel. Many of those who arrived in the 90s migrated to North America.

Other than this loophole, and very minor cases (Poles who saved Jewish children in WW2 and stuff like that), there is NO non-Jewish immigration to Israel. Nada.

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Israel is maybe 21% Arab (mostly Muslim with some Druze and Christian), 2% Black Ethiopian (they flew them on planes), 5% goyish Eastern European, 30% Ashkenazi, 32% Mizrahi, 10% Mixed. Exact numbers might be off. But there’s plenty of diversity.

Israel was founded with an Ashkenazi majority but then the ashkenazim willingly turned themselves into a minority by facilitating the mass migration of lower IQ non-Ashkenazi Jews from the third world.

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Israel is roughly 50% Arab since West Bank and Gaza are under direct Israeli control. The majority of Arabs are simply disenfranchised.

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Oct 20
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Israel has ~10M people, Africa has >1B, Mexico has 130M etcetera. This is ridiculous, wanting 100x as many people to be eligible to move to Israel as there are in Israel. Do you think that with America would need to have five Earths and have complete open borders for all of them.

Do you support allowing anyone with a white grandparent, their spouse, and their children to move to the US, in analogy with Israel's Law of Return for Jews? This would include a lot of Mexican Mestizos.

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Oct 20
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Just a few fun red pills-

Lavon Affair - Israel’s attempt to bomb US and Brit schools for military brats and frame Egypt for the terrorism.

They get oil from the Iraqi Kurds at a secret discounted price. It is so low the Israelis reexport the oil at a profit.

The man who runs the Haitian crime gangs Gilbert Bigio is an Israeli gun runner. Canada formally sanctioned him. We look the other way.

Biggest export is blood diamonds. They have no domestic diamonds. They buy diamond futures from warlords that cause civil wars in Africa when threatened with Africanization of their market. Botswana successfully kicked them out and is the most stable country in Sub Saharan Africa.

They tapped a Jewish woman in Florida to honeypot Mordechai Vanunu the guy who leaked their illegal nuclear program. She was never arrested despite clear Logan Act violations and serving as a foreign spy. They often tap Jews living overseas. It is considered anti semitic to question even those spies dual loyalty.

Jonathan Pollard’s hero status and private jet from the Adelson family as a reward for treason against the U.S. Adelson family still largest GOP donor.

Paul Singer moving American jobs and using our financial system to bolster Israel. Calling him dual loyal is antisemitic canard. Another big GOP donor.

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Yes, Fuentes is on point.

We’ve seen many times how the zionist jews operate. Many of us already know how they are going to respond to criticism, even the words they are going to use. It’s absolutely clear now.

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I just watched the video—very eye-opening. Fight the good fight! Continue to stand up for what’s right. Let me and your other readers know how we can help you.

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I'm not inclined to watch blogs especially by guys like this who toot their own horn.

Is there a Cliff Notes version I can read w/o sacrificing an half hour to an ego driven self pointed "social influencer."

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I want to die for Israel, who's with me?

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I do, but I'm still in line to die for Ukraine and don't want to lose my place.

And then there's Taiwan.

So many places to die for.

I regret that I have but one life to give for all these other countries.

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Die for Taiwan, Israel fights its own wars and doesn’t need foreign troops to die for it.

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Oct 20
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Israel has been fighting Iran and its proxies plenty. No direct US involvement.

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"no direct US involvement" is hilarious when US tech protects them from rockets, and US aircraft carriers shoot down ICBMs...reports are that in the Iranian missile barrage, nearly everything was shot down by US forces directly, either ships or stationary placements at bases in the area, of which there are many. You can't possibly believe Israel is standing on its own strength here.

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Oct 20
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We did not fight Iraq for Israel. Israel doesn't have oil. We are (barely) in Syria because we went there to fight ISIS (and before that, Iraq War) and never left. Not because of Israel. Noam Chomsky wanted us to be there to protect Kurds. I don't side with Israel over America. What are you talking about? If US interests and Israeli interests are in conflict, I pick US interests. For instance, I support Israeli immigration to the US. This benefits the US, as we get more smart Jews. It harms Israel as its brain drain. I am pro-Israel but the interest of the US are what I care about the most.

I also don't approve of Biden's decision to send aircraft carriers there. The main reason for that is to restrain Israel from attacking Iran before the election. I don't think it's in the interest of the US or in the interest of Israel. I'm happy to let Israel destroy the oil and nuclear facilities. If that skyrockets the price of oil and hurts Harris' election chances, so be it.

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Oct 20Edited
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I respect your courage Chris. I have been dismayed by the exposure of all these faux conservatives who I once read and found common ground with. October 7th exposed a massive insanity that had lain at the heart of the new right. Instantly, as if a switch had been thrown, suddenly every Jew in the movement was revealed as a closet Zionist. Where had this come from? I knew they were Jews, but believed up until then that certain principles superseded ethnic affiliation. I am still baffled. Israel is not our friend; they spy on us; they attack our military without consequence; they interfere in our elections. Whatever relationship we have with that state is a one-way street. What can we do for Israel? I feel that I need to state the fact as plainly as I can: Israel is a foreign country that has completely different concerns than the US does. We owe them nothing. And if you are an American citizen, your loyalties lie with the US, or you are not an American.

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I would only take your post seriously if you would offer an equal critique of Fuentes and his explicitly racialist (his word) worldview. You rightly harp on Rufo for his biased coverage of plagiarism in academia due to receiving funding from wealthy people who support Israel. However on X, you repeatedly deflect accusations of being a racialist yourself while excitedly posting videos of Fuentes, who is obviously one, without the requisite qualifier that you disagree with him. This is a glaring hole in your credibility and motivations. If you truly want to distance yourself from racialists and those who support ethnostates of any kind, then aligning yourself with Fuentes is a laughable way of doing that.

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There's no such thing as a think tank of pure motives devoted to truth and the road that leads there without diversions. Anyone who gives significant money anywhere expects to have his perspective listened to, sometimes of course too much.

This is normal. And this is why publishing on Substack--at least for the present time--gives freedom. And with human nature as it is, guys and gals who work in think tanks don't like anyone's name to get too prominent.

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Fuentes make many speculative and I believe flat out wrong claims about plagiarism re Oxman and Gay (Oxman qualitatively different, not prez of Harvard). As well as other wrongheaded nonsense. I would strongly advise against using him as your defender.

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Brunet has exposed himself as a hypocrite, racialist, and Groyper. He has never disavowed himself from Fuentes’ racialist beliefs in support of a white ethnostate. He ignores all criticism on X and is trying to expand his subscriber base on X and Substack. Classic grift.

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I don't understand how I - someone who's not a "groyper" or fan or whatever - knows more about his beliefs than so many of you people who purport to find him so detestable. Fuentes doesn't support an ethnostate and has said exactly that in multiple debates/interviews. It makes me wonder as to why so many of you get so much of this stuff wrong...? Curious to say the least.

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Oct 20
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Yes and I can do it without being a Groyper.

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Oct 21Edited

You might not realize this, Chris, being young, but there's never been peace in the Middle East and regardless of what name any of the peoples of the region call themselves, they keep fighting over the same relatively limited area of land that they've been fighting over forever.

And of course, since the peoples fighting are mostly adherents of the three Middle Eastern blood sacrifice cults that have survived into modernity--one of which you are an adherent of yourself--adherents of two of them consider themselves to be the successor tenants of the earlier one, and all of them claim to be Dad's favorite children.

Now it's unfortunate that Western powers keep overthrowing Middle Eastern strongmen if they have such secular leanings as to lean too far left, because those guys tend to keep all the squabbling factions in check though of course by extremely brutal means. Western powers who previously divided up the region into artificial countries by ignoring the natural territorial distribution of the various peoples, and then installing imaginary royal houses to collaborate with, have not helped the situation much.

And a further historical note--people should not begin wars they are not prepared to endure through to the end, and though, for example, the firebombings of Germany and the nuclear bombings of Japan were hideous atrocities that incinerated many thousands of innocents, they were necessary to end the war that ought not have been engaged in to begin with and there were many bloody hands involved in that.

Trump's Abraham Accords were an excellent first step in working towards eventual peace and lotsa lotsa business opportunities in the Middle East, so it might be better for everyone, everywhere, if that guy who rarely rises to meet necessary moments does succeed in becoming President again. You can't help in that of course, being Canadian.

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