Eric Stewart's decades of fraud seem to have caught up with him
Congrats on exposing a fraudulent commissar. One down, thousands more to go...
Thank you for your work against misconduct!
It’s obvious why he was not sent packing sooner. Keep looking in that direction. There is plenty of ordure there.
Good riddance!
Good job Chris. It takes guts to out a fraud who is black.
Blacks can not be touched today - unless they are conservative, of course. Especially a white guy coming after one.
You remind me of Turtleboy over at - he is in Mass and has done great work exposing frauds.
Look him up and share your stuff with him. He is always looking for good stories.
Andy Ngo and Tucker Carlson both used his work without proper attribution, which ticks me off.
So alliances from thr good guys, you for one, need to be formed
any updates on this? Seems I just saw something about ole Eric the other day. Not sure if anything new has come up though
Congrats on exposing a fraudulent commissar. One down, thousands more to go...
Thank you for your work against misconduct!
It’s obvious why he was not sent packing sooner. Keep looking in that direction. There is plenty of ordure there.
Good riddance!
Good job Chris. It takes guts to out a fraud who is black.
Blacks can not be touched today - unless they are conservative, of course. Especially a white guy coming after one.
You remind me of Turtleboy over at - he is in Mass and has done great work exposing frauds.
Look him up and share your stuff with him. He is always looking for good stories.
Andy Ngo and Tucker Carlson both used his work without proper attribution, which ticks me off.
So alliances from thr good guys, you for one, need to be formed
any updates on this? Seems I just saw something about ole Eric the other day. Not sure if anything new has come up though