This is a reminder that in Canada, if you are unvaccinated, you still cannot receive an organ transplant from a donor.
However, you can donate your organs.
This is Canadian science.
This Canadian science™ was first recommended by Toronto’s University Health Network in February 2021, and then like all cancers that originate in Toronto, gradually spread across the country. In July 2022, this Canadian science was upheld by Court of King’s Bench Justice Paul Belzil.

In this case, the terminally ill patient’s lawyer took great pains to note her client is not a conspiracy theorist, an anti-vaxxer or a supporter of the Ottawa convoy — god forbid! — as if her support, or lack thereof, of the trucker convoy should determine whether she should live or die. Of course this political ideology shouldn’t matter, but in Canada, it does. That’s what this is all about. Politics.
The terminally ill patient was denied an organ, and in November, the Alberta Court of Appeal upheld this ruling. The terminally ill patient in question now intends to appeal the decision to the Supreme Court of Canada… assuming she lives that long.
Thus, three years after the pandemic first began, it is now our codified national policy that unless you have had 2 doses (why not 3? why not 4? why not 5? what about natural immunity?) of the mRNA Covid vaccine, you can’t receive an organ transplant.
How many years will these rules persist? Well, they just ruled on it, so they aren’t going to reverse it right away if for no other reason than stubbornness. I think it is a safe bet that, in 5 years from now, you will be denied an organ transplant in Canada if you aren’t up to date on your Covid jabs. This is the new normal. Get used to it.
Medical apartheid.
The Underlying Science
I generally don’t like to blog about Covid science. It’s not my niche, and there are a million other Covid-oriented substacks with more expertise. So, I will not do a deep dive into the science here.
I’ve read all the articles about why unvaccinated Canadians aren’t allowed to get organ transplants, though, and a priori I thought it would have something to do with the fact that your body is more likely to reject an organ from someone who isn’t vaccinated. I was surprised to see that this issue never came up… it seems the issue has nothing to do with vaccinated organs being incompatible with unvaccinated hosts.
There are 2 reasons that every article mentions:
The vaccine prevents transmission
The vaccine lowers mortality
Since organs are a scarce & valuable resource, the argument goes, it doesn’t make sense to gift them to patients who are more likely to catch Covid and die from it.
My opinion is that:
The vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission
In terms of mortality, the risks/downside of the vaccine outweigh the benefits/upside, especially for younger patients
I am not going to cite any science to support this opinion. At this point in the pandemic, any scientific article I could cite is not going to change anyone’s mind. You’ve made up your mind. The bigger picture here — and the reason I don’t bother to cite the science — is that science has nothing to do with any of this. This is purely political.
Liberals in Canada take great glee in killing and/or punishing their unvaccinated enemies, even if it entails denying them lifesaving organ transplants. Any talk of “science” is nothing but a thin veneer of plausible deniability for this political warfare. If liberals want to kill me for being unvaccinated, then so be it. But they can’t have my organs when I die.
The Game Theory
I’ve always taken great pride in being an organ donor. While I am prone to conspiracy theories, I’m not one of those conspiracy guys who is like, “If you become an organ donor the hospital is more likely to kill you.”
In fact I think that (in normal times) it is a no-brainer that being an organ donor should be opted-in by default, rather than something you need to manually opt-in to.

Alas, these are not normal times, and the only way to fight back against the liberal menace is to take extraordinary measures.
Therefore I have opted-out of being an organ donor.
I encourage my Canadian subscribers to do the same — all you have to do is Google “[My province] remove from organ donor list,” and it should be the first link.
Is this petty? Sure. I am flawed. If I were a bigger man, I would turn the other cheek, and I would happily give my heart, lungs, and corneas to my enemies so that they may thrive. This is something I struggled with. Upon solemn reflection, it turns out that I am imperfect human who cannot so easily sacrifice my life for people who hate me. Shove it!
I’ve donated my body to the University of Ottawa medical school.
Let the med students slice me up.
Maybe the next generations of doctors will be better people than the last.
I encourage you to do the same.
The only way things will change is if a critical mass of people dissent.
There are times when spite is the best bad option, and this is one of those times.
My grandmother passed recently, and my grandfather tried to donate her body to science. Approached U of T first, and the fuckers wanted to charge him a couple of grand to donate his wife's body. It apparently didn't occur to the soulless nullities at that abomination of an institution that trying to bill someone for donating something to you - especially the body of their loved one - is morally disgusting.
Everything in Canada is trash and awful and upside down.
Duke denied a kidney transplant to a girl because she didn’t get the jab. Now we know why the profession with the highest percentage of Nazi party membership was doctors. Keep yourself in good health so you can avoid doctors and hospitals, especially up north where they seem hell bent on killing people.