There are times when spite is the best bad option, and this is one of those times.

My grandmother passed recently, and my grandfather tried to donate her body to science. Approached U of T first, and the fuckers wanted to charge him a couple of grand to donate his wife's body. It apparently didn't occur to the soulless nullities at that abomination of an institution that trying to bill someone for donating something to you - especially the body of their loved one - is morally disgusting.

Everything in Canada is trash and awful and upside down.

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Duke denied a kidney transplant to a girl because she didn’t get the jab. Now we know why the profession with the highest percentage of Nazi party membership was doctors. Keep yourself in good health so you can avoid doctors and hospitals, especially up north where they seem hell bent on killing people.

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Thanks for reminding me to do the same. Done!

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It's disgusting that the medical profession has totally forgotten the motto First do no Harm. COVID has turned into a disease of the vaccinated, killing many young people. If doctors wanted to only give organs to people more likely to live, they should be giving them to the unvaccinated first.

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I wonder if I can donate organs but only under the condition 'no lawyers, no libs'?

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"The first thing we do is kill all the lawyers" - WiIliam Shakespeare

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Oh geez the fun stuff you get to write about. It feels like whatever happens in the 2020s social media is going to divide us into factions.

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Some days it feels like that is the point. Divide and conquer in a new form of warfare. If some outside threat appeared that Canada needed to unite against, then it would probably fall into civil unrest because of the opposing and intolerant political factions.

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I think it’s important to draw attention to the misuse of data collection used during the Covid waves, leading to a bloated mortality rate. The data collected was not done in a way that it is reliable. As well, the efficacy of natural immunity has not been placed in consideration, especially with the current-day prevalence of multiple less-deadly-more-contagious strains.

It follows then that if medical and legal professionals are to be making rational, logical decisions about the importance of vaccination using the aforementioned data, it will be entirely skewed in favour of vaccination, not by vaccine efficacy, but by Covid mortality, and the R-Naught for the virus.

The calculus that is then used to determine the priority for vaccination is entirely disjointed, misaligned and presented in favour of vaccination with no consideration for the current-world data.

The government has essentially cooked the books on this issue, and our current leadership possesses no real common-sense when handling these issues. Perhaps this is a chain-of-command, or scientific purity (no bad science) issue.

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For people who believe that some form or aspect of metaphysical being continues on after their body dies (and, according to reincarnation ideas, gets recycled back into another birth), then there are very good reasons for not wanting your dead body unduly interfered with--as it disturbs that metaphysical aspect that is floating off. Many traditions have this built in to their practises, and, contrary to the view of this article, I recommend people think about this before they agree to have their dead body "sliced open".

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This is true. It's also true that other traditions insist on cremation, in order to liberate the soul; mummification, in order to preserve the body indefinitely and therefore the soul; or consumption by vultures, in order to rejoin the great chain of being or something. I don't think there's much connection between what happens to the corpse and what happens to the soul.

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It disgusts me to see you just totally ignoring the actual reason we don’t give organs to people who won’t have the vaccine.

Once you have an organ transplant, you go on immunosuppressive medication for life. Solid organ transplant recipients did not survive covid 19 during the initial waves, for this very reason.

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Are we still pretending the mRNA therapeutics work? Really?

2021 called, they want their talking point back.

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Jan 12, 2023
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From the FIRST dose. Incremental doses reduced covid deaths in SOT patients by 80%.

So your lies are just trying to get people killled frankly.

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Nonsense, as expected, from people totally uninvolved and over opinionated. Kindly shut up and stop trying to get gullible transplant patients killed.

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Jan 12, 2023
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Who said “all”? I said the gullible ones. The ones who aren’t gullible aren’t fooled by confident morons like you.

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Jan 12, 2023
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> Solid organ transplant recipients did not survive covid 19 during the initial waves, for this very reason.

That would be a compelling reason, if the vaccines worked.

> You think we only give organs to people we like? little blogger man?

Yes, that is exactly what I think

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And they do work, so kindly stop spreading deadly misinformation. If a single organ recipe t refuses a vaccine because of what you said and dies of covid, you may as well have murdered them yourself, you careless, reckless tool.

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Regime lickspittle says what?

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Person with absolutely no experience or knowledge of transplant medicine says “duurrr”

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Take a good look folks. 👆this is what arrogance looks like. Well 🖕nobody gives a toss what you think anyway.

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Given that you are apparently still under the impression that the mRNA therapeutics are an effective treatment, when the data has been screaming otherwise so loudly for so long that even regime spokesmen are smart enough to be walking back their previous statements of unconditional support as fast as they're able, I sincerely doubt you know much of anything, whether about transplant medicine or otherwise. You're apparently too stupid to realize that your own side's narrative has changed.

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Organ transplants get allocated based on relatively utilitarian grounds. Things like "will they take their immunosuppressive medications regularly? Do they have the financial and family support to keep up with the frequent doctor visits required?" Etc. All play a role. From this perspective, to the degree that COVID vaccines reduce mortality for organ recipients, transplanting organs to people who refuse to take the vax is inefficient.

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You haven’t met many liver transplant patients then. Well, of course you haven’t. You poser right winger “salt of the earth” journalists are every bit as sheltered as your liberal counterparts.

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I used to be an organ donor until I found out that my body and parts could be worth big money. That being the case, why should some anonymous medical school or doctors benefit from it? I or my relatives should get some of the benefits.

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